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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  2. I, The Facepalm of Szeth-son-son-Vallano, hereby swear to honor and respect the divine art of Chortling, and to chortle with power and dignity! And I acknowledge Boomerang Guy as divine leader of Chortlism. CHORTLE CHORTLE CHORTLE!!!
  3. Lig a log? Sorry m8, ya win some ya lose some
  4. Where's that little white cartoon beagle from again? That's technically illegal.
  5. That moment when you've spent over two hours writing a kiss scene for the OCs that you ship but you haven't even finished writing the main character's opening POV yet :blink:

    RIP Fyonn i will write you soon

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. DramaQueen



      I'm also one of the few people on this site to have ever kissed a girl :ph34r:


      I'm also the only girl Fadran has kissed


      I've kissed more girls than Fadran has.


      Do I win?





    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      @dannnnnnex only about 20 minutes was actually spent writing :/ (also that scene annoyed me, i wish they had saved the romance for the next season tbh)

      @CalanoCorvus it contains spoilersss........ and also it's super rough cause it's gonna go near the end (if it even makes it in) so i'mma keep it to myself for now :>

      @Mystic Syn my thought process:

      "Hmmm. Those characters would be cute together. I wish it was cannon.

      Wait. I am the author. I can make it cannon.

      i am god"

      Anyway yes i am the author i am all powerful i can and will make it cannon.

      @DramaQueen yup. You win. You and Fadran just casually asserted dominance over every single sharder :blink:

    4. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Ya know, that works.

      When I’m dealing with situations like that, I just go over what I do want to happen and what I don’t want to happen. Like it’s integrated in Yulong/Q’s character that her family is dead and she can’t team up with her twin, but I also love to think about if I were to do that and what would happen if I would.

      I should honestly write something about that, since I’m not doing schoolwork and am basically being lazy right now.

  6. *obviously this is just my opinion, it could most certainly be wrong, this is just the reasoning my weird little brain came up with and obviously i respect everyone else's beliefs* Ok, i have done some thinking since this... peculiar post, and have also had an experience that leads me to believe this: i think it is likely that there is a god, or a higher power of some sort. Maybe it goes beyond death, i don't know. But what i have trouble believing in is one that is omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Any of those on their own are fine, even two of them together. If it was infinitely loving, it would want us all to be happy, so it would want to banish sadness and pain from the world. If it was also omniscient, it would know of all the sadness and pain in the world now and all the sadness and pain to come. But it wasn't omnipotent, so it wouldn't be able to stop all of the pain and sadness. If it was omnipotent and omniscient, but not omnibenevolent, maybe it liked seeing the suffering sometimes and let it be. If it was all-powerful and all-loving but not all-seeing, it would banish as much suffering from the world as it could, but it wouldn't be able to see all of it so it wouldn't be able to banish all of it. But all three.... that just doesn't make sense. If we're saying it's because of agency, i think god would at least stop all the sadness and pain that stems from religion. That doesn't mean it would have to say "this religion is the correct religion, follow it", but i'd imagine, if it was omnipotent, that it would make it so love for everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, was the most important part of every single religion and every single person. (I know a lot of people think that way, but there are to many that don't for me to believe it is already happening.) So basically, i think it is likely that there is some sort of god or higher power, but i don't think a deity that is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent could exist.
  7. My dad is just downright homophobic, and he is vocal about it if he wants to be. I honestly don't get how parents are mad if their kids don't share their ideas and values. Like, were they expecting us to be little robots that copy everything they say and do? It is very confusing to me. Anyway, coming out would be nice, but i don't think my parents deserve it. They created an environment where i feel like coming out is a huge risk, which wouldn't have been a problem if all their children were cis-het, but i'm not, so they kinda messed up there. And i don't think they deserve to share this journey with me at the moment.
  8. Are they... demi-ok with it-- I'm so sorry that was an awful pun and not the time or context for one i'm so sorry why am i posting this i'm so sorry star
  9. Yassssss! Sums it up perfectly Um So i have question for lqbtq community How does one politely point out to one who thinks they are an ally that they are actually kinda homophobic
  10. I think there's something. Maybe it's something we think of as God, maybe it is just an intelligent force beyond our comprehension. Maybe it's just science. But i think there's something out there. But it is sometimes easier to think that we are all just organisms, our evolution was just a freak accident, and that we don't have souls and are just electrified meat. It makes it a lot easier to not care what other people think. But it also makes life seem meaningless. So in conclusion? I don't know if i believe in a god, exactly. But i do think there is something out there that could have the potential to be a god, if that makes any sense. I guess this was just a roundabout way of saying i'm a weird brand of agnostic lol Sorry, i'm kind of rambling Edit: ok i just read over that and realized it makes absolutely no sense and makes me sound kind of crazy. Erm. In the words of of Henry Cheng, thought is my native language and it does not translate well to english.
  11. My entire family except me and my sister got covid It's so friking unfair because this was right before a vacation that i was really, really, really, really looking forward to, and for this entire pandemic but especially now we have been more careful than literally anyone i know, we wear n-95 masks in spaces that do not require any masks and we mostly keep big gatherings outdoors and we are so careful, even to the point that some people made fun of us, and then we let our friends stay with us for a night and they weren't careful and now we have covid. And now our three week vacation that i was awaiting desperately is probably gonna be canceled. i think i'm gonna cry Anyway, covid is still out there guys, be careful
  12. I know i said i was taking a break from the shard but THIS IS IMPORTANT @Eluvianii you're pro-pineapple, right? Doesn't matter VOTE FOR PINEAPPLE (Ok now i'm actually taking a break byeee)
  13. Soo

    I'm not in a good place mentally or emotionally right now, and irl is life taking up too much of my energy at the moment to be spending a lot of time online :(

    I'll probably be gone for a while, though i might check my notifs every so often

    I'll miss you guys :< but this is for my own good, so if you see me on here, please yell at me to leave.

    You guys are awesome <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Medium


      I'LL MISS YOU BESTIE <3<3<3 go get some much deserved rest, we'll all be here when you get back

    3. Morningtide


      Hope you get everything sorted out :( Miss you!

  14. •_• i could have lived a very happy life without seeing that
  16. ;-; I kinda hate this thread actually It's like a form of mild psychological torture
  17. :O i am here :3 i'm definitely gonna check out six, i've heard high praise for it And the music for Aladdin was so good (though if you ever want to hear me rant about the terrible character developments and designs hmu lol (i am serious though))
  18. Sooooooo i just binge-listened to a large amount of musical songs all the way through while cleaning my room


    I'm a musical kid now

    Musical suggestions, peeps? (I kinda wanna tag DramaQueen but i don't wanna unnecessarily ping her)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. danex


      1. Tick Tick Boom (watch it on netflix)
      2. Come from Away
      3. Tuck Everlasting

    3. DramaQueen


      TICK EVERLASTIIIIIIIING MY LOOOOVE Tick tick boom - love the music, I'd really like to watch it again now that I know the story, I feel like I'd appreciate it more. The first time I watched it I was kinda like "meh this is alright" and then by the end I was like "ohhhh okay that's the point here" so I want to watch it again with the purpose in mind the whole time. Cuz like...I liked it, but I didn't love it and I really want to love it.

    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      @CalanoCorvus that's exactly what i aspire to be :P

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