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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. @The Aspiring Archivist get caught up dude Can i do today's prompt? i'll put it here in case, and if i'm not supposed to i'll just edit it out of the post. Prompt for day seven: The children are gone. Something took them.
  2. Glass Onion was so good.

    I reeeaaally reeeaaaally hope they make more.

    Anyone wanna gush about how much the love Knives Out and Glass Onion :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Morningtide


      I should see knives out. I really want to

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      It's so good, you have to! and i do not say that lightly.

    4. Morningtide


      Ok it will go on my list! :D

  3. 1/5/23: The chickens got their way. I'm pretty proud of myself for putting this together in a day, i'm always terrible at finishing stories when i start them so this was a huge accomplishment for me I loved writing this cause i used to have chickens and i remembered how much i loved them <3 <3 <3 read after: edit from the morning: wtf
  4. Tysm!!!! And just fyi your member title is excellent and i fully agree. Here's Sarene! i drew her a while ago, and i was gonna add her in a fencing suit in the but it didn't turn out the best cause i was a half a sleep when i tried to draw it lol.
  5. communer sounds like a cool dude. edit: oh wait sorry i thought this was doomie's story thread sorry lol
  6. Oh boy it would be literally the coolest thing EVER if Syn were to draw my character Viola (like omg that'd be amazing), but i wouldn't be comfortable giving my address, so if someone else who would get it mailed to them wanted it more that'd be cool.
  7. sequence, c'mon, everyone likes snails. also like literally who would turn down a trip to Paris??? if she doesn't want to come, than you've probably dodged a bullet. I would pretend to have a crush on pretty much any of my friends if they took me to Paris. actually i'd probably get a crush on one of my friends if they took me to Paris.
  8. Dr. Calano, i wanna have a crush on someone but i don't know how to get one. like i don't wanna be in a relationship or anything (i'm too young for that imo L) but i wanna have a crush just cause it's fun to have one. and last person i had a crush on (remember the fencing pm) is being a little rude to me and i stopped having one on her. but i now i don't have anyone to crush on and i am sad cause having a crush on someone was rly fun. that's more of a rant than a question lol. no need to answer, i just felt like getting it out even though it's stupid. heh i wish you best of luck cause that sounds literally awesome




    1. Morningtide


      Yes! I just saw mine! I'm so excited!!!!

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  10. You know what they say... the composer wrote the first eight notes for the cello and played them and just thought they were so beautiful that he had a heart attack and died and that's why there's not anymore notes for the cello to play. also,
  11. Goals omg Also guys (gays?) i just read the best queer book EVER, you've likely heard of it or read it cause it's popular but I Kissed Shara Wheeler has possibly the best rep and portrayal of modern queer struggles that I've ever read. To be fair, i haven't read a lot of modern queer books, but this one would still probably be the best. I'm obsessed!!! I've been looking for a good sapphic novel for ages, cause all the other popular gay ones seem to be about guys (no hate obvie but a sapphic like me's gotta make do!) and omg omg omg i found it. I wish I could get my own copy but stupid homophobic parents ;-; But the characters are just so realistic and relatable. The plot reminds me of John Green plots but actually good (i'm sorry but his YA books are garbage and my mind won't be changed) and god i love the characters so much. I have book-crush on like every other one. Actually, here's a list: PLEASE read it and hmu, i just love it so much and no one i know's read it and i'm literally obsessed with it. It's just so realistic and thoughtful and fun and it makes me happy. I Kissed Sarah Wheeler = best book of my year so far (cept Greywaren but that doesn't count cause it was automatically my favorite ever since i heard the release date). Also, Surrender your Sons is pretty good! It gave me nightmares that i was sent to a conversion camp for a couple weeks but it was worth it. it was really funny and also had a good message about making sure it's safe to come out. But PLEEEAASSEEE read I Kissed Shara Wheeler. It's if John Green books were queer and actually good. Kay bye gay people keep on slaying
  12. Alright, two things.

    1. I finished TLM and oh boy do i have opinions. I'm too sick right now to gather all my thoughts about it though, so I'll do a review later. Oh and i started Bastille vs. The Evil Librarians an hour ago and i'm halfway through, so i'll do my opinions on that as well.

    2. My grandma gave me 140 dollars to spend on books for my last birthday, and i'd forgotten about it till now. I need recommendations! I have a list of books that i've already read that i want copies of (Circe, the middle dreamer trilogy book cause for some reason it's the only one i haven't acquired a copy of, the Artemis Fowl series, and a couple others) but i want to try some new books, so recs are appreciated. I like fantasy (duh), maybe on the lighter side, and i've read some really good speculative fiction recently and would love to find some more. And really just anything you guys enjoy!

    (Yeah, I was inspired by Elf''s SU cause i forgot about the money my grandma gave me till now lol)

    YOu're awesome bye!

    1. Morningtide


      I will look forward to your opinions! 

      I also don't have the middle dreamer trilogy book for some reason! Odd. The Inheritance Games series is so good. Mystery, with great characters. The Scythe series and the Unwind series by Neal Schusterman are both really great dystopians and some of my favorites. Ender's Game and the Ender's Shadow series are good. (I haven't actually recommended any fantasy yet lol) Renegades is really fun. 

      You're awesome too!

    2. Cinnamon


      If you want something light, than I’d say Amari and the Night brothers, it is middle grade fantasy and it is Storming good.

  13. LEZ GO BESTIIEEEE I too do not have a crush on her (that would be weird, considering i do not know her personally) but yeah she's really hot and also kinda the best. I'd say she's my celebrity crush (which is NOT a real crush).
  14. i can PM you if you want! Like Cin said, most of us are still figuring it out, and some of us might never really know what exactly our sexuality is, but i personally feel that's not as import as simply listening to your feelings. but i can try to help you find labels that you feel suit you :)
  15. Who doesn't?? Though i must say i do have a particular affinity, as i wanted to be a baker for a while when i was 11/12 and i got quite good at baking and decorating cakes. TPBM plays at least three insturments.
  16. GUYS

    (lost metal spoilers up to chapter 28, which is the one i am currently halfway through)


    Ok so marasi shows Death/Marsh the pattern that is three interlocking triangles and looks like a marewill flower, right? That's the symbol for the ghostbloods!! Kelsier/Thaidikar!!!

    Wait are the soul-stamp lady and hoid part of the ghostbloods and is one of the ghostblood's jobs protecing other planets from bad shards??

    Oh man sorry if this is all obvious/wrong/gets revealed at the end of the book but i feel smart for decoding it with my sickly sleep deprived brain lol ( i have developed a horrid sinus infection an i suffereth)

    Anyway Happy Christmas Eve/Sixth Day Of Channuka!

    idek why i capitalized all that

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Push through! It’s worth it, I promise.

      I probably didn’t need to spoiler that. 

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm


      ooh lordy lordy lord

      predicting him dying most certainly did not make it any better

      just finished sobbing

      i don't wanna read the epilogues

      i'm sobbing again

      may he rest in peace


    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      It’s…yeah. I still was weepy for about a week after reading it. That scene…yes Wayne. You made the biggest explosion. 

      I think the epilogues make it even sadder, a certain two especially.

      Storming mortality. Gets the best of everyone, in the end.


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