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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Hmmmmm no i have not. I looked it up and it's on my bucket list now. TPBM has been to Great Falls national park and was completely freaked out by all the detailed diagrams showing exactly what would happen to you if you were to fall in. (spoiler alert: you die an incredibly painful and prolonged death via drowning, bashing against rocks, and falling from high places, and as if that's not enough, the current would add insult to injury by sucking all of your clothes off.)
  2. Ohhh where'd that bundle of blankets go? That was Melissa's new baby. Who has the baby? That is for me to know and you to discover.
  3. Uhhh rising sunfire scorpio campaigner? What is your social security number?
  4. sorry to double post, but i really need this thread right now. i'm currently waiting for my covid test results, as today at dinner and especially afterwards when i realized i couldn't smell my toothpaste, i realized i am unable to smell or taste correctly, which is a huge symptom. i looked up other symptoms and realized that most of the stuff i have been attributing to a dying case of whooping cough may actually be covid-19. i'm really really scared and upset and sad, because this would quite literally be the worst time for me to get it, as my grandmother was just at our house and is going to be with my aunt who is about to give birth to my new cousin, and she can't endanger the baby and will probably have to stay away from him and my aunt if i have it. I also have a cello recital and two choir concerts in the next three days, all of which i have sacrificed a lot for (time and otherwise) in order to be ready and prepared for that i will have to miss. i was so, so excited for them. i am really upset. i hope the test is negative but it is seeming unlikely. edit: first test is negative!!!!! i am going to take another, though, because i cannot smell or taste correctly and i don't understand why that would be. Edit2: second test negative!!!!!!!!! I'm elated!!!!! I must still be sick, though, because i, ya know, cannot smell or taste, but my choir only requires proof that you are covid-free, so i can just wear a good mask. Yes!!!!
  5. being pansexual for fictional characters is a very common phenomenon and no one will blame you
  6. cool quote, nice questions, cult link is rather confusing. i was about to take off points for not giving an actual rating but then i remembered this isn't the rate the rate above you thread lol. 7/10
  7. Hmmm good choices. For me it's a toss up between greywaren and dream thieves. Actually maybe mister impossible and raven king. Actually. Actually you know what never mind i'm not choosing lol I've never heard that before, interesting! For me it's W&W all the way, especially once you realize the parallels between the plots of era one and era two. And i love the era two characters SO MUCH. The era one characters never really made big impressions on me, though i do like kelsier and ham. (That’s his name, right, i haven't read era one in ages lol)
  8. ^^^^^^ this is the funniest most random thing ever This i don't know the credit for but i was crying laughing the first time i saw it
  9. You ask how i got the texture of my pudding so perfect? The answer, my friend, is a delicate mixture of gorilla glue and snot. I can't imagine that is correct, but i guess we'll have to take jessica's word for it.
  10. If you could choose only one book series to be able to read for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Do you like mistborn era one or two better? Which raven cycle/dreamer trilogy book is your favorite?
  11. My choir doesn't have a girl uniform and a boy uniform, they just have uniform A and uniform B, and my mom is letting me wear the pants and vest instead of the dress to my next performance :D i wore it today to the dress rehearsal and i looked so cool and gender-y
  12. Awwwww that's amazing!! They're so cute! They're gonna grow up with the best book taste :D
  13. Your rate is rather perplexing and does not contain an actual rating. 3/10
  14. Ur mom Why did you show up at the national museum of body parts last night?
  15. i simply took a look at myself and i was bright yellow and very delicious. i have had some close calls, like when someone tried to put me in a pie, and another time when someone tried to put me into a smoothie. which cosmere character would you like to make out with?
  16. much thanks to you, szeth good stars are my favorite food! ...that made little sense. 1385
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