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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. hi guys, i know i'm heavy on the SUs lately and i promise i'll stop, but i just have to ask: someone on here posted an SU  little while ago with a website that deletes your writing if you don't write fast enough, and i thought it was Sequence but i scrolled through all their SUs till may and i didn't find it. does anyone know of such a website?

    thx ya'll are awesome bye

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slowswift


      It wasn't Write or Die, was it? I haven't used it myself but I remember hearing about it back in the day.

    3. Morningtide


      Hmm I don't remember that but I'll think about it. You are awesome too :D

    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      i found it, write or die is pretty good but The Most Dangerous Writing App is the best one that you can get for free.

      here it is: https://www.squibler.io/dangerous-writing-prompt-app

  2. ooo warbreaker vibes! i have a question not entirely related to art: what is a pencil taxi?
  3. i am going to cry because i do not understand the Artemis reference, and that is one of my favorite book series ever written ;-; might you explain it to a poor simpletoon? haha see i slipped one in there hehehe and your art style is so pretty! i especially like the second one (though i am saddened by the suffering present at its creation). edit: wait... is "randomosity" what's written on the t-shirt Artemis's mom tries to make him wear?
  4. Facepalm karate chopped Szeth. "HOW DARE YOU!" they shrieked in indignation. "These pretzels are my life, my soul! how could you insult them so?!"
  5. Facepalm showed up, ate a strawberry-flavored-chocolate-covered-peanut-butter-pretzel, and called Hoid on the phone to gossip about the happenings on the thread.
  6. i enjoy ramen and also cheese and crackers i made a haiku!!!! 1383
  7. *catches muffin* thank you!!!

  8. hmmmm i mean it was that frog for w while... oh wait i don't think you were on here when it was a frog!!! did you see the frog in the hat? (rate Szeths, not mine, since i did it two times in a row lol)
  9. That thread has become absolutely wild calano and i started it just for like therapy for people who are to attached to books, but i quit once it turned into an rp (which was very soon. I think i only posted twice.) I have no idea what it's turned into and i'm to afraid to look. Song lyrics, i assume? Cute. 7/10
  10. Those don't exist Why did you kill Santa Clause?
  11. Observation is a nice word, points for that, but I dislike your use of "I agree." That could, however, be an idiosyncratic notion. 6/10
  12. s l i m e. Which parental phrase do you most crave when you have accomplished something?
  13. wow! i'm not particularly religious, but this one was very interesting and sweet even to me. i bet if you wrote a novel with that premise it could gain a lot of traction in Christian communities, as it has an extremely interesting premise.
  14. i am

    s c r e a m i n g

    well not right now

    but i did have an audible reaction upon finding them.

    i know what i want for christmas :D

    funny random story: when i tried to send the link for those to my cousin, this happened:



    google wanted to warn me that i was coveting the cards -_-

    it was very confusing though lol, idk why that was copied

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      Jak is the worst tho.

      I saw those cards a few days ago and was like, "YUS"

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      are you kidding?? jak is HILARIOUS! best chracter tbh.

      ok that was a joke but he is very nearly the funniest person in the whole series, second only to wayne, and his arcanum unbounded short story never fails to make me burst into prolonged laughter that gets me weird looks from anyone who passes by.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Well I don’t love jak

      but he is kinda funny

      Wayne is much better. 

  15. No wait i meant to say "we're here and we're queer" but i forgot the "here" nooooo it was giberish ;-;
  16. *gets a big sign that says "nerd"* *inserts @Ookla the Cloud*
  17. ok... maybe keep it in this thread? (last time it was a shardwide thing.) obviously i have no authority over you guys and i don't run the shard or anything, but it was stressful last time, and i prefer it be a one time thing. so keeping in this thread would be great :)
  18. guys can we actually not start another colorful war, the last one stressed me out. i'm serious.
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