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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. *facepalms at experiance, who goes flying and smashes through the wall into the adult corner*
  2. Hi, i can change my signature if you want me to. despite what it states, I am copying you (lol) and if you'd rather I didn't, that's totally fine :D

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      It’s fine :D

      I’m kind of copying Sequence with mine so

    2. Szeth's Facepalm
  3. Wu- wut do those wurds mean- As in, nope, don't even know what a "wii u" is lol. TPBM has heard of The Magnus Archives
  4. Flashback to when i was new to the shard and made this:

    Now i know that would have been better to put in an SU, but it was fun to remember and read through lol


    On another, more unfortunate note, school is scudding KILLING ME there is toooo muuuch schooooolllworrrkkk

    "so why are you on the shard, instead of doing schoolwork?" You ask.

    ... i don't know. Hmmm.

    *eats giant kitkat*


    1. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Yeah I didn’t start homework for 2 hours after getting home because I was on the shard and chatting with friends xD

      Also yay for kit-kats! *is literally eating a kit-kat as I’m posting this.*

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I am procrastinating a bunch of really important school work to goof off on the shard too! :P

  5. uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh *panics in i completly forgot about this and also school is insane right now* Could we maybe.......... extend the already extended deadline to next weekend cause all my school days are absolutely packed >_<
  6. Here's a lil Wayne doodle:



    I didn't color it in the best, but i think it's cute :).

    Also, i have no idea in the slightest why there is a piece of cheese on his shoulder. I doodled it late last night and simply decided that was what Wayne needed, i guess. lol. Oh, and the circle was inspired by @Robin Hatter 's pfp.

    P.S. aforementioned magic systems will come soon, school just hit me like a brick :unsure:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      That facial expression fits perfectly. And I love the hat.

    3. Sequence


      That right there is why I still exist. Adorable Cosmere drawings.

    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      :lol: I'm glad you guys like it!

      Also, i just realized i wrote "i have no idea in the slightest." I really don't know how i puzzled that one out. I think it's a mix between "i haven't the slightest idea" and "i have no idea in the world," but it didn't quite work lol.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      have not seen snow in three years or so!

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I live in Idaho so I see it a lot.

    4. Sequence


      Here in Utah, it had been like 38 degrees until we got some serious snow. I went skiing for the first time this season after ending my last season crashing and going into physical therapy. Snow wasn't bad, although some of the black diamonds were a bit icy.

  8. Facepalm, who is huddled in a corner sniffling, refuses to relinquish their copy. "You can't have it unless you give me cheetos! And, uh, Breath! I wanna get to the perfect pitch level!"
  9. Oh, i didn't know that the scabbard was aluminum. I could be wrong, then, but I'm pretty sure that even if you had an aluminum armor set, it would only repel the, you know, nighbloody part, not the actual blade, cause aluminum isn't very strong. Idk. Im probably wrong But why do you invade us? We are but peaceable Szeths D:
  10. Cute, i like the little owl. Maybe a little to Halloweeny for January, but thats fine. 8/10
  11. ... nightblood can pierce aluminum Even if it resists allomantic powers and does other things of the sort, it's still just some metal :/ Ur dead
  12. Gets love, loyalty and joy Inserts the entirety of the cosmere
  13. D: *Throws nightblood at you and friking demolishes both of you* :D.
  14. Haha, for a while your rank was "young and sweet, only 17."
  15. 20220101_100434.jpg.084b547e7b36e8cb353edc0434ec532a.jpg

    It shows the year now...


    Also, would you guys like it if i posted some of my partially formed magic systems (most of which i get from dreams) here and asked for constructive criticism or ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I am always more than willing to peer-edit a pal's magic system.

    3. The Storming Stormfather
    4. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      :D. Yay! I'll do it soon, probably tomorrow or monday or so, i just wanna get a couple of them down a little more coherently then "dark planet, dust=light and worms (snakes?) dont like light  they are big and lighting is also light" which is what i found scrawled in my journal one morning lol

      (I've expanded slight on the "dark planet" one, but not to much so i might not post that one yet. It is cool though.)

  16. muahahhahahaha, go read my "interests" page and you shall see how my dastardly plans are coming to fruition




    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      ...is that a reference that I'm not getting?

    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Yes... avatar the last airbender

      there is no 2021 in ba sing se

    3. Doomstick
  18. NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO! While I'm here, i guess, i might as well make myself useful... @Elf @Robin Hatter >:). Teeheehee, you must also suffer
  19. I just realized that everything i have posted lately has been pure chaos. Like... go look at the The Szeths and Girls Only threads, and also i don't even remember when i changed my profile to 



    ^^^ this :blink:

    Like, even the status update i had saved in here but didn't end up posting was just so chaotic. Lol.

    Sooo i guess this is an apology? Uhhhhhh yeah. Sorry for being weird. (Not rly sorry tho. :P)

    1. Elf


      No its okay. Everyone is weird; if everyone was normal life would be incredibly boring. Also, normal is subjective. You don't have to conform to society's defination of normal. You create your own normal, and that's what makes life interesting. 

      Sorry, got a bit off track there. :D. Didn't mean to get all philosophical or something.

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I think your contact methods actually fit in :D

  20. I don't know why but for some reason i thought you were an adult lol
  21. Facepalm drops from the ceiling. "Hi guys, sorry for being pure chaos. Anyway, elf, the youtubers name is "man carrying thing," and he does mostly book related memes. It's very funny. I brought breadsticks!" Facpalm drops a massive wooden chest that they somehow concealed behind their back. the lid bangs open to reveal hundreds of breadsticks. Facepalm shoots back up towards the ceiling and dissappears.
  22. ^^^^ Facepalm walks back through the already broken door and gestures at their slowly fading speech bubble from a second ago. "it's a very... special name. Then again, i'm not one to talk about special!" Facpalm cackles, then puts the door back on it's hinges and climbs out the broken window.
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