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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Thank you, Sequence. ALL WHO SUPPORT THE COLOR AND THE GREAT PRESENCE, SPEAK NOW! Together we can resist the Colorless Fools and make the shard COLORFUL!
  2. Vaguely, cause i read Chasing Vermeer by Blue Baillet. tpbm still doesn't know what all the Color stuff is about, and is about to learn! This should catch you up vvv
  3. Yes! I wanted to do what you did, graduate in two and join the revolution, he looked at me like i was stupid (i'm not stupid) ^^^best line
  4. 8/10 could be more colorful, but i really like the splash of orange and the little bat
  5. Thanks! That's really helpful, thank you for taking the time to write it
  6. nO BUT I AM GOING TO MAKE IT TO THE W&W RELEASE PARTY IF I HAVE TO FRICKING MURDER A CHILD I AM GETTING TO THAT PARTY ... ok so i won't actually murder a child to get to the party Probably NHIE had a pet bird
  7. Have you ever murdered anyone? STOP STUTTERING, FOOL, AND HAND ME THE DARN RABBIT!
  8. Are we all just playthings of a higher being? Is everything we know just a carefully fabricated lie, meant to amuse some hyper-intelligent creature who we will never know of? Like a massive minecraft game? ... I wonder how many grapes i could fit into my mouth
  9. That's how i'd act if i had a crush on someone... Also, you said we can vent so HERE IT GOES There's this guy, i thought i liked him a little bit, like, three years ago (back when i thought i was pansexual and also was kinda boy crazy) but soon realized i only liked him as a friend. for a while i suspected he liked me, but that was fine. So anyway, one day something embarrassing happened that is to complicated to explain, but basically he practically said he liked me, i practically said i just liked him as a friend, he got offended (offended!). But all in a super complicated really embarrassing way. So after that thing happened, we mostly just ignored it. But ever since then he just hasn't been a nice friend anymore. He gets mad if i, say, compliment someone else in out friend group and not him, and is rude when he asks for things, and other stuff like that. And he'll bring up The Incident occasionally and be mad at me for stuff about it, like "you didn't respond fast enough" and "i can't believe you said you would block me" (it happened over text, and the blocking part was after his brother stole his phone sent some *inappropriate* stuff) and is just generally rude. I can't just cut him out, cause we're in the same friend group and that would be awkward, and he's sometimes nice, but i'm getting sick of him and idk what to do. Thank you for listening to my venting.
  10. Wit! :D. (Jus spoilered for size)



    Sry about the lighting :<

    And the shoes

    I can't draw shoes, i just draw slightly triangular lumps

    And sorry to all flute players, i know that is not how one holds a flute

    Ok i'll stop apologizing

    1. Morningtide


      Nice! Much better than I could do lol. :P

  11. STORM YOU @Dannnex @Experience @Szeth_Pancakes *sniffles* all i wanted was a beautiful, color filled topic AND NOW YOU MONSTERS HAVE TAKEN AWAY THE SUNRISE! sobbing commences
  12. *grumbles darkly* you guys are lucky i have to go practice my cello now, otherwise i would keep this going for a long time
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