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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. "Also, I hope it's not to late to mention but if the de-glitter-er potion in the de-glitter-inators touches human flesh, the area it touched will constantly feel like a huge mosquito bite."
  2. "KINDA BUSY, 2EmLee2!" Szeth's Facepalm blasts the glitter monster with a spray of de-glitter-ing potion. "BUT I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY BAG FOR THAT! JUST BE CAREFUL YOU DON'T GET BITTEN BY MY PET CAPYBARA IF YOU PUT YOUR HAND IN!"
  3. Facepalm narrows their eyes. "I always knew this day would come." They carefully set the pizza down and grab three de-glitter-inators from their bag. They throw two into the air (presumably for someone to catch) and then start running towards the monster. "CHARGE!"



    yes I'm sure many of you have gotten ur books its not such a huge deal but this is my first time experiencing a book release (i wasn't that into sanderson when RoW came out) so i am HYYYYPPPEDDD 


    Just gotta wait for my doomslug plushie/pin now


  5. Szeth's Facepalm coughs loudly. "Wouldthisbeagoodtimetomentionhowunconnectedimfeelingwithmygendersoimgonnaduckoutforjustaslongasittakesyoutocleanupthemessfromthisokbyeegiiiiirrrllsss" Facepalm coughs again, grabs their stuff and dashes out the door before the timer countdown reaches zero. They can be seen at domino's, getting pizza and breadsticks for everyone.
  6. Szeth's Facepalm sighs again, puts away all sharp pointy and potentially dangerous objects, and rips box open with their bare hands. They gasp as the inside starts glowing. "It's- it's-"
  7. Facepalm sighs and pulls out a multi-tool. "No one ever appreciates my preparedness... Anyway, lets open the box!"
  8. "Ooooo, my words are in quotation marks now!!" Szeth's Facepalm walks over to 2EmLee2. "Yes, that package looks very nice. It also smells like cheetos, which is a good sign."
  9. "Let's start a chocolate-covered-peanut-butter-pretzal-that-tastes-like-strawberries factory!" Said Butt.
  10. Facepalm's machines and Nameless's inquisitors collided like two walls, and they fought until only rubble was left. And two lone figures, staring at each other across the destruction.
  11. Even using the lenses of Rashid, Szeth's Facepalm was not able to decipher Johnny Boy's words. And then the wave of destruction from the facepalm hit Nameless's forces. And then Facepalm realized how OPed they were. And then they didn't care, because anything can happen on TLT.
  12. Nope, three scoops is my limit. Has been to Casa Bonita (or, if that's to specific, has been to Denver)
  13. Hey- aren't you allergic to peanuts? I'm pretry sure that is a peanut butter sandwich... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm pretty sure it's gone now. Just a hunch.
  14. Szeth's Facepalm, still laughing maniacally, raised their hands high over their head, then slammed them into the robot tower. The fused tower of melted glass robots unfused themselves and grew to about 3.78 times their original size, and began speeding towards Nameless's inquisitors. Then Facepalm dashed away across the barren plain left by the thermonuke, presumably to their secret stash of lenses.
  15. GET IT! GET IT! *pulls out massive water gun filled with ketchup* PREPARE TO DIE, @Boomerang Guy!!!! *pauses* Haha that rhymed heh DIEEEEEE!
  16. Everyone looked at Ene. Then they looked at the massive wave of destructive power that was barreling towards Nameless and his horde.
  17. Szeth's Facepalm cackled. Oh, Nameless, foolish child, you cannot defeat me. Facepalm raised their hand, and with an incredible flourish... They facepalmed.
  18. It was Szeth's Facepalm, who had used the 420 consultants (who where actually glass robot AIs from the freelands) as a shield against the thermonuke. They climbed their mighty glass robot tower, firebringer's lense in hand. (Because they were an oculator, obviously.)
  19. The next grotesque abomination can finish cooking or just eat a new potato.
  20. Cute, but since your going with a bird i might have chosen a robin to match your name. It's adorable though, so 7/10
  21. No luck on the Fish summoning, he left me on read :/

    1. Szeth's Facepalm
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      :O. Fish may be coming! Brace yourselves! (Only maybe, but it's a very solid maybe)

    3. Experience
  22. Lol I'm sure i could, i've eaten three of the top five hottest peppers in the world and quite frankly was underwhelmed. My family doesn't eat that much spicy food though, so i don't really remember trying it, if i have. TPBM has read the HP books, and if so, thinks Harry Potter is actually kinda annoying.
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