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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Woahh nice side profile! Mine usually turn out wonky, do you have any tips?
  2. You guys must be book wizards, if i get a spoiler the whole thing is ruined for me Anyway Here's blue lilly lilly blue chapter 7: It's pretty messy but I like it a lot :D i might color more in later. I am embarrassed about how much energy i put into that crummy toilet. My pride would not let me look up "toilet drawing reference" so it is from my brain. I do not like it. I do like the box of doritos though lol. (not necessarily the actual drawing, but the idea of it.)
  3. No doomie please i'm serious, stop spoiling it for yourself, it won't be as fun to read :(
  4. I've come to the realization that i can actually draw! I'm not a master or anything, but i now have the ability to visualize something in my head and put it onto paper in a way that I like, and i'm rly happy :D
  6. thank you star :) :) :) also about queer- i like it and use it as a label, it's just sometimes when cis/hets use it in a peculiar or old-fashioned way it rubs me the wrong way. otherwise, I completely appreciate it.
  7. Was gonna say this. Pretty much. Basically, as i have been so helpfully explained during early morning seminary, LDS commandments are that anything past kissing isn't allowed until after marriage in the LDS temple. And since the temple does not recognize anything other than cis/het relationships, they say all others are sinful :/ Ironically, i asked my bishop (who happens to be my dad ) if lqbtq+ people could be in solely romantic relationships without any se xual stuff, and he said "i suppose, based on the church's reasonings." ... IF THE RELATIONSHIP ISN'T THE PROBLEM, THEN JUST. WHY??????? WHY ALL THE RELIGIOUS HOMOPHOBIA????????? Anyway long story short, as a queer person currently being raised LDS, their are just not it. I have read and dissected every one. While i appreciate that Russel M Nelson emphasizes kindness and acceptance, a lot of the church's stances and guidelines are. . .. . Not that.
  8. Gonna drop this here (Raven King spoilers for Calano cause i know he looks at spoilery stuff when he should not)
  9. I am so sick right now, it's miserable my immune system is very hardy and i usually never get sick but it's 1 AM and i can't sleep cause of how congested i am, i had cough drops and nyquill and everything but i can't breath through my nose and swallowing feels like my throat is being stabbed with needles. and whenever i sneeze it feels like my nose is gonna launch across the room (very painfully). Sorry for the rant, i know getting sick is normal and i'm being a crybaby but it's just so miserable ahhh
  10. I bombed the test guys

    Well not bombed


    It wasn't pretty

    *smol rant time*

    I don't get why stuff like bio and physics are still required once you reach high school. They should be encouraged, but i have A's and A+'s in literature and art and composition/writing and public speaking and music, and i... well, let's just say i don't in bio- and math, but i get why math is important. Except geometry. Why tf do i need to know how to calculate the area of an enneahedron. When that ever be useful to me. And it's not fair because i know that if i do poorly in those classes, even though i have no interest in jobs that include that kind of work, my chances of ending up in a profession doing something i enjoy plummet. I get that we still have to take the classes, but it's not fair that our grades should matter so much in something we're never going to use. In my current path (which i am just figuring out, i guess), it is extremely unlikely that i am going to be in a situation where i'll need to know the exact science of gymnosperm reproduction. But if i get a D- on that test, william and mary isn't gonna let me in to study english and economics.

    At least according to my dad. Ugh i should stop worrying about this, college is far away and i can get my grades up before they really really matter



    The good news is my mom made dinner in a pumpkin which was pretty cool

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Not to say our education system isn’t flawed, of course

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      i know i know

      i just needed to get feelings out

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I understand. I was mostly replying to Sequence anyways

  11. I have a bio test in 20 minutes and i'm terrified

    Wish me luck guys

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      . . . So i did not got it

      A third of it was on stuff that we covered 7 weeks ago and i memorized the wrong stuff and i just couldn't answer the most difficult question

      I remembered more than i expected


      I am definitely not getting an A


    3. That1Cellist


      My greatest apologies. I hope you at least have a good rest of your day!

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      I hope you have a good rest of the day.

  12. Lol i started one of these months ago and it never took off Any hey fellow oldest siblings what's up
  13. Happy birthday to our favorite dreamer :D (Unless y'all like Hennessey or Kavinsky more idk. Ronan is better though.) Also "it is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die." Scorpio races. But happy birthday Ronan :D i was gonna draw his tattoo, but it turns out that's the kind of thing that's really hard to draw with traditional art (as opposed to digital). I mean have you tried drawing a celtic knot. So now there's just a random drawing of someone's back in my sketchbook.
  14. So um

    I have heard stuff about The Poppy War and apparently it is pretty violent and also makes people cry a lot. Buuuuut it looks really good. Do you have any insights or advice on it? I ask cause i looked it up on common sense- which usually has good content warnings and stuff- and they did not have an entry for it, and i know you like it.

    (This may or may not be inspired by a poppy war fanart that popped up on my Instagram that made it look like there were sapphic ppl in it)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elf


      And i forgot you haven't read six of crows 

      Here's a better comparison 

      Voldemort would take one look at Fang Runin and Yin Nezha (the main characters) and run

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Oof. Thanks very much. I think i'll wait a while for this one.

      Anyway i think i'm going to ask for the six of crows audiobook for my birthday cause that's the only book format i have time for anymore tbh. I'm excited for it :D

    4. Elf


      Yay! You're already a part of the raven club, hope you like the crow club as well! :D

      And yeah, i think waiting is a good idea. It took me almost a year after hearing of the book to decide if i was ready for it, and actually read it

  15. It's not that bad imo, but yeah the swearing. And the rituals i guess. But like. Just don't do that lol. Sorry if i'm flippant, my dad just barely filtered the stuff he read us when we were little and my parents never cared about the stuff i read so i'm kind of desensitized? But honestly, if you're 13-14+ and know what you're comfortable with, trc should be fine. Also doomie don't read anything by john green it's a waste of time
  16. Ok soooo i drew the story board... last night... it took me, like, 2 hours..... and then i read (well, listened to) the actual scene and....... it's completely different ;-; But here's it anyway (the part with quote marks is gonna have the latin that he says in it as soon as i get my copy of dream thieves back from my cousin. If i bother filling it in.) it's messy cause it's just a storyboard, and also i can barely draw anything other than humans so the hands and the night horror thingy is bad. And i don't like how gansy looks in the last panel w/ him. Also it is completely different than the actual scene. Also i have no idea why i drew the night terror like that. Ahhhhhhhhhhh the more i look at it the more i hate it ;-; I'm probably just going to make a comic of the scene cause it's one of my favorites and i want to illustrate it but it's kind of too long to fit meaningfully into ten seconds (which i have realized as i re-read it lol).
  17. Oo maybe hide that it's Cause some people who have just read TRC would not be expecting that lol But thank you so much!!!
  18. When i learn how to animate (AND IT IS A WHEN) i'm gonna make a ton of ronan animations to Little Dark Age (by MGMT). There’s just so much ronan packed into the lyrics. I'm storyboarding an animation of the dream theives scene where gansy and ronan fight a night terror. It's gonna be to the part of the lyrics that says "if you get out if bed and find me standing all alone, open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age." i'll post when it's finished :D (or just when i like it, idk if it'll get finished)
  19. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (Spoilers) Anyway I completely gave up on inktober Here's some cool drawings instead: Ight that's it
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