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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Gets your identity stolen Inserts my slytherin scarf that i crocheted and wore to Harry Potter world
  2. Yeah i was gonna make a "don't" joke and also a "i didn't know there were four letter donuts" joke but i decided on blinking instead Anyway is this just a chat place, or is it, like, a party rp? Cause i've been treating it like a party rp.
  3. Ma'am, those are bugs (and a seon) *sigh* first it was authors, now it's bugs... this thread is getting weirder and weirder Kiss chirichiri, marry doomslug, kill len Preservation, Cultivation, Dominion
  4. (Free hugs, bring it in bring it in) i grow rows and rows of roses,
  5. Nope, barely even have a social life :/ TPBM wishes there was a Sixth of Dusk sequel
  6. Warning: this status update contains spoilers for sixth of dusk and also won't make sense unless you have read it.

    I just finished reading Sixth of Dusk and WAS ANYONE GONNA TELL ME HOW FRICKING GOOD IT WAS? I mean, sanderson can't just drop that on us and then not write anything else about it! In the postscript it said that we will see characters from Drominad but there won't be more stories or books around it, but whyyyyyyyy whyyyy would he give us such an intriguing storyline and then STOP? That may be my favorite cosmere work now, and I'm reaaalllllly sad that there's not gonna be more D:

    It's just so good. I stayed up really late last night finishing the threnody story (very grim, but very good) and only got about halfway through sixth of dusk before i was pretty much going to collapse, and i just fell asleep in anticipation. I stopped right after sak showed dusk the creepy vision of all his corpses, and i just could not wait to get up and finish it. How can he drop that on us and not write more?!

    Thank you for listening to my venting on this topic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      There is a non-canon Sequel of the Dusk, written by Sanderson, idk where it is but it exists

    3. Robin Sedai
    4. Szeth's Facepalm
  7. Once i had a dream that started awesome, basically i was gonna be a guest judge on AGT with Taylor Swift (which is actually pretty funny cause i don't watch agt nor am, like, a MEGA fan of Taylor- though she is awesome) and i was having so much fun, i was hanging out with Taylor Swift, they were giving me free stuff, i got to see all the weird auditions, but then right before they were about to start filming, the bald guy (i forget his name) was like, "hey you're kinda annoying can you leave" and i swear, NOTHING has hurt more than that. ... Well probably a lot of things have hurt more than that, but I was so sad. Then i woke up and my day was ruined
  8. Hmmmm... haven't read skyward in a while. Kiss Hurl, marry Kimmalyn, kill FM (sry ) Adolin, Renarin, Elhokar
  9. *pulls out pepper spray* when you see hoid walking around on earth
  10. as you wish... Quoting our words and making them colorless is just dumb. It's not even, like, some cool manipulation that makes us seem like we are on your side, it's just feigning ignorance. It's like the equivalent of using blunt force, but for this situation. :/ (yeah that wasn't that incredible of a comeback as you were probably expecting oh well) *WINS*
  11. I used to like Adolin the best, but i reread the books recently and i gotta say Kaladin. But actually probably Jasnah. Actually maybe still Adolin. MAN it's hard to choose... But probably Jasnah.
  12. *has literally a thousand comebacks that will not be used because i would like to remain friends with elf*
  13. Welcome! I like your pfp. Is that Marasi? Who is your favorite SA character so far? And would you like a cookie?
  14. Facepalm looked up at Ene from where they had been rocking back and forth in the corner, clutching nightblood and looking rather unhinged. "Soup... i had soup once."
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