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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. I'm glad you do!!!! I spent liek half an hour organizing it haha that's why i wanted to share it, i'm glad you appreciate it :D some of the art espeically is just so prettyy!!!!! like the one where blue and gansy are in The Kiss?? people are just so talented omg and it's so cuuutteee. and i love the one where they're all kissing noah, it's adorable >u< also i've never related to a meme more than the one with the raven saying "i love adam parrish" and then someone tells him to get new material and he sweats cause it's all he has. that was legitimately me to all of my friends after reading trc.
  2. YES!!! It's legitimately most likely the best fiction podcast out there. It won a ton of awards and stuff but that doesn't matter what matters is that it's the best piece of media I've ever had the honor of consuming. And lemme tell you, at the beginning it seems like it's just a bunch of little horror stories but ohhh boiiiiiiii. oh boi. just you wait. it is a very, very special piece of media and I’m not sure how well I can word just how much it means to me. i don't think anything has ever made me cry as hard as the magnus archives. that's probably a problem but it's just the truth. I love my little gay British horror podcast so much. but seriously, something like it doesn't come around often and i feel really lucky i got to experience it. AND NOW THERE"S A SEQUEL LET'S ABSOLUTLY FRICKING GOOOOOOOOOOO well technially not a sequel. Alex (co-founder of rustyquill) calls it a "sidequel", whatever that means lol. but I"M SO EXCITED. THERE ARE NOT WORDS FOR MY EXCITEMENT. here's a fan trailer (not my favorite one but it's pretty good and i'm to lazy to find another lol): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2q3DasQBC4&list=PLal9JwbqtTvpa03BmC571lUzo9u3ei672&index=38 Here's some (mostly but it's fine you can still look) spoiler free memes/ort to get you started: Thx!!! and i probably shouldn't say as it's ermmmm not super shard-y Oh btw, Morningtide, you can also listen on youtube, which i highly recommend because of the community in the comments. just watch out for spoilers! and also be sure to look through on audible or spotify occasionally, like at the end of a season, because they only post bonus content there and not on youtube (like bloopers and extra episodes and stuff). but for general listening i'd recommend youtube for the comments. oh and if either of you guys want to pm me your live reactions to it that would make my [insert time period that you spend listening to it]. seriously pls do
  3. um fadran sir ii am actually of the opinion that it is really good your style is very unique and cool
  4. hshsbbshpbglitstpspspspptptpdhudorhgigxmjmhfaisukjzv xnbx i hate today so much it's my least favorite day of the year sijdusbfixhxdkjcopsjBZkjfckfvbnoxkj ofohzsbxfzkz xkszbodk fiK ikFI K izkzj xozhlb sobkjdxbckbfcvkhnjgvhnb kjgvbn. I coped by drawing my favorite Magnus Archives character! ANyway here's my boi Michael Shelly He wants you to go through his door! He says it will be fun! (it will not.) My Magnus Archives hyper-obsession is back cause my dad said something homophobic like three weeks ago, and my mind, in an unconscious act of rebellion, suddenly and immediately became hopelessly hyper-fixated on it again. and i am shriveling up on the inside because i have no one to talk to about it ;-; if ANY of you have listened to it please hmu because i will probably explode if i don't gush about it with someone soon. i have so many memes i promise
  5. YESSSSSS YES YES YES!!! YOU UNDERSTAND!! YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!! It's simultaneously so scary and so stupid and so funny all at the same time lmao
  6. doomie you never gave us a recording of you doing a gay accent :O my question is this: gay accent pls?
  7. ahahah thank you, i thought it must not be a unique experience cause it's happened to me like 4 times, but.... i guess i need to start sleeping differently or something ;-; and yeah, i do like broccoli, as long as it's cooked right. no raw. burnt broccoli with lots of sauce is my favorite :D TPBM likes The Magnus Archives!!!
  8. i have no idea what that means, so..... yes. TPBM has woken up in the middle night and had a panic attack because they were absolutely certain their arm was broken but it turned out it was just entirely numb cause they slept in a way that cut off circulation.
  9. I am of the same opinion as Witless :D what did you use to color them in? The medium is so unique (at least to me) and so pretty :O
  10. From the album: Facepalm's Stormlight Archive Artz

    Here's Adolin :D I love him a lot lol
  11. awww pinterest is barely even social media!! here's the board: (the "BESTIES!!!" sub-catagory is just them being besties lol)
  12. :0 you can still look at boards though, right? even if you don't have an account? idk
  13. do y'all want my pinterest? there is a meticulously organized Raven Cycle board and i have no friends who enjoy trc and with whom i can share it cept y'all lol also not TRC related (idk why i'm putting it here) but is my mind making this up or @Elf did you happen to be a Magnus Archives fan?
  14. Here's the year's progress!! Edit: here is the random word for the knights radiant commission: antidisestablishmentarianism.
  15. OO OO GOT ANOTHER ONE "Little Dark Age" by MGMT is great for two AM cause it's a little creepy and makes ya think.
  16. Szeth's Facepalm


    awwwww i love your lift drawings so much!!
  17. Doomie the only vibes you give off are gay percy jackson fan vibes no gender just gay child of the sea god
  18. You guys that's the worst ;-; my mom banned me from books, but at least i'm allowed to read them again once i give a report on these 10 self help books she gave me lol. i hope you guys get your books back maybe you could write them a persuasive essay on why reading is fulfilling and sharpens your mind or something and they'd let you read more? or just tell them you could be addicted to drugs instead of fantasy, and they're actually really really lucky that you like reading lol
  19. Thx!! If i ever finish it, it will be a novella, or maybe even a just a long short story, cause, ya know, it'll only have 10 chapters, i already have a book i'm working on. But i'm glad the plot is intriguing. I'm drawing Adolin and Renarin, and i was gonna wait till i had finished Renarin to post but Adolin looks so cool and i wanna show him off lol. First there's the penvil drawing, then the ink, and then the colored in one: Heheheheheh i love him so much Best character ever
  20. All of season 2 should be up on Disney+, and season 3 epsiode one is out on Youtube! be ready to cri *le gesp* nuuuuuu but he's so hooottt! but fine yeah i guess that makes sense whatever. I do fricking love Renarin but he's def not my type lol.
  21. 1. I dunno... i don't really pay attention to how much I smile... 2. hmmm maybe 3 seconds. 3. oooo gotta love that words of radience cover. but the rithmatist with the clockwork horse is pretty great too. 4. Dude how is that even a question?? What do you think??? ... Timothee is kind of cute too... but like Zendaya no contest 5. Can't say i have, but it'd be pretty fun! 6. I don't wanna answer that cause then im paranoid i'm gonna get caught in one ;-; 7. FLYYIINNNGGG!!!!! But second is division. 8. i did! Dune was awesome! I watched it for Zendaya, so i was sad that she was only in it for like two minutes, but it was still pretty great. really good plot. and i have neither seen nor heard of any of those other things. I have... i liked some parts of it, but for most of it i had no idea what was going on... the movie helped me figure it out... but i do not think i will be reading the rest of them.
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