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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. i can't crush on anyone unless i know them personally, in real life, so good luck with all y'all having crushes on people that aren't real and i distance myself from your experiences. <3 but i mean... how does it work, exactly? like... what do you feel about the character?
  2. The Raven Cycle: A rich person who wears boat shoes, a bisexual forest witch, a feminist, an angry catholic with a pet bird, and a very chilly boy galavant across rural Virginia in search of a king's tomb. There is street racing, fireworks, murderous latin teachers, yogurt, a bathroom/kitchen/laundry room, and the chilly kid gets thrown out a window (he's fine don't worry). Pls go read it rn Book 1, The raven boys (these all contain spoilers): Book 2, The dream theives: Book 3, Blue lilly lilly blue: Book 4, the Raven king: @Elf of Ooklas @Ookla the Theoretical
  3. Sure. Though my dad overuses it and it can sometimes get tiring. If i hear one more Phillip Glass song... would you appreciate world peace?
  4. mmmmm well i don't actually have a crush on her, i think it's hard to get crushes on people you don't know personally but i do think she's really cool and she's so hot
  5. Guysss look-rating isn't really good for anyone. I don't think it boosts anyone's esteem, let's not. 'Cept we can rate Zendaya cause everyone knows she's a ten
  6. Fat molecules. Do you have skin? Why or why not?
  7. You all make a mockery of the art that is rating. 0/10 for all of you. Disrespectful.
  8. "yessss....." whisperred the Root. "yesss.... drink... consuumeee.... for someday, i shall be inside of all, and i shall control all, and all shall be mine."
  9. the sequel: "don't worry, if it helps, i'm sexually attracted to large goats :]"
  10. .... . . .. .. . . .. . . .. ...... . . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. . .. . *narrows eyes* *strokes beard thoughtfully* What aren't you telling us, Enter....
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