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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. I'll rise above my station, organize your information, till we rise to the occasion of our new nation, sir!
  2. Joseph, king of dreams and Moses prince of Egypt were my childhood


    Also, i got discord

    If you wanna friend me, my discord is (don't judge it's funny and I'm ethnically jewish) Jewish Space Lazer#9951

    And if no one friends me i won't feel offended lol


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sequence


      I just asked my roommates for evil sounding names, and the first thing I got was "Eek Vond".... So uh, there.

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      I'm probably just gonna do rothchester or something

      But i had a cool story idea that i might post in creator's corner soon

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      wait, forum games have NOT been dead! TLT has been raging sort of, the other ones have happened just a lot slower. I see what ur saying though.

  4. I have those little cheese chunks and crackers, if anyone wants some
  5. Uhhhmmmm, what is this drawing of you and that guy from the daisy mart? I swear, i thought it was a hat! No, really!
  6. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood you're very confident, and your ability to help build a story from scratch on tlt is awesome! I also appreciate that you changed ur memeber title lol, and i accept you as emperor of snarky comments.
  7. No We were gonna have yummy takeout but my dad vetoed for some reason so we had.... beans TPBM does not know that i forgor to put a TPBM and had to edit one in
  8. LOL i watched, it was great The beginning was a little to weird, but i loved the rest. It is... quirky! And the animation is so cuuuuuttteeeeeeee
  9. My brother is named one of those names it's the first thing other kids say when they hear his name. And i haven't seen much, but what i have seen is pretty funny, so ye. TPBM likes The Owl House and/or Gravity Falls, like y0urs truly :D
  10. He's a semi aquatic Egg laying mammal of action (Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah) (Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah) He's a furry little flatfoot Who never flinched From a fra-ee-ay-ee-ay (Fray) He's got more than just mad skill He's got a beaver tail and bill And the women swoon Whenever they hear him say CHITTER CHITTER CLIK CLIK He's Perry, Perry the platypus (You can call him Agent P) Perry (I said you can call him Agent P) Agent P Agent P Agent P Yup. CHITTER CHITTER CLIK CLIK TPBM has either a foot or an eye.
  11. Gets rickrolled Inserts the intense screams of a facepalm
  12. Gonna watch it tonight :D tbh i always thought it looked adorable, i don't get why it's getting a lot of hate from some people. But we all have opinions, i guess.
  13. Guys please don't kill me I do indeed. TPBM does not want to kill me so they can dissappear
  14. The magnus archives (podcast) and Dream Sweet in Sea Major (song) and the Magnus Archives animation that has Dream Sweet as a soundtrack.
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