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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Good! I have a performance with my teacher and one of my other friends who plays cello in a couple weeks. We were practicing earlier and i can tell it's gonna be so pretty and i'm really excited :3
  2. That's why he's one of my role models (yes my role models are fictional characters SUE ME). He always keeps his eyes on his goals and doesn't let his circumstances get in the way. I'm kind of the opposite, so I try to channel him a lot.
  3. Oh yeah i forgot about that Forget all the nice stuff I said (Jk :> but yeah that is annoying af lol.) Woahhh! We have a connection now!!
  4. Hahah i found it!! Chapter 19 (so it turns out that two of my favorite chapters are the same... curious) The first one you said when there's probably more, i'll add them when they come to me.
  5. b e g o n e Jk. Violinists are cool! Mostly! There was this one reeaally annoying one in my orchestra... but he's not an indicator of them all. Violin is pretty hard to master, i think, cause it gets super squeaky if you do it wrong, so i think that's where its bad rep comes from, but when it's played well it's very pretty. I like to steal my brothers violin and play it like a cello lol.
  6. They're soo pretty. I don't do readings often; I can't take tarot entirely seriously, so even if there was some truth to them, I'm probably not the right person to divine it. but i like just shuffling and going through the motions of a reading without a particular question since the cards are all so gorgeous and their meanings are all so cool, and sometimes i like to make a story plot from the path that the cards take. I got the manual signed when i got the other books signed, and if i ever get to meet Steifvater again (oh god i hope i do) i'm going to try to get her to sign my favorite cards :D Also, Morningtide, do you remember which chapter of Greywaren was the one about Adam and was structured like an essay? It was top three chapters for me (coincidentally all three of which include Adam- jk completely not a coincidence) and i have skimmed the entire book two whole times and i cannot seem to find it anywhere! i'm honestly wondering if it was A. a dream i had (likely as i often confuse dreams with reality, though normally they are not as strongly ingrained into my memory as this) or B. only in the audiobook (which seems rather unlikely), and i am very confused. Would you happen to remember if it exists or not?
  7. It's so gorgeous, isn't it? Do you know the piano guys? (you probably do, since you're LDS and like the cello, but i'm just making sure.)
  8. There seem to be a lot of cellists on here... @That1Cellist @Shining Silhouette @The Wandering Wizard Let us discuss the wondrous instrument that is the cello (or anything else music-y, i suppose). To start, whose your favorite cellist?
  9. I mean... they can't just pick actors based on their ability to play an instrument that will show up in one or two scenes, ya know? I never like it when it's done poorly, but I always just laugh it off and gloat to myself about how i know how to play it better.
  10. I don't like when instruments are played incorrectly, but when they are played accurately it's pretty cool. Why don't you like it? (just curious).

    2. Why is everyone trying to murder Santa? Or is it the Lord Ruler?? I can't tell. Can someone please explain what's going on there and why it is in so many people's signatures? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That1Cellist


      I have no idea but I do know that it must be very important.

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Oh yeah that RP that died because Telrao's away :(

    4. Morningtide


      Yeah I dunno. Congrats on getting the lost metal! 

  12. I- um. I don't think so?? TPBM is writing a book currently.
  13. @Morningtide is pretty chill imo Also, i feel like i've probably said this before (if i haven't, i apologize) but your shading is SO GOOD. looking at it is calming cause it's always in the right place :D do you have any tips? i can never get shading right.
  14. My approach vs. Silhouette's lmao Fully agree with you :D that was a really nice post.
  15. actually i just remembered Adam Parrish i take all of this back my love for him exceeds that of my love towards any mortal jk if he were a real person i would though actually probably only if i knew him personally and we interacted a lot so uh yeah really everything i said still stands Gansey is a very worthy fictional crush (not as worthy as Adam of course but still very worthy). But yeah. Agree. ...... wait did i just agree with you agreeing with me i just agreed with myself hmm
  16. I was practicing coloring in faces and i made some rainbow haired elf girls :D I think they turned out nice.
  17. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhh i remeber now this one: i totally forgot i did that lol, that was a jumpscare to see someone say they'd seen a pic of me (i'll probably take the pic down in a bit)
  18. i have a feeling you like kaladin

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      She does. Rather. It's infectious. 

      HEY @OoklaTheKaladinLover!! COME OVER HERE!

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      And by infectious I mean she got it from me.

    3. IheartKaladin4eva



  19. How come no one can imagine what i look like????? Edit: Ok, shardbuddy time. One of you at least must have imagined what i look like. @Elf of Ooklas @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Theoretical
  20. here's this year's ookla thread so guys can get caught up:
  21. ya they feel very gendery for me i enjoy them though i also enjoy a good dress but i just like how they look when i put them on they aren't very gendery but they are fun i like clothes :3
  22. Noice here's my own sillier versions: Call Down The Hawk: Mister Impossible Greywaren
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