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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. *murders your entire family and steals all your possessions while simultaneously committing tax fraud* Nope, i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be like that.
  2. Guys 

    I have a confession

    So, you know how i've been acting like a human, being all human-y and stuff? And you probably thought i was a human?

    Well, the truth is... i'm actually a robot. Beep bop beep bop. *robot noises*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm


      I spontaneously posted this at about midnight, then promptly forgot about it, then remembered it in a panic a minute ago

      ... idk why i did all that, but basically this is a tiny slice of what it's like to be my friend irl

      beep bop

    3. Morningtide


      I have never known a robot before...I think. Interesting!

    4. Sequence
  3. Ok, this is the most vital part of the plan. If this doesn't go correctly, life as we know it is doomed for eternity. We must execute this PERFECTLY. There is no room for mistakes. Thaidikar, i need you to-- Thaidikar, HEY, THAIDIKAR, WHAT ARE YOU PUTTING IN YOUR MOUTH? Yes, i love them, too! Would you like to see my private collection?
  4. Heehee. You do not know my evil plans. Teeheehee.
  5. Facepalm squeezed into a crack and hid while the angry peasants were distracted by... all that stuff. Unfortunately, it was the same crack that shallan and kaladin were using to hide from the chasmfiend. Then the chasmfiend ate Thaidikar and Spook.
  6. Facepalm bust in, ignoring the epic and bizzare battle. "Excuse me," they cried, "I have excellent consulting skills! In fact, i even know what that word means! There's no need to be rude, rubber chickens! >:(" Everyone stared at Facepalm. Facepalm sighed. "Oh, never mind, don't cease your squabbles for me. Get back to whatever you were doing."
  7. (Spoilered for size) No explanation needed
  8. The odium chicken shard listened to the screaming with glee. It donned the Thaidikar flower crown and sent The Thrill to everyone in the bleachers, so they started attacking eachother. Meanwhile, Facepalm was safe in their giant melted robot consultant orb. Then people started banging on the door.
  9. Kiss Rock, marry Leshwi, kill Gavilar (sorry man, but you're dead already, so...) Hoid, Thaidikar, Szeth
  10. The chicken was now about the size of a large panda, and had spikes sticking out of its back. It ascended and became Odium (which is oddly not the first time a giant chicken has ascended and become odium on the shard.) In seeing this, Thaidikar the flower screamed. Then Hoid, who had been hanging out with the BREADMUNKS and had also eaten to much vodka, screamed in all caps and turned Thaidikar into a beautiful flower crown for the Odium Chicken Shard.
  11. Oh yeah, dalton is good Sorry i was a little harsh, i had just opened youtube and gotten a new cast studio c recommended to me and was fuming a little lol
  12. Do u guys have rat tails? Cause if you have those i'd be interested in joining. Also, can i see the benefits package?
  13. Gets .noisufnoc ES Inserts my three pound psychopath yorkie, Frida, whom i love very much
  14. Wat? Wat are these smart computer words? I understand not (So... no?) TPBM likes Gravity Falls
  15. Hmmmmm, i don't remember a lot about iyatil... i have to reread WoR Kiss Iyatil, marry Thaidikar, kill Mraize (?) (Ok, lets try this one again) Wax, Wayne, Marasi
  16. If you do watch it, don't watch any with the new cast. Search up "studio c old cast," people made playlists, i think. No offense (actually yes offense) to the new cast, but they are ABSOLUTE CREM and a disgrace to the once beautiful thing that is studio c. (I am sure they are lovely people, but they need to quit acting and skit writing right now. ... - @Szeth's Facepalm
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