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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. That sounds like an amazing party! I think you should track down a rutabaga for them to sample, as it seems vital to anything smedry themed (and i feel like anyone who has read the series is very curious as to what a rutabaga tastes like). And maybe all the kids can have nametags with their talent, which they can choose, and they can try to demonstrate their talent throughout the party. Also, there's a blow-up knight of crystalia sword on the Sanderson website that could be a great gift for your daughter. The kids could try to design covers for their own dramatized memoirs in the example of Alcatraz. I hope you're daughter has an amazing birthday! I'm gonna encourage my little sister to have a Smedry themed birthday too because this sounds SUPER fun.
  2. Honestly, i'm extremely curious what Ene said originally to spawn this. The belief that someone is sexually attracted to hot cocoa is such a specific thing to come out of a typo. Is there any way we could know what it was? Also, Ene, if it is true, you don't need to be embarrassed, because look: "i'm sexually attracted to large tables" - @Ookla the Crow
  3. Can't say I do. Full disclosure, I do not get the hype. People are literally in love with her but her voice just sounds kind of average to me and her music is mid. but i don't knnow, i seem to be the only one. And Sweet Carolina is very nice, especially cause it's about her sister. But in general i don't get the hype. Since I was five or six. There are actually lots different sizes of cellos! I started with a 1/4th size when i was much shorter than 4'9, and i now have a full size, which is as big as it gets. in between those two i had a 1/2 size cello, but i skipped the 3/4 size. If you want to play cello, size definitely doesn't have to be a limiting factor! a 3/4 size would probably be best for 4'9, though you should go to a shop and try out different sizes. Just keep in mind that the cello is not an easy instrument, and also, since you played the violin, it would take a lot of work to get your fingers trained to be able to play on a cello fingerboard. But if you think you can, you totally should! hmmm... when i was 0-3, this book called something like "babies", and it had all these adorable little watercolor drawings of babies doing things like sitting in gardens and having mini baby thanksgivings and stuff. (lol.) 4-6, magic tree house books. 7-8, harry potter. 9-10, percy jackson. ok, here's the reason i haven't read it yet: it's really hard for me to find time for books that don't have audiobooks, and the audiobook version of SoC isn't available for free anywhere, you have to buy it on audible, and i can't spend money on stuff right now (for... reasons). but i asked for it for my birthday and did not receive, so maybe i'll get it for Christmas? Sure! Makeup is fun. hmmmmmmmmmmmm... hard... it's a tie between mitski and MARINA, but probably MARINA cause almost all her songs are incredible while mitski's can be a little hit or miss. (luv u mitski i'm sorry) WHA_ NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... i'm sorry i can't. can't say that i have. what's it about?
  4. My top five stuff to save in a fire: 1. My pupper 2. My signed and personalized copy of Greywaren 3. My signed and personalized copy of The Raven King 4. My signed and personalized copy of Call Down The Hawk 5. My little sister Bonus: My Raven's Prophesy Tarot cards (designed by Maggie Steifvater) and their signed and personalized reading guide Oh also i gave my Call Down The Hawk adam a messenger bag instead of a backpack like he had before cause i thought it fit him better: Idk why the picture is always so blurry ;-; ;-; ;-;
  5. haha um. why would you think that ahaha TPBM is cello
  6. i spent, like 20 minutes centering the text for this ;-; (i would also get my dog. jsyk.)
  7. shiny rocs cost more than life-giving liquid in the economy. curious...
  8. Wheel of Time... nah. I don't think i will. TPBM plays the cello!
  9. GET REKT!!!!!! TACOS ONLY!!!! It's raining tacos From out of the sky!!!!!! Tacos No need to ask why!!!!!! Just open your mouth and close your eyes It's raining tacos It's raining tacos Out in the street Tacos All you can eat! Lettuce and shells Cheese and meat It's raining tacos!!!! Yum yum yum yum yumity yum It's like a dream! Yum yum yum yum yumity yum Bring your sour cream!!!!!!
  10. then you scram it's TACO TIME, burritos are for the WEAK!
  11. i mean... cocoa is really hot, i wouldn't blame anyone who was.
  12. Tacos All you can eat! Lettuce and shells And cheese and [vegetarian meat substitute]! It's raining tacos!
  13. ... Hm Welll Might as well I've been spiked via cookie so many times already, just one more probably won't make a difference Sure! Thanks, @Ookla the Disappearing !!!
  14. (this is referring to meeting each other irl lol)
  15. "The Rithmatist was written by Mark Twain in 1446 during the South American Revolution." - @Sequence
  16. *Bryan Sampson writes at a medium pace. autocorrect is so silly amirite the Rithmatists is Sampson's best work and NEEEEDS a sequel.
  17. i am sick in bed and need diversions, so. . . .. . . . .... . . . .. . . . queestions? :3
  18. i burst into laughter well. i snorted with mirth, which, in my weakened state, is the equivalent of falling over and passing out laughing.
  19. *koff koff* i apologize doomie May we please be graced with a recording of your Gay accent?
  20. hey.



    you can often find papayas at grocery stores in the fall.

    make sure you don't eat an overripe one as it gets a strong flavor and is not particularly likable.

    if you cut into one and it is under ripe, toss it with some lemon juice and honey to improve the taste.

    but preferably just wait till it is ripe as it is best that way.

    these are from personal experience and could be rather individualistic, but i like to think i am a good judge of fruit.

    facepalm out

    1. Cinnamon


      Thank you very much! :D I will remember this advice!!

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