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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. i looooove latin. definetly not because The Raven Cycle is by Maggie Steifvater is my whole personality and there's a lot of latin in that series ok maybe because of the raven cycle, but that was just where my love for latin bloomed, it has expanded past just loving it because it's in the raven cycle. it's also in Babel by R. F. Kuang! jk i do actually love latin even when it's not in fantasy novels
  2. You should look up the seven greek words for love. Each one means a different, specicfic kind of love. i think they are all great words and should be in everyone's vocabulary :D
  3. to be honest, I don't think love has a concrete definition. It's different for everyone and one group of people or another won't have a specific answer for it :) I'm curious, why do you ask?
  4. These are all so pretty and they helped me a lot, thank you elf <3 *hugs hugs hugs* That sounds miserable, i'm so sorry i don't know how to help but i do know that a cup of tea and a really good sleep always helps me to collect myself when i'm dealing with hard things. I hope you find a good balance with your work and your health so don't feel overworked :( :(
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE BEST SHARDBUDDY EVER!!!!!!!!!!! May you have a wonderful day and may hot Tom Riddle himself materialize out if thin air and like idk wish you a happy birthday im sorry this is really weird i was trying to think of a unique birthday greeting this is not working


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elf



      that's a really awesome greeting, dw 

      I wish Tom Riddle would let me tag along on a killing spree :D

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm


      If i see any mysterious murders in the news today i know what happened....

    4. Elf


      You sure do! : D 


  6. ....... Taylor Swift reference in the rank?

    Or am i just seeing those anywhere someone introduces themself.......

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      YES! Somebody finally gets it :D

    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      . . . can i copy you and do it too

    3. Robin Sedai
  7. Not sure how exactly this is working, but imma do the person above me... @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff i imagine you with the same hairstyle as the silhouette in your pfp, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and i imagine you as always sort of twirling and dancing around for some reason. Must be your lively personality :D
  8. By my last count i have 26 stuffed animals. Here's some of my favorites: Barbara the seal (named after Barbara Manatee from silly songs with larry), Fredish Forger the frog (named after his D&D character because we played D&D with him and then completely forgot his original name), Topher the platypus (short for Christopher and probably named after that kid from Mrs. Bixby's Last Day except i don't remember), Chiri Chiri Duckthulu Goatbringer III The Overpriced, a kurtsgazaght duck (Chiri Chiri after, ya know, chiri chiri, duckthulu after chututhulu- however you spell it- and goatbringer like Oathbringer but with goats. Also there might have been an Adolin in there somewhere, i don't remember. The overpriced is cause he's not terribly large but he was like 50 bucks), Chesapeake the Dolphin (named after one of the dolphins at the Baltimore aquarium, where she was acquired) and Okiagu the sixlegged airbison (Oki for short. He is thus named because according to my parents, when i was very little, i really really wanted to name something Okiagu. So i have made little me's wish come true lol.)
  9. Second to last one and first ones are very canon Which quote was it?
  10. I've seen two episodes. Jenny is amazing!!! And the other characters are cute. I like the premise, though my friend who is a die-hard fan of all the original addams family stuff thinks they ruined it lol. I really like it though :D
  11. All of you are so kind, thank you for the hugs and encouragement :) Yeah, i try to let my frustration out in productive ways, and it does work sometimes but often it just doesn't feel like enough :( talking to people i know irl about stuff like this is really really hard for me but i think im going to try. I really appreciate all of your advice :) I might take you guys up on the pm offer if it gets worse :(
  12. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! JOIN US! JOIN US!!! ... I think everyone on this thread loves the series just a little too much Jk you could never love anything by maggie steifvater too much.
  13. I'm having kind of a bad time of it lately...... i have the sense my parents are talking a lot about me behind my back, which i get it, parents do, but just more than usual, and they're being very difficult and stubborn about a lot of things and are getting upset at me very easily, especially if i cry or express how i feel in anything other than calm and measured tones, and bottling everything up around them is getting extremely draining and tiring and is resulting in more angry outbursts towards them about minor things which just starts the whole cycle over again. And i'm managing school a little better than i was at the beginning of the year, but the work is still difficult and i'm procrastinating a lot on accident, which is making it harder. And last friday a certain cousin of mine who is older and stronger than me and absolutely knows better physically attacked me over some chocolate Hanukkah gelt, and he barely got punished for it, and now family gatherings are going to be even more difficult for me because he's gonna be more pissed at me than usual, and the band-aid that i put on my wrist where he scratched me irritated my eczema severely (which my parents still will not take me to a docter about despite literal years of begging) and now my wrist really hurts. Sorry, i know that was a lot, i just really needed to vent about all of it. hugs would be appreciated :(
  14. Does anyone know what a gerontarch is? Is it from white sands? I gotta read white sands.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      No idea, I pretty much was lost in White sands. Like, the story was meh. Not nearly as good as Dark One imo.

    3. Szeth's Facepalm
    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood



      and I'm reading tWoK again too- I should know this.

  15. 100% LMAOOO. Sometimes i think "yeah i kin Ronan" and then i remember he'd totally do something like that and i totally wouldn't and im like "yeah nope" (Also, since it's just you, me, elf, and occasionally calano, i don't think anyone minds that much lol.)
  16. I am awarding an SU to the fact that I randomly searched up @Experience's legendary SU only to find that it was posted a year ago on this exact day.



    it is the one-year anniversary of When your co. Never let this joke die, guys, Exp needs to come back in a year and a half and find it still going

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It is a funny one.

      Now go waste your time trying to find it!

      When your co

    3. Szeth's Facepalm
    4. Frustration


      Now that's a When your co. moment

  17. Imma cheat and do two people @Potato's Wit i imagine you as a little kid (i'm sure ur 13+ but i know you're Ranryu's lil sibling and i always imagine lil siblings as tiny lol), brown hair, kind of nerdy glasses, with a thing of McDonald's fries. And i'm gonna do @The Wandering Wizard too, because i imagine him as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with a byu shirt and a cello bow for some reason and i feel like he deserves to know that.
  18. IT'S SO CUTE! My fav is gansy's :D Noah's is so sad tho D: For henry, u could draw a madonna t-shirt lol
  19. Tis the season... OF OOKLA! I think. Robin joined at ookla season last year so..... yeah i think it's ookla season. Anyway

    My name's kinda bad, but i already hit the name change button so it's too late -_-

    (Also, my last SU about not coming back was untrue i think lol)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I love your Ookla name!

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Are you going to fix the "in a"?

    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Don't rub it in D: firstly it's the only way i could fit it into the character limit and second, even if it was a typo, i have to save my other name change for when ookla season ends lol

  20. (Sorry to double post but it's my thread and you can't add quotes in edits) Idk what i was thinking, i had NOT read 100 books at that point lmao ;-;
  21. I might cover it up... even if it's not yours you shouldn't rly throw addresses around... But that's cool af! I'm gonna check with my friends who get the magazine so i can read it :D
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