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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. I'm soooo confused gender-wise rn I thought I was something girl-related, but then i thought about how i don't like being perceived as a girl nor really like she/her pronouns, and thought maybe demi-nonbinary? But then i realized that i just don't feel like any sort of gender. So maybe i'm agender. But that doesn't feel right. I coofooz. Maybe i'll just forget about labels for now. Any pronouns applicable. *sigh* sorry for rambling :<
  2. Tastes just like peanut butter. When you ask someone if they have read anything by Brandon Sanderson and they say no
  3. What's with the new look? Cool, but your old one was better. 7/10
  4. The surgery was a success! The insides of your bones have been removed and you have wings! Fly, Doomslug, fly! I cannot describe to you how much i hate that.
  5. Unfortunately no. I have been inspired though, and will name them promptly. If you could choose any three Sanderson characters to be trapped on a desert island with, who would you choose?
  6. Lol the "additional theories" part is hilarious
  7. I was gonna get the highest tier of Year of Sanderson, but i checked my finances and realized that i had just enough for the lowest. And for that, you can have it for free!
  8. Look at the adowable toofy boiii

    Toothy dannnex 4 lyfe

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Sequence


      They're not shhhhh you saw nothing shhhhh

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      sorry dannex, it's better when i suggest it :P

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      @Dannnex when's clone season?

      Also, I genuinely don't think it's scary

  9. I don't really have a cosmere crush, closest thing would probably be Jasnah, and the way i make friendships is through dumb humor and i have a feeling she wouldn't appreciate my "ur mom" jokes lmao. Also she doesn't like bread, which is sad, so i couldn't (platonicly) woo her with my baking skills. So, uhhh, if i met her irl, i would attempt to become her ward or something. I DON'T KNOW THAT'S THE BEST I GOT Oh also Vivenna kinda. But mostly just so i can go to Nalthalis (or however you spell it) and get a ton of Breaths. I wanna get perfect pitch so baaaaaaad
  10. Here's some soothing whale sounds to help you sleep. why were you looking through my browsing history?
    i can't belive he lied to us...

    *excited squealing noises*


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm


      I was hoping sixth of dusk :ph34r::ph34r: but that's unrealistic, i know. And yeah, i did mean parents lol

      I've already spent way to much money this year though, so sadly i'm probably gonna scale down to just the ebook/audiobook. That hoid box is calling to me though :unsure:


    3. AonEne



      Dragonsteel is in the cosmere mainline, though, and I don't think he's ever said there's a chance he won't get to it? 

      and woof yeah these are expensive. I dunno what I'm gonna be able to afford either. 


    4. CryoZenith



      I guess it would depend what "not mainline" means. If it means "not part of the central plot", then yeah, Yolen doesn't qualify. If it means "not one of the main worlds", then Yolen arguably does qualify (its importance for the cosmere *books* is much lower than its importance for the *cosmere*)

      He never explicitly said he won't get to it but he did say he planned on writing it "way after 2030".


  12. As a baker and a doomslug fan, this is amazing
  13. Hi guys, sorry about my recent mean-spirited SU (the one about when cosmere movies/tv shows come out). I won't make any excuses, it was thoughtless and not very nice. I don't ever want to exclude anyone or cultivate an exclusionary environment. Thanks to the mods for calling me out and keeping the shard awesome :)

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah, I am responsible for doing that too, I can assure you I am sorry as well. 

  14. Dude eat the toffee or you're gonna die! I know it's peanut brittle, but it's only thing that has the antidote! eat the peanut brittle, Thaidikar! How romantic.
  15. @King of the Oreo no doubt about it What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
  16. Depending on how busy i am, i'll be about 2 - 3.5. But i'd love to participate! My favorite is developing characters (not really villans though) so i'd probably be best at that.
  17. Audiobook, definitely. I can read a book and also be doing something productive at the same time. Bonus if the reader does good voices. What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
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