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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. You're good at side profiles! References are da best- don't forget to use them, especially when your drawing something new (like a horse lol).
  2. Awesome as always!! Do you do a pencil sketch before usually or do you just start with marker?
  3. Hi guys :D

    Something completely awesome happened on monday, which was that I GOT TO MEET MY FAVORITE AUTHOR!!! IT WAS MAGGIE STEIFVATER--




    SECOND favorite author haha sorry that was a typo lol (Hoid, Dallen, and a parrot definitely aren't holding a gun to my head right now lololol send help haha sorry typo again) obviously my first favorite is our king and ruler Brando Sando who's fan website i am posting on lololol

    Anyway it was Maggie Steifvater doing a book tour for Greywaren and when i tell you it was one of the favorite experiences of my lifetime so far, belive it. Have you ever met someone (famous/well-known or otherwise) who you thought were just the most amazing person ever and then you meet them and they're actually kind of annoying or not as nearly cool as your expectations?

    That is the absolute exact opposite of what happened. Maggie Steifvater is literally the coolest person i have ever met. She gave a thirty-fourty minute talk before the signing and it was absolutely hilarious and also riveting and interesting and gave so many interesting facts about her books. And she was simultaneously exactly how i expected but also better, she talked about cars and music (any steifvater fan knows she's a car person lol). And when she was signing my books, she looked at my name AND SHE PRONOUNCED IT CORRECTLY!!! NO ONE EVER DOES THAT!!!! It's not even that hard, it's uncommon but very similar to a common-ish word in the english language and still no one ever gets it. BUT SHE DID AND SHE WAS LITERALLY THE FIRST PERSON EVER! And i told her some of the other pronunciations people say (there's one that sounds kind like an insult) and she said "People who say that should never speak again" and did the sign language for no talk (LMAO).

    And she spent, like, a minute looking all over my copy of The Raven King because it has a flap, and she said "sorry for being so fascinated but i've never seen or signed a book like this before, which is crazy cause i wrote it!"

    I wanna be exactly like her when i grow up, she is all of my dream jobs combined into one: YA author, musician/composer, artist, competitive bagpiper (jk wanting to be that one. But she is a competitive bagpiper.) she is also just SO COOL. If i am ever half as cool as her my life will be fulfilling and beautiful.

    Look how awesome her signature is (name reveal???):



    (Yup that's definitely my name)

    I also bought a set of tarot cards she illustrated and they're so gorgeous, here are some of my favorites:



    Sorry for the long AF su. Anyway if you somehow aren't convinced yet PLEASE READ THE RAVEN CYCLE AND DREAMER TRILOGY PLEEEAAAAAAASEEEEEE. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I would say it's certainly changed mine cause this experience of meeting Maggie was once in a lifetime and i never would have had it without reading those books (i know i say this all the time but THANK YOU ELF!!!!!!!!!).


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Medium
    3. Morningtide


      That's amazing!!! Her signature is so cool!!! You're so lucky!

