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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Cry and let them eat me Which cosmere character would you murder the moment you saw?
  2. Scadrian. They have professional waffle cooks!!!
  3. @Elf often says that "books break your heart and then put it back together again, but better than it was before" which is pretty much one my favorite things that anyone's ever said about books <3
  4. When your co


    This SU is dedicated to Experience


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      @Experience is who I need to stalk then?

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


  5. YES 100% ALL THE WAY ABSOLUTELY They're about ronan and his brothers and they are amazing. You should definitely read them.
  6. THANKS SO MUCH!!! That’s a huge huge compliment Woahhhh i didn't really even think about him being asleep. Yeah.... that could be very interesting. I have a feeling that Btw, i've considered reading the Shiver series because of how much i liked TRC. The description turned me off a little as it doesn't seem like my kind of book, but i love Maggie's writing style and have a feeling the plot would surprise me if i read it. What are your feelings on it?
  7. I WAS LITERALLY WRITING THIS AS YOU POSTED LMAO Stuff i wrote before you replied: I just finished Mister Impossible for the first time and oh my almighty how am i going to make it to october I love maggie steifvater with all my heart but this is the first time i've gotten the full effect of one of her cliffhangers and i don't know how to bear it (Spoilers) How could maggie leave us like this ;-; this is the first time i've been truly and intensly anticipating a book release. Like, i was exited for Trials of Apollo, hyped for Cytonic, am currently having fun waiting for Lost Metal, but i am legitimately agitated waiting for Greywaren ;-; Here's my take on the Mister Impossible cover (no spoilers): In response to morningtide: Funny that we had similar ronan concerns lol
  8. Fortunately, shallan just tackled Jasnah, ripped the soulcaster off her hand, and ran away really fast while Hoid, Kelsier, and other wedding guests cheered.
  9. Fortunately, some landed in her mouth on accident when Kelsier karate chopped the cake instead of cutting it.
  10. Hoid observed all of this from the pit. "Interesting, wouldn't you say?" He said to Tim the Janitor, who was falling next to him. "Quite a spectacle," agreed Tim.
  11. Fortunately, the cake at the fake wedding was delicious and contained magic sleep-juice to sedate jasnah.
  12. Nightblood devoured 798 souls for Thursday lunch, however the kandra, formerly formulated a terrifying plan to eventually
  13. Robin, did you eat the megalomania-inducing-language-changing mushrooms again? Not with that attitude.
  14. Hoid appeared, and he objected to the pizza massacre so he slapped Death Barnacles.
  15. Fortunately, it was a staged marriage to provide a distraction so Shallan could steal Jasnah's Soulcaster.
  16. Delicate Mirage Exquisite Enchantment Merciful I like the sound of all of those words :D
  17. Well, the novella takes place between The Raven King and Call Down the Hawk, but i guess that works. (Spoilers below for all of TRC) I just think it's really funny that a ton of the plot twist are just "Ronan dreamt it." Where did Chainsaw come from? What's up with Matthew? Why does Cabeswater exist? And then it's just that Ronan dreamt it lmao How far are you into Call Down the Hawk? Have you gotten to the sad part at Harvard yet?
  18. When you stare at yourself for 5 minutes in the mirror and slowly succumb to a small mental breakdown while listening to this (Warning before you click: it is a variation of Two Trucks by Lemon Demon and is not suitable for all audiences. Also, may cause you to succumb to a small mental breakdown in front of the mirror.)
  19. Quick quarks quack quopiously. When you realize you don't know the answers to any of the exam questions
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