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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Kiss Joe, marry Jo, kill Jough Ukulele, cello, drums
  2. WHO TOOK MY LIFE-SIZE ZENDAYA CUTOUT??? Lol why would you think that
  4. This thread's gotten a little peculiar since i left Ummm CHEEZCAK
  5. Items are, freed chilli peppeeli depends on Hoid's trash an
  6. Guys Go watch Heartstopper rn Also read the comics I am mad that they are making us gays wait for a second season 3:< yes i know they need time to like film it and make it and stuff but I WANT MOREEEEEEEEEE
  7. Facepalm watched the district 10 boy retreat with the pack of food and supplies from the camp. she'd wanted that, but at least she had the sword. a weapon. she would only use it in defense, she promised herself. she spun around towards the new-comer and backed away, still brandishing the sword. she didn't recognize them, and they didn't appear to want to violently end her at the moment, which was good. there was no need for Facepalm to stay longer than she needed to, so the moment she was back in the forest she sprinted away from the clearing and into the trees. as she allowed herself a small swig of water, Facepalm spared a thought for Eluviani, her district mate. now that she thought about him, she felt bad that she hadn't before. they hadn't been particularly close back in district 8, but training for a fight to the death together can bond like nothing else. she was pretty sure she'd saw him escaping the bloodbath at the cornucopia- though she'd seen most people do that. it hadn't been particularly aptly named this year. she hoped he was ok. he's going to die, the logical voice said. shut up, said the rest of her. she startled as a cannon sounded. someone was dead. she looked around sharply, as if the killer could be right behind her. who? was it the person in the clearing? was it Eluviani? she shivered. everything seemed realer now. she needed somewhere to set up camp.
  8. Facepalm walked. Briskly, yes, but it was certainly a walk and not a run. They're not going to reduce me, they're NOT going to reduce me to prey running from hunters. that little logical voice was screaming what an idiot she was being. what if some buff bloodthirsty career with a weapon runs through those trees RIGHT NOW and hacks you to death? huh? what if that happens? then you'll be dead, you idiot. Again, she somehow didn't care. she compromised with voice, however, by convincing herself this was saving energy, too. her hat was on her head, the antiseptic- too valuable to be thrown in with the rest of her resources- was on her belt, and her food, water and hammer were in her tarp. she felt... fine. As she walked, Facepalm took in her surroundings. this arena was a huge forest, or maybe a jungle, full of trees and bushes and plants and flowers. the growth was so thick she could barely see the sky, and she had to watch carefully to make sure she didn't trip over roots. she'd seen some small animals skittering through the trees, colorful birds and small mammels. so far, nothing that appeared to be a hidious creation from the Gamemakers. but you never knew. those purple berries could make you vomit your insides, or that squirrel could have sharp, venom-filled fangs. she resolved to touch as little as possible. through the trees, she spied a bright clearing. in it were supplies. uh-oh. soemone's here. Facepalm considered turning around before anyone had a chance of seeing her. her tactic was going to be evasion, as she'd been bad at everything except shooting with a rifle and climbing during training, and she had no weapons at all at the moment. but... there didn't appear to be anyone there. the supplies were just out in the open. it seemed too good to be true. she wondered if her lofty morals had sunk low enough that she would rob another tribute. they had. Facepalm approached the clearing. there was some food and a sword- she wanted that- as well as some other bits and bobs. she crouched and examined everything, still a little wary. could this be a trap? her heart leaped in her chest as she heard someone crasing through the trees. she snatched the sword- it was heavy- and jumped up, turning towards the sound. a tribute she recognized as the district 10 boy burst into the clearing. Facepalm stood upright, clutching the sword in front of her. "I'M ARMED," she yelled. but he didn't look like he was going to hurt her. she and the boy both snapped their heads to the side as another figure dashed into the clearing.
  9. Can someone who has not seen Gravity Falls please describe what they think is happening in these images:








    Anyway it's a great show and you should watch it

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      If you have not seen Gravity falls, you are a Menace to society.


      Not actually, but. WATCH IT NOW!!! It’s one of the few shoes that makes me laugh every episode.



    3. Hoid17th


      1. Getting hard carried in a group project by the smart kid

      2. Ghostly grandparents still tryna check up on you and make sure you're being fed

      3. A furry gets shot by a person with a firearm.

    4. Hoid17th


      *assaulted by a person with a firearm

  10. Kiss oceans, marry rivers, kill lakes. Shrek, a whale, an angerspren.
  11. Kiss Sixth of Dusk, marry Vivenna my beloved, kill Galladon (sry my bro) Spensa, Sazed, Shallan


    @Elf: ELf! I still remember how we "met": we were arguing over who could stay on TLPW the longest, and then you asked me to check out some writing you had done in Creator's Corner. from that fateful day has sprung a wonderful friendship :D you're a cool person and a great writer,  not to mention how we have the same (excellent) taste in books. you're an awesome person, keep it up!

