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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Steve all the way! Day six: i'm using both the official and cosmere prompt today, Bouquet and Miscreant. It's Wayne (i've been meaning to draw him, and miscreant could be a way to describe him lol) with flowers! Here he is: It didn't turn out exactly Wayne-ish, but i still like it. Here's the process (all the cool kids are doing it lol):
  2. Day five: Flame. this one's a combo of every prompt except the Raven one, cause both the cosmere and the official prompt is flame, and it's a character from The Magnus Archives. It's Agnes Montegue: I won't explain exactly what she is (spoiler territory) but just know she's pretty Flamey.
  3. FSY was one of the best weeks of my life :D glad you're feeling awesome! And that scallop thing is adorable (though i have no idea what it is lol)
  4. Agnes Montague, an avatar of the Flame: I did it for tomorrow's inktober
  5. Edit: this was originally my inktober, but it has most of my recent art and i don't really go back to my old art thread cause... well i don't have a reason. That's fine. Original: I said I wasn't gonna make one of these, but i'm actually doing Inktober daily (which i didn't expect) and really enjoying it! Here are all the prompt lists i'm doing (so far i've only used the official prompts though): Here's all the drawings so far: Day one: Gargoyle. I did Blue from The Raven Cycle, as she is at the beginning of chapter one (it describes her as a "restless, sightless gargoyle" so i thought it was fitting). Day two: scurry. I didn't really do anything for that day because i was working hard on a different art piece (one of Kal and Szeth fighting). So here's what ya get: Day three: bat. I was gonna draw the bat from Anastasia cause he's funny, but then i remembered that bats can also be baseball bats, so here's Steve Harrington (from Stranger Things): Day four: scallop. This one is my favorite so far! It's my favorite OC, Iyaden (don't tell the others) in a dress with a scalloped neckline. It's a bit out of character for her, but i'm cooking up a little bit if a traumatic backstory for her, so she gets a cute drawing. I've already drawn tomorrow's prompt (Flame, for both official and cosmere inktober) but i'll wait till tomorrow to share lol.
  6. This is probably the coolest thing i've ever drawn (a little bit spoilers for Words of Radience but not that bad):



    Except i can't figure out how to color in the sky :( any suggestions for beginners from the artistically inclined would be greatly appreciated. Also this counts as inktober day two (gonna go with the Cosmere inktober prompt, weapon, because they do not look like they are scurrying).

    I started it because i was sad that i couldn't get the statue of them from the kickstarter, but i actually like this better because i can still display it and i know that i put work into it and can be proud of it.   ...... still want the statue tho

    Since i'm already making an SU, here's day three:


    20221004_000000.thumb.jpg.93886855747cbe05ce46ab35d9f7513a.jpgSteve Harrington and his iconic bat! Here's the reference photo:


    Sorry for blasting you guys with art SUs, I'll stop now lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Medium


      wooooah thats so cooooool. totally captures it beautifully.

    3. Sequence


      I agree! Tis' a true work of art! Keep it up! :D

    4. Morningtide
  7. Inktober day one:

    "Unlike Blue, who didn't tend towards patience, Neeve was a regal statue on the old church wall: hands folded, ankles crossed beneath a long wool skirt. Blue, huddled, shorter and thinner, was a restless, sightless gargoyle. It wasn't a night for her ordinary eyes. It was a night for seers and psychics, witches and mediums."



    Please go read the raven cycle :3

    I thought about making a thread but i just don't feel like it. I won't post all my Inktobers cause i don't wanna barrage you guys with SUs, I can just do Cosmere related ones if you'd like. I'll put other TRC ones in the TRC thread.

  8. But I like not having my head on the floor of the tent when i sleep D: Your shading is amazing! And hands... hands... oh how i hate them Yours are quite good though!
  9. Some cosmere drawings:


    Here's ur favorite lurcher lesbian gun smith (Ranette for ye uncultured):


    Just for clarification (there was confusion when i showed it to me brother) that is a gun strap, not the actual gun.

    Here's a Steris that i started and will probably finish at some point but idk (I don't like how it turned out that much)


    Here's a Szethy that i'm proud of cause i didn't use any reference at all (it's gonna be a full page drawing of the Words of Radience finale scene at some point, it was drawn as therapy for the fact that i can not afford the epic amazing incredible 350$ statue of Kal and Szeth fighting)


    Non-cosmere stuff (mostly doodles in my school notebook) :


    Alcatraz and Bastille (from Al vs. The Evil Librarians, of course, Sanderson's finest.)


