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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Fortune favors the goat. I think, therefore i goat.
  2. please, my friends, i beg of you- this violence has ended! Let us not bring it to pass again! As ledaer of the guild of color, i forbid violence to come to pass by any members! Think of the pain it caused. We almost lost Sequence! this war ended, there is no need to perpetuate its hatred. edit: wait @Ookla the Nerdy were u part of the war of the colorful last time? I don't remember u being part of it lol
  3. is there anyone i can pm with a rant about religion, specifically lds religion? i ask here cause i know there's some ex-lds people who can understand and i don't wanna do it anywhere publicly and offend anyone and also i have literally no one else to talk to about it and i am going to explode soon if i can't get it out to someone who will understand.
  4. That's not even what we're singing. Besides im pretty sure we're going in order. Both my shot and yorktown are way better anyway lol
  5. ... i entered this thread cause i was hungry but i see i have stumbled upon something and um i will leave y'all to it
  6. Could i maybe have myself taken off of this? I know i did a very general area, but the less personal info out there, the better (I was Szeth's Facepalm before ookla season).
  7. RITHMATISTS GANG RISE UP! In cosmere is W&W. If i could choose only one, i'd choose W&W cause it's longer and has more emotional value to me, but Rithmatists is my overall favorite.
  8. Nope. I'm vegetarian, i don't think i could stand working at a fast food restaurant but it sounds like in highschool and college, it's either fast food or retail, and i'd definitely get fired for yelling at customers, so.... TPBM likes Coraline (book, movie, or graphic novel :D)
  9. I'm really really really really excited for christmas this year :D last year i totally wasn't feeling the spirit, but this year i am totally elated!!!! Also for Hanukkah!!!! 'Cept dreidle games will always be tinged with violence for me now lol (check my bad days post from a week ago). But i am HYPED FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! It feels really nice to be this excited for something :D
  10. Swiftieeee let's go! (Wouldn't call myself a swiftie but i do like her music-our titles match, as you know- a and taylor fans are lovely.) 9/10
  11. I'm so sorry I would've thrown you an awesome murder mystery birthday party if i was there. (I know that doesn't help much, but i mean it with all my heart.)
  12. Practice cello to improve and be a better cellist: Practice cello so you can be like Wednesday: (Representation of me at this time)
  13. i looked it up what the actual what the actual frick ;-;
  14. but........ but that's a good thing about it.... for me at least.... I love that series so much, especially the comic book, so seeing anyone insult it hurts my soul i understand it's not everyone's cup of tea though. but surely there are worse books out there! like have you read the third fowl twins book? (if you haven't, i most certainly would not, as i know you enjoy the original series a lot, as do i. the third fowl twin book kinda ruined it for me a bit)
  15. Choose one to save: Adam Parrish, Kaladin Stormblessed, Inej Ghafa (idk much about her but she seems like good character lol).
  16. ABSOLUTELY 100 PERCENT ALL THE WAY READ IT READ IT READ IT. There is this one character who swears a lot, and book two (which is mainly about the sweary character) does have some dark themes, but it was fine for my 12 year old friend, and also it's literally the best series ever written, soooooooo yeah. I think the strong themes of friendship and magic and love (not to mention the plot and writing) completely out-weigh anything bad. There's nothing in it as dark as Kaladin and Shallan's backstories, for sure.
  17. Here's a call down the hawk era adam design for a comic im gonna make: Next up is ronan (i'm gonna make a comic of the part where they meet up at Harvard but don't recognize each other. it originally was gonna be an animation storyboard but it didn't turn out that way and also i can't animate lol)
  18. Here's a random Annabeth (from pjo of course): I made it cause i was mad at my little sister because she's always super scathing of anything i draw and show to her, and she drew Annabeth and totally copied my style, and i love annabeth with all my heart (we all do i'm sure) and was feeling petty so i drew one that was way better than Little Sis's. (She had only insults for it when she looked upon it even though hers was way worse ;-;) And here are some random doodles from my school notebook that i assume to be Achilles and Patroclus (i don't remember drawing them but they look like them and also are kinda good): I like the way i did Achille's head a lot.
  19. I was going to say a tin misting, born into high society but who finds that life boring and decides to go out on adventures in the roughs, but then I realized that is very vague and also just allomancer jak. I'm still gonna reply though, i want to remember this thread because I love character-creating and will probably have more ideas for you at some point :D
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