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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. @Shallan Stormblessed you have a very distinct personality that seems to shine through even your online activity! You're cool and have interesting stuff to say.
  2. Nightblood devoured 798 souls for Thursday lunch, however the
  3. Nightblood devoured 798 souls for Thursday lunch
  4. Yup! Not awful, that's the word. I enjoy it in small quantities and am pretty decent at it for my age. TPBM is good at rifle shooting
  5. Erasers slowly sacrifice their lives because of our mistakes.
  6. Well... i'd be more likely to get away from a whitespine, but the chances of a slow and painful death a much higher, so probably the assassin so i could die a quick painless death. WYR try choutas or Rosharan wines?
  7. I appreciate the @stationary muggle joke lol. Gets a time-turner Inserts Kaladin's depression
  8. Proof: the way it's described is exactly like what my grandma's broth is made out of. Also, there's no other explanation for where the leftover broth stuff goes on Scadrial. Theory: all of The Stormlight Archive is just a giant drug trip of Kaladin's cause he accidentally ate some hallucinogenic mushrooms in Hearthstone.
  9. Granted, you are constantly being chased by a very fast snail that will kill you the moment you touch it. I wish for a robot to do my homework lmao
  10. Actual footage of me beating you up with a ukulele: (Jk, all of those are good instruments and i gave you a hard choice lol. And i too am biased since i've played ukulele for 9 years.)
  11. Hey man, can i borrow your left femur and a couple of teeth please? Manner of death appears to be an overdose of cheezwhiz.
  12. *puts away knife* Good answer. Kiss bananas, marry banana cream pie, kill banana ice cream. Ukulele, guitar, banjo
  13. Kiss pattern, marry syl, kill Ivory Toilet paper, toilet scrubber, toilet plunger
  14. Gets a muffin made out of pearly whites Inserts a Cheese Hat
  15. ...



    So i may have just discovered the joys of fanfiction

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SymphonianBookworm


      I- you should talk to the people at my school.

    3. Elf


      Im defintly gonnna read that tonight

    4. Morningtide
  16. Kiss Vin, marry Adolin my beloved, kill Odium M-Bot, Doomslug, an angerspren
  17. @Morningtide btw you should read the novella, Opal, before you read call down the hawk. I don't think it's necessary, but it's so cute and provides some plot points. This cracked me up (credit): (Matthew, Declan, and Ronan lol)
  18. This feels slightly inadequate compared to that lovely paragraph, but... You have a really cool PFP! Also, excellent use of AIM to slip in a Hoid quote.
  19. Nice. Distinct, matches your username. Point taken for the musician not taking care of his instrument by letting it balance precariously like that. 9/10
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