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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. i'm sorry everyone is so sad hugs and brownies for all of you. here:
  2. fsy was one of the best weeks of my life and i'm not even that lds anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rQnSrVGukE just the Jason part.
  3. Opposite in my family, my siblings are very TV/movie motivated and i'd rather have a good audiobook and a sketchpad haha And can agree with the closet. Honestly i would love to be locked in a closet with snacks if it meant i had no responsibilities for a while ;-;
  4. (Gansy and henry lol) Transcript if you can't read my crappy hand writing:
  5. Nino's pizza!! (From, you guessed it, The Raven Cycle lol.) Sorry about the lighting ;-; (and the pizza on the wall is a clock, not just a random wall pizza lol). I showed this to my little sister and she just said "hmmm they look kind of like blocks and they're too skinny" so rip. I didn't use a reference at all for any of the people, just the booth, so plz excuse their blockyness lol
  6. so when are we stealing the mona lisa

    1. Elf


      At the witching hour as the blood moon rises

    2. Szeth's Facepalm
  7. omg i could not. both my siblings are into double digits now, and while i sometimes miss being able to get them to do whatever i want, i do not miss that type of thing.
  8. far as being the oldest child is concerned.... n o t g r e a t
  9. @Elf We were joking about everything. Adam doesn't get brutally murdered. Do you think i still would have gone to that book signing and looked maggie in the eye if she had done that to him? ... ok i guess i would. But he that doesn't happen, don't worry. most of the stuff we've said since the post about him dying was made up. ... most of it. ... some of it. Will you guys PLEASE stop reading the spoiler boxes???
  10. Edit (this will make no sense to anyone but Morningtide but i guess we're past that):
  11. woahhhhh i love pistachio flavor but i've never heard of a pistachio muffin how may they be acquired?
  12. Absolutely massive greywaren spoilers this is no joke i am completely serious do not look if you want timo enjoy the series:
  13. Novella is called Opal, it's from Opals perspective and takes place between Raven King and Call Down The Hawk. I got it on audiobook from my local library app, if you have overdrive or libby i might check on there.
  14. I'm actually gonna cry you guys are sadists you are causing me legitimate pain From now on all greywaren comments shall be pmd to Morningtide
  15. Can't relate, Adam Parrish supremacy I love him so much. It is actually legitimately concerning to me sometimes how much I love him. Funnily enough, I have yet to actually draw him in a way I like (the only place I've drawn him that he actually looked adam-ish to me was in on my page of Greywaren doodles). Which reminds me, I'm drawing a scene from every book (including the novella, Opal) to hang on my wall, and so far I have Blue Lilly and Greywaren (both of them are in my Ort corner, though I might also do the Horror Movie Twins scene from bllb) and I'm drawing one of the bois at Nino's for Raven Boys. Any suggestions for scenes for Dream Thieves, Raven King, Call Down The Hawk, and Mister Impossible? oh and last thing, absolutly massive greywaren spoilers (so @morningtide) (doomie don't you fricking dare i'm actually serious): edit: hmmmm... i am evolving... i took le quiz again... this time i got ronan instead of the last two times when i got kavinsky... next thing i know i'll be getting gansy... hmmm.....
  16. Calano i felt physically sick PLEASE STOP YOU ARE HURTING ME Morningtide:
  17. @justice_magician woahh thanks for all that rep :D
  18. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! You guys are so kind. funnily enough, more of you wished me a happy birthday than my irl friends lol

    To be fair i only have, like, three close ones. so.

    something really sweet happened though, where this girl who i used to be good friends with but now we're a little less (i know her from church but she doesn't come often anymore) stayed up till midnight to wish me a happy birthday right when it started, which made the whole day for me.

    oh and i made a mistake in choosing to end my birthday by finishing Song of Achilles before i went to bed so i ended the day sobbing. Anyone wanna talk about that book?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...I also missed your birthday.

      Happy belated birthday!

    3. Morningtide


      Gah! I also missed your birthday! So sorry. That's somehow the one day I wasn't online. 

      Happy Belated Birthday tho!

      Also thank you :wub:

    4. Sequence


      Oh no I missed it too! I was busy yesterday and didn't check the Shard for birthdays! Happy late by a day birthday, most amazing Facepalm of Szeth!

  19. YESSSSSS WE'RE FINALLY CERTIFIED Not to bring down the mood but was anyone else a little pissed when this: (Yes i get my sanderson news from cosmeme instagram accouts with names like 69th_shard and catboy_adolin sue me) Did we really need to know that cmooonnnnnnnnnnnn And yes yes i know i know it makes sense or whatever but why did we need to knowwwwwwwwwwwwww If it's made up with more queer rep in era three and it portrays some of their struggle for acceptance that might be ok i guess But broooooooooooo cmoooooooonnnnn
  20. (I'm just gonna use this as my regular art thread now) Here's a scene from chapter seven of Blue Lilly Lilly Blue (book three of The Raven Cycle, no spoilers DOOMIE) RIP anyone who hasn't read the books trying to figure out what room it is lol (my dignity would not allow me to search "toilet drawing reference" so that is why the toilet looks like that...) Also I just realized i forgot to draw Gansy's boat shoes :(
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