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai


  4. I feel like you're gonna write up a psychological profile on whoever does that one for some reason
  5. this is so pretty <3 and it's totally true, not just with romantic partners, but with people you love platonically too. I know that I could tell my best friend anything and he'd be there for me, and it's the best feeling in the world. also random n silly but grammarly put a nerd emoji on the paragraphs of yours that i quoted lmao
  6. kill voldy. marry riddle, kiss dobby (ewwww) the name Adam, the name Hyacinthe, and the name Soren
  7. She just did a talk, notable moments: 1. She said that originally gansy was gonna be an old man, and he and Mallory were gonna be the same character 2. She called Adam an "emotionally constipated lizard" and said that when dream theives was published people would show up at her house to ask her to kill off Adam 3. Apparently Hennessey was tied with Ronan for oldest character! She was so funny, that was awesome I haven't gotten the books signed yet. I'll say whether getting the HP book signed works or not lmao Edit: sheeee does not sign books she hasn't written. ;-;
  8. Ok i will add more reactions to Greywaren soon but TODAY IS THE DAY I MEET MAGGIE!!!! The website says she will sign greywaren plus two books from home, and i'm thinking how hilarious it would be to bring, like, harry potter and the order of the Phoenix and ask her to sign that. I really wanna do it but my mom said it'd be rude But it would be so funny I'm definitely getting The Raven King signed, and if i don't get the HP signed (it would be so funny, think about it, i could be like "this is my signed copy of Harry Potter+the order of the Phoenix!" And people will be like "woah you got JKs signature?!" And i'd be like, "uh, no, who's that??" And then i open it and it says "maggie" and they'll be like "wtf") i can't decide between Blue Lilly Lilly Blue and The Raven Boys.
  9. Sorry to double post but. I just finished it I cried so hard i almost threw up It was literally perfect I All literature has been ruined for me (@ Morningtide- don't wanna actually tag u- i'll respond to ur post after u or elf makes a post cause it won't let me quote you in edits and triple posting is unheard of)
  10. Alright let's go The Raven Cycle/Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Steifvater (yes i know literally no surprises there but to anyone reading who has not yet read those books PLEASE DO. Elf you are the actual best for introducing me to them, i owe you a great debt.) Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (Gaiman understands fantasy on a deep level. And this book was just. So good. Funny and fascinating and thrilling and amazing. I read it years ago and i still remember all my feelings about it.) Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (utterly bizzare. I loved it.) A Wrinkle In Time (this book has a very special place in my heart, especially the graphic novel. It's strange and interesting and deep and i'm sure you've read it before- for school, maybe- but maybe re read it with new eyes because it's really beautiful.)
  11. A Matthew doodle Spoilers for chapter 25 Ok ok not really spoilers but. Ya know. Edit (spoilers for chapter 30):
  12. Edit: *FACEPALM REACTS LIVE TO GREYWAREN* None of these contain spoilers, just reactions. they were spoilered in case y'all- meaning Morningtide lmao- would like to not have any inkling of what each chapter contains, which is a very reasonable mentality. 8:00 PM (original post): Just finished greywaren chapter nine 8:54 PM, chapter ten: 11:04 AM, chapter 12: 11:45 AM, 16/17: 12:50, 19: 2:00 PM, 22: 2:20 PM, halfway through 24 (kind of spoilers in this one): 9:04 PM (next day), end of chapter 24/beginning of chapter 25: 9:17 PM, chapter 25 (major spoilers): 9:42, chapter 27: 10:47, chapter 30 (spoilers): 11:11, 31 12:12 AM, chapters 32-40 (i don't remember what happened in which lol, also spoilers) 12:37 AM, 44 (spoilers): 12:42, 45 (spoilers):
  13. I am screaming for two reasons, 1. I got greywaren early and 2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDSJFSJKSOIDVFOSOEHRBRJIRRJNDKDOSOSJFBFJDIEOTUTUAOSNF This means i can keep my personality of waiting for TRC book releases even after tomorow I'm going to cry of excitement i think
  15. ... that did not age well Anyway, um, i kind of completly forgor how to draw. So. Here is the Ravenstober day 8 prompt (it would be spoilers for book 1 of the raven cycle but i just won't tell you who the character is and you'll be fine): I drew different eyes than usual, and it turned out pretty good for a side profile, i think. For yesterday's Cosmere prompt, Silhouette, here's a doodle from my vent book which turned out kinda cool: I'l probably re-draw some version of that in my sketchbook.
  16. I'M GONNA MEET MAGGIEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm so thrilled oml this is gonna be awesome I have to buy some merch before this AHHHH I'M SO EXCITED
  17. I missed yesterday :( Here's a low-ish quality (but still better than the first haha) re-do of day two using the Magnus Archives prompt that i did a couple days ago instead: It's Michael Shelly :D (it's fanon that he has huge wonky hands, so his hand is sort of supposed to look like that, though i should have made it bigger cause it looks a little more like limp noodles than i'd hoped ;-;) I also didn't really do anything for today either, but a few days ago i redrew the drawings i did back in March of the main characters of the Magnus Archives, and since they are together i think it counts for match. I think it's cool to see the seven month progress: Yeah jon gets a skirt lol. Anyway i'm probably gonna draw a lot tomorrow (though i may end up just working on my Halloween costume, idk) so maybe i'll do yesterday's and todays then. And tomorrow's hopefully.
  18. AHHH




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      You can't get it again. It's a reputation title of exactly 1337. Like 666 is torturer of heralds, which I missed.

    3. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Yeah I know I was being insane cuz I’m like that B)

    4. Sequence


      Oh no! That is most sadness, ad I wish you luck in mending your absolutely shattered, vaporized, and disintegrated heart D:

  19. LET'S GOOOOOOOOO My friend and i were deciding which horror movie to watch, and... I guess it's not *exactly* like ronan, but it was still funny.
  20. Woahhh that's so cool Your art style is really visually pleasing. Idk if that makes sense. It's just really satisfying to look at.
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