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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Granted. The nighwatcher likes you, so decides to also grant you the most powerful of smedry talents, the breaking talent, and no bane. "Good luck controlling that," she says. I wish for unlimited money (yes, so original and not greedy, i know)
  2. Hrrmm... kiss alcatraz, marry lift, kill sh- sadeas. Kill sadeas. Adolin, Kaladin, Shallan
  3. How well do you know Facepalm? Lol I tweaked Elf's list to make more sense for me. 1. What's my favorite Sanderson book? 2. Who's my favorite Wax & Wayne character? 3. What's my favorite non- Sanderson book? 4. What was my first experience with the Cosmere? 5. What is my favorite animal? 6. Do i prefer epic fantasy or steampunk? (I don't think i actually said this anywhere, so this one is just a guess hah.) 7. What's my Hogwarts house? (This one is SUUUPPPER hard. Like, REEAALLLLLLYY difficult. Like, i have absolutely NO idea where you could POSSIBLY find an answer. If you are on mobile, this will make so sense lmao.) 8. Who is my favorite Harry Potter character? 9. What kind of dog do i have? 10. Do I like or dislike pineapple on pizza?
  4. Ok sir, here's your pet tortoise. That'll be 200 boxings- A deep auburn, almost red, with highlights of aqua blue and vomit green.
  5. Can i do one of these for me? It's fun!
  6. 1. Mistborn (that's just a guess) 3. Harry potter... ? (That too is a guess) 6. Dark fantasy. 7. Slytherin 8. Draco 9. ... nights? 10. I don't think so. 11. Long. Those are the best i can do lol.
  7. Kiss Vapor (h-how-?), marry morrimur, kill hesho Steris, Marasi, Vin Edit: ninja'd! And no, they aren't sharders, they are characters from Starsight.
  8. Occasionally. Whenever i have a dream i can actually remember, it is extremely vivid, and that includes the nightmares. My latest nightmare was terrifying and realistic, i dreamed that people had broken into my house and murdered my little sister, and then a creepy man came into my room and was like, "don't be scared ahaha" and i woke myself up by yelling "stop". So that was utterly terrifying. But sometimes i'll have a fun one that i can pretty much control. The hooty-kaladin-boat-tupperware one was pretty good, especially at the beginning (which i don't remember particularly well but i remember it was fun.)
  9. HELL YEEESSSSS MY GAYNESS WILL BE ELEVATED TO EPIC PROPORTIONS (Fr though i'm crocheting myself one as soon as i have the materials and then i'm never taking it off) As for your wish, errm, ok, but whenever you see an apple you have to do the teapot dance and then eat the apple. I wish to be able to summon anything at will by clapping my hands.
  10. A Hoidling would be awesome... but jasnah is pretty clearly ace and that would be making a weird statement, i think. And yeah their relationship is weird. Also, on rock, in state of the sanderson he said he is going to make a ROCK NOVELLA! i am so storming excited for that Wishes: I hope that szeth and nightblood legally adopt lift lmao Serious wishes: I hope for more of Jasnah's past, and maybe more of the kid who was in a couple interludes, Aiden. And DEFINITELY more Cultivation. I love what you said about Lirin, none of that occurred to me until you said it, but that would be awesome. Those are all my wishes. But my biggest wish is that Kaladin doesn't die ;-;
  11. Well, part of it was that i met you (robin hatter) and your irl name was Eve (idk why) and i think there was something with Kaladin and syl and a sharder (idk who) and for some reason hooty from the owl house and we were all on a boat and syl kept being like "oh guys we should try dying to see how it feels" and everyone was like "syl wtf" and also Kaladin was in a giant Tupperware for some reason. ... Yeah
  12. We're kinda not doing it with sharders, in case they'd be uncomfortable with that ...
  13. Facepalm, still imbued with Wisdom and Survival, was blessed with the wisdom that it was probable 655 would become dust again, but they also knew a way 655 could survive. it involved a nuclear reactor and some zebras.
  15. hmmm that's hard depends on the shade of pink, but probably kiss pink, marry white, kill red Oathbringer, Hero of Ages, Warbreaker
  16. mmmAN Oathbringer finale slaps hard

  17. very well. i suppose i should volenteer to be one of the three. ... so yeah. i do that.
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