    @King of the Oreo: *runs in happy circles* OREOOO! My favorite sharder! Your SA art trade piece is my computer background:  you were my first follower and, quite literally, the only reason I've continued drawing. That fan mail you sent me a long time ago (which you probably don’t remember) really inspired me, especially because I didn’t like how my art looked then and also thought (and still think- though I’m trying not to compare mine to others now hehe) yours was way better than mine. You’re a really cool person. I promise I'll get that elantris art done soon!

    @Doomslug The Destroyer: DOOMIEEE ma boi!!!!! Reasons why Doomie is amazing: 1. He is an incredible writer  2. He is very good at romantic advices 3. He has fabulous hair 4. He gives off excellent vibes 5. He is an awesome person :D love you bro! (and idk why but it won't let me change the text so it's not bold lol)

    ok, those were pretty long. the rest will be shorter, not because I like the rest of you less lol but because I'm supposed to be doing my math homework rn ;-;

    @Thaidakar the Ghostblood my shardbuddy!! I read TLT like a novel bro, good work. 

    @Sequence my colorful friend! DEATH TO ALL MONOCHROME AND COLOR FOREVER!

    @The Storming Stormfather I know we don't interact that much, but I will never forget the time you took away two of my reps so I could get a screenshot of 420 rep. you did a great service to humankind that day, mad respect.

    @DramaQueen @Channelknight Fadran you guys are SO nice. at risk of sounding like an old person, you are pillar stones of the Shard community and it would most certainly not be the same without you (lol I did sound like an old person). Fadran, I haven't gotten around to reading all of the Iconar Collective yet but I will soon! Queen, I am turning into a theatre kid lmao, so if you have any musical suggestions I'd always love them :D

    @Robin Sedai you are sweet and cool and nice and funny and awesome :D

    @Mystic Syn love love LOOOOVE your art! hang in there bro <3

    @i am a fish (not gonna actually tag him cause he's scary) I really love how you acknowledge my existence on here and how you interact with me,  it really makes me feel like you value me as a friend and a cousin <3


    jk I know you you've barely even been on here since I made an account and tbh I would be embarrassed to be related to me if I were you

    @Experience you are an honorary minor for life. you're awesome bro :D

    @Dannnex you've been giving off annoyed older brother vibes recently and i am absolutely living for it. keep it up lol

    @Morningtide you are really good at checking SUs and also you are cool :D

    @#1 Taln Fan absolute mad respect to coppermind editors. also mad respect to you individually cause you're awesome <3



    the cosmere and the shard have gotten me through some tough times, and I'm so glad I could find this fun nerdy community that I really fit into. never forget: Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Elf


      Ohhh man i missed your shardiversary I'm so sorry! I also remember that day, it was the start of something AWESOME

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      IM BACK


      just now saw this. 

  13. this... this is a true masterpiece


  15. The toll sounded. Facepalm stood there, still horrified that this was her reality now. She was the district eight girl they saw on tv every year. She had been the girl on the train, the girl on the chariot, and now, she was the girl in the arena. The girl that was either killed or killed until she had killed everyone. This was something that happened to someone else. Rarely anyone she knew. And definitly not her. no... NO! there isn't time for this, you idiot philosopher! Get supplies and GO! In a burst of adrenaline, Facpalm sprinted for the cornucopia. To her right, she spied one of the district three tributes- Fadran, had it been?- grabbing some of the farthest supplies and running away. But to her horror, as she was looking away, she tripped over something heavy on the ground. A hammer. She scrambled to her feet, but valuable seconds had been lost. The supplies around the cornucopia was diminishing. She saw the district nine girl collapse with blood streaming down her face. Fifty feet away, Star, the district seven who had been nice to her, was hacked to death by her own district-mate. This was not what they were going to reduce Facepalm to. She was not going to die by someone else's hand. She was not going to murder for food like an animal. Facepalm was going to survive, and she was going to do something meaningful. The logical part of her brain told her how idealistic and unrealistic she was being. The rest of her did not care. She grabbed a small tarp and scooped everything in reach into it. There was nothing good, she was far away from the arena and there was no chance she was getting closer. But she acquired a few packets of dried fruit and nuts, a tiny container of antiseptic, the hammer she had tripped over, a hat, and a small bottle of water. Then she slung the tarp as a makeshift sack over her shoulder and sprinted into the arena.
  16. Ayoooo a fellow mushroom enthusiast! Well... I have only gone mushroom hunting on occasion, when i am in mushroom country, cause i don't live in a very mushroom rich place. but i do know my way around them and it's super fun whenever i do go, so i guess i'm more of a mushroom connoisseur then an enthusiast. Those are some good looking mushrooms!
  17. Yaaaaaaa i've had an extremely busy couple weeks i missed you (and others but especially doomie <3) but i just had so much to do. I probably won't be back for a while cause i have a lot of trips and summer camps and stuff back-to-back. But know i'll be back... eventually.... Omg that's literally the cutest thing im srsly dying of happiness for you this is so cute ... not actually dying. That would be serious. I should probably take the "srsly" out of that sentence. But I'm not gonna.
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