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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. *hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs* I'm so sorry. Asking for help can be hard, but i believe in you. Something that has helped me is making a goal. Just a small one, one you can reach easily and feel accomplished for having done. Then you might think, "that was definitely a step off of the path that i'm taking that i dislike." It could be cleaning your room, or taking a walk, or drinking some tea. Anything that you will feel better after having done. Doing something like that when i feel awful has helped me, and maybe it's not for everyone, but i would try it. If you want to vent or go into more details, please don't hesitate to pm me <3
  2. *revives* @Elf you're super thoughtful, you seem really confident, and i love every interaction we have <3 (P.S. six of crows is next on my list!! Well, technically it's third, because i need to re-read the dreamer trilogy because the third book is coming out in october, and then i need to re-read W&W since the fourth book's coming out in November, and then i need to read Song of Achilles, but then i'm gonna read Six of Crows lolll.)
  3. Hey, you picked our child up from daycare, right? It ended three hours ago. That's actually illegal. Yeah, i'm surprised too.
  5. There's this INCREDIBLE series called The Raven Cycle, which you should go read right now if you haven't already. It's about several teenagers trying to find a magical dead welsh king. They're the best books ever written and i assure you that you will not be disappointed to read them.

    Anyway, here's the raven club:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      .... ? I... don't think i said that lol. They're by Maggie Steifvater.

    3. Sequence


      Must have been a typo XD.

    4. Morningtide


      Yay! Thank you! I just posted on it

  6. THE RAVEN CYCLE! I personally think it's the best series in the world and love it with my whole heart. The premise, the magic, the characters (oml i love the characters so much), not to mention the excellent prose. Discuss anything you want about it here, including Dreamer Trilogy, and welcome to the raven club! (Thanks so very much to @Elf for introducing me to the series.) To start off the discussion, lets do favorite characters! Asking me to pick my favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child. As in i would pick Ronan and then feel a little guilty about it. There's not a huge reason, mostly just that his angry punk gay farmer energy makes me happy lol. edit from like way later: i am now a die-hard adam parrish person, he is by far my favorite. this has been a psa :]
  7. Kora felt his face grow hot as his cheeks reddened. "Well, that’s... embarrassing," he said with a chuckle, an unconvincing attempt at pretending that it didn't matter to him. "I really, really didn't mean for anything bad to happen, if it means anything."
  8. Look what i made :D




    1. Elf


      :o:wub: that is BEAUTIFUL. Awww its so nice

      (now i want one)

    2. Morningtide
  9. I had the funniest dream. When i woke up and remembered it i actually started cackling.

    If you'd like to hear it:

    First thing i remember is i'm at a picnic with my family. We were sitting on a big hill watching fireworks and eating sandwiches when all of a sudden, Zendaya and Tom Holland show up! Now, Zendaya is my absolute biggest celebrity crush and if i could choose one person to meet it'd probably be her, and i was like "OMG ZENDAYA" and tried to give her a big hug (as i imagine most people would in that situation), and she was about to hug me, but then Tom was like "back off, child" and in my head i was like "wtf tom i'm a teenager who just met their idol and i wanna give her a hug?? Why are you doing this to me ;-;" but i didn't say anything out loud cause getting snapped at by Tom Holland, even if it's just in your dream, is a little scary lmao. Anyway, they sat at our picnic for a while, but every time i tried to hug Zendaya Tom would literally growl at me and i'd get scared. 

    Eventually we went back to my house, and it turns out in the dream that my dad was a dragon breeder! It was actually pretty cool, cause in my dream i made up a ton of different dragon species and stuff. But Zendaya and Tom were not impressed, and Tom was getting kind of annoyed at us for some reason? And i kept trying to hug Zendaya but Tom would get mad. So at some point i went up to my room, and when i came back down, the rest of my family had turned the entryway of our house into a permanent mini obstacle course, and i was kinda mad cause our house was totally different and no one had told me this was gonna happen. And then as i was walking up the stairs Tom and Zendaya left, and as they were walking out the door i yelled "ZENDAYA I LOVE YOU" Kinda desperately, and she made little heart fingers at me and i was happy for a minute :D And then i woke up and started laughing cause the dream was so bizzare lmao.

    That's all :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      that was absolutely hilarious. I can totally imagine Tom Holland doing that for some reason xD.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      .....Dreams are weird.

    4. Morningtide


      That's hilarious. I love the random stuff that our subconsciousnesses can come up with

  10. *hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs* You know you can pm me if you want, i'm so so sorry
  11. Fsy was way more fun than i expected :D i was one of 19 people who made it into the variety show! And the food there was SO GOOD.
  12. Is that... just a loading gif? Or do i have terrible internet connection?
  13. Kora was a little perplexed. Sure, he spent most of his time after school with cass and his few friends, doing his homework, or helping at the shop, but Suv said it like there was a deeper meaning. And... people had been talking about him? Surely the griffin egg incident hadn't been serious enough to make it to the emperor's coven! "What do you mean by that?"
  14. "Yes, it's been out for a while. I was just... walking around. What a coincidence to run into you!" He reached a hand out to help Suv up.
  15. "I- uh, it's a long story." Kora was surprised Suv remembered him. "What are you doing? I see you've joined the emperor's coven!"
  16. . . . So i may possibly be leaving these ranks in September, wish me luck, i shall update if everything goes well

    I feel so cool ngl

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      And I think you are incredibly cool for doing so. Congratulations!

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    4. Morningtide


      Great job! That's a true accomplish

  18. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Kora scrambled to pick up the papers floating out of his bag. "I really need to watch where i'm... going..." He trailed off as he recognized the witch across from him on the ground. He'd been at hexside at the same time as Kora for a couple of years, and they'd crossed paths occasionally. But then he graduated super early and Kora hadn't seen him since. But here he was, exiting an official building, emperor's coven sigil and all. "Suv?"
  19. Kora wandered the crowded street, full of shops and stands. His grand and spontaneous plan for adventure hadn't yielded much, though he had gotten a enchanted pastry from his favorite bakery. He really wondered what he'd been thinking. what, did you think that you'd run into a couple of elves on their way into the forrest to seek the source of some ancient curse, who need you as you are the ancient chosen one of prophesy ? Or maybe a human would come through a portal into the demon realm, and need you to show them around? he should probably head back. He was grown, he could go where he wanted without telling his parents, but they would probably be wondering about his absence, as he was usually home by now. He meandered back the way of the tea shop. He kept his eyes on the road as he walked. Which was a mistake, as he walked straight into a couple of figures and fell into the dirt.
  20. Kora scuffed the dirt with his purple boots, gazing at the door of the tea shop. He'd gotten back from school, and he knew he should go inside and either help with business or practice his chemical-altering whistles, but he just couldn't bring himself to. It'd been like this for weeks. Kora liked fast paces, he liked adventure, he liked getting swept up in things and going along with them. He didn't like weeks on end of the same, boring routine, which was what had been going on since the start of last semester. He knew it was stupid, to be annoyed that his life was going as usual, but he couldn't help it. Since he'd been little he'd always been getting into mischief. Never at anyone else's expense, until a harmless prank gone wrong last semester had got him in front of the principal and he'd been warned that if something like that happened again, he could be expelled. He'd never, ever been in trouble like that. And so close to graduation, to! He hadn't even known it was possible for someone to be allergic to griffin eggs. He'd been a wreck after, but cass had calmed him down. And ever since then, he'd been staying out of any trouble whatsoever and had been sticking to the routine. But today... today he just couldn't. if adventure won't find me, i'll find it. He shouldered his bag, gripped his pailsman, and started down the road towards the city.
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