    His fingers look like he's holding hands with someone lol

    Ronan from The Raven Cycle (i drew it and my friend did all the letters):


    Here's some pose practice that i had fun with and turned into magical characters (this is actually from a couple months ago):



    That's all

    I'm probably gonna do inktober this year. i haven't been drawing that much lately and i'd like to do it more. It'll likely not be a new drawing every day but i'll try :)

  10. Thanks for the hugs. It just feels worse the longer she's gone. But i drew some stuff and i'm reading my favorite books and i did some minor key cello improv w/ my cello teacher and that's helping. She's been with us my entire life, every single day, and i keep thinking she's in her dog bed or that a noise is her sniffing around in the living room but then i remember she's buried in the backyard and it hurts so much She was a yorkshire terrier.
  11. My dog passed away It was in a really sad way She's been in my family since before i was born, ane even though she was really old, she was in good health and it was very unexpected I'm really sad :(
  12. Here's a stupid little meme i made instead of doing homework (Words of Radience spoilers): Unfortunately I don't have credit for the reddit posts cause it's an old screenshot and the username was blacked out already when i found it.
  13. Totally get that!!! That's what i was planning on doing until someone referenced something from it and the curiosity overtook me lol. The prologue cleared some stuff up for me that i hadn't totally understood, and the first line of the first chapter had a version of a popular tiktok audio in it which was kind of hilarious but also an interesting choice. If you wanna see: I guess you could say it was strange funny lmao
  14. @Morningtide idk if you already saw this, but here's the first couple of chapters of greywarren (!!!!): https://ireadyabooks.tumblr.com/post/694297947134885888/read-an-excerpt-greywaren-the-dreamer-trilogy Not to be dramatic but on October 18 a part of my soul becomes complete but also perishes. . . . That was dramatic It's ok i give myself a drama pass
  15. I just arrived to my first choir practice and they have a pride flag table cloth at sign in and pronoun pins and it's so nice <3 <3 Can't wear a they/them pin though cause they take a ton of pics and it might get back to my parents ;-;
  16. I just realized that I call myself a musical kid but I've only actually fully listened to, like, 5 musicals ;-;

    But I promise I have all the enthusiasm of one lol.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. danex


      but i’m not gay or old ;-;



      Come From Away: Maybe the best musical ever created????

      yes THANK YOU
      i rave about that musical to like, everyone and nobody seems to appreciate it as much as me ;-;

      also nobody’s mentioned Tick Tick Boom or Tuck Everlasting yet
      Very good and awesome and good.

    3. SymphonianBookworm


      Can I just say

      Me and the Sky

      Is such a good song...

    4. Morningtide


      Tick Tick Boom is amazing. So are Newsies, Hamilton, and Into the Woods. I've seen more musicals than that, but these are my favorites

  17. Never done it, though my since my mother grew up in colorado she did it a lot and says we'll do it eventually lol TPBM likes Heathers the musical :D
  18. 500th post SU!

    To celebrate, I shall be doing book/book character vibe-checks. Reply and I'll do my best to match you with a book, fictional character, or both! (and they might be books or characters I do not know well, but whose vibes fit you well.)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Shining Silhouette
    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      It's been a while. I assume you don't interact with me enough to come up with one.

    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Oh shoot ahhh

      Yeah, sorry tav, i don't know you that well :(

      @Shining Silhouette you remind me of Ginny Weasly (From the book, not the movies). I'd say (can i do a tv show?) You're The Owl House.

  19. That's so cool! I'll definitely listen to those. (also I didn't know you were LDS before, but seeing those songs confirmed lmao.) PS just pre-ordered my personalized bookplated copy of Greywarren!!! I'm so excited and sad at the same time that it's almost physically painful ;-; PPS heyyyyy 500th post!
  20. Ehhh There was someone who really liked me and i liked them but i really thought about it and decided i'm gonna stay away from that kind of stuff for now. I don't really trust myself yet, and i think i sort of like just crushing on people as opposed to actually considering relationships with them at the moment So Yeah
  21. I'm about 30% through scorpio races! It's really good. Does not yet rival trc, but i doubt anything will for me lol. I absolutely love the idea of magic murder horses. it's just... so... i know this sounds weird, but it feels super me. For some strange reason. Here's some trc doodles from my school notebook: For this one, i drew it and my friend added the blues lol (except the one on the bottom, which i did)
  22. (This su will make little to no sense to non owl house-ers)





    I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T HATE ME IT WAS JUST TOo FUNNY and also idk of there's an owl house discussion thread so i just put it here but IT'S SO GOOD

    (Credit: amba_si on instagram)

    In all seriousness, i cannot believe it'll be over forever after October!! Every time i think too hard about that and the Greywaren release i start crying. Which is probably a bad thing. But i just love them so much and after October they're gonna be gooonnneeee ;-; ;-:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Medium


      bro no other disney finale has ever brought me sooooo clooooose to tears.

      it was genuinely just-

      *begins to blubber in anguish*

      that last scene tho *cries and sobs and screams*

      and it is actually lego.... like it's literally a lego figure and on the internet it says 'lego eda'

      get got nerd /j

    3. Medium


      not only that, but why is the sight of lego eda like the funniest thing i've seen all day??? it makes me bust out laughing and it shouldnt.

    4. Sequence


      Woah Eda needs to calm down on the apple blood :blink:

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