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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. No, not really. Hey, HEY, whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK AT THE SPHERE, ok? DO NOT LOOK AT IT!! whatever you do, DON'T LOOK AT THAT SPHERE!!!
  2. Haha, wouldn't YOU like to know... TPBM is sequence or trutharchivist Edit: *sigh* it turns out my powers of checking the recently browsing have failed me :/
  3. Haloo boys Wassap Noticed a @Thaidakar the Ghostblood lurkin' in the girl's thread Not that i particularly mind I'm just here to lurk back a lil
  4. Hmmmmmm tricky Kiss Veil, marry Radiant, kill Shallan (I'm sorry shallan ;-;) Spensa, Vin, Adolin
  5. Ok because that dumb [potassium intensifies] SU let me win my first day, here's a lil context: i got a booster shot yesterday, and they asked me whether i had drunk any water before getting it (i had not). They recommended drinking something with plenty of electrolytes after i got the shot, so my mother picked out a massive bottle of some sort of sports drink. I looked on the bottle and under "electrolytes" it said potassium. I drank all three servings, and then jokingly told my cousins "i cannot be held accountable for my actions because i am saturated with eLeCtRoLyTeS" and sent the [potassium intensifies] gif. I was joking, but i wonder if all that potassium did mess with my brain, cause then i went and posted the gif on here.

    Thats all the context i got


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Sequence


      Fun. How was the booster? My sister's family all got it and she said they were all sick for like a week.

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      It was pretty good day of, my arm just hurt, but today i'm feeling pretty fatigued and a little nauseated. It's not nearly as bad as when i had the second shot, but it's gone on a little longer. Nothing too bad though, i just don't have much of an appetite and if i stretch to much or stand up to fast i feel a little faint. My dad was sick for several days though, so i guess the side affects vary a lot.

      Wow the rhythm of that paragraph is so weird

  6. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite Stormlight Archive character?
  7. ^^ this is correct! Good job @ElMonoEstupendo! I thought he was obscure enough to do a detailed one, but i was wrong lol
  8. I should probably go then, i am very young in body and only slightly older in soul But i have a really funny story about knowing more composers then pop singers. When i went to school for the first time, it was 4th grade and i was not at all in tune with the latest trends and stuff (since i had been homeschooled for all the time before that.) So me and my friends are sitting outside of PE waiting to go in, and they start talking about kaity perry (or however it's spelled) and one of them is like, "Facepalm, what's your favourite kaoty peary song?" And i'm like, "who's keity porrie?" And everyone freaks out and is like OMG FACEPALM DOESN'T KNOW WHO KATY PIERRY IS and i look calmly at all of them and say something like "i may not know kaity perry, but i bet not a single one of you has heard of verdi." Keep in mind i was eight at the time
  9. Not dilaf, kelsier, sazed, or treledees. 1. This character is very religious. 2. When speaking to this character, you may find that their mind has wandered off and they are no longer listening to you.
  10. Oooooo yes! I love Vivaldi's four seasons, and a lot of others that i cant remember the names of at the moment
  11. D: Well, if i end up going on one, it won't be for a while, so i guess it'll be some other book that i miss
  12. Gonna take that as a yes! :D. 1. This character is very religious
  13. what... what is this feeling Could it be Could it be remorse oh nope i'm just hungry nm
  14. *has already been dead inside for years and therefore is better than all of you despite what any of you say*
  15. TRAITOR! jk us younguns' still love you (platonicly or however you spell it) until your 18th birthday
  16. Easy. Kiss kelseir, marry jasnah, kill taln (4000 years or whatever is a little old for me, sorry taln) Kaladin, shallan, adolin.
  17. Aww Well You know what they say Actually wait that was pretty quotable -me, january 13, 2022
  18. YOU ALL HAVE AN AWKWARD NUMBER OF BONES -- @Tani, during The Great Child Invasion of '22
  19. Phyliss was only able to eat 299 pounds before ascending and becoming Odium.
  20. Who's your favorite Artemis Fowl character? Are you a fellow slytherin? (Cause of the draco theme and all that lol) ^^^ go read The Rithmatists NOW (or whenever you want no pressure lmao)
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