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Everything posted by Hoid17th

  1. Look.. All I'm gonna say..

    The Shardle shouldn't be called the Shardle. It's a nice, clever name, but when I hear Shardle I expect things within the Cosmere, not the Cytoverse or Reckoners. And I know, the post introducing the Shardle to us does specifically say it compiles other universes too, so that's on me. But COME ON! When it takes me 6 just to think of somebody not even in the Cosmere, it gets me a little peeved. Again, just ranting about this, I'm not asking anybody to change it because it literally says on the post that all of his works are being compiled in the Shardle- so that's just me being stupid. Just a little frustrated.

  2. Not Sazed. Not Nedd Strong. Not Steelheart. Btw how many hints do we give? 5? 1. This guy doesn't believe in himself 2. He is witty and tries to cover up his insecurity with humor 3. He has a very powerful skill that has hurt people 4. He's known for being reckless and impulsive
  3. Not Sazed Not Nedd Strong. (Who is Nedd Strong?) 1. This guy doesn't believe in himself 2. He is witty and tries to cover up his insecurity with humor 3. He has a very powerful skill that has hurt people
  4. Not Sazed 1. This guy doesn't believe in himself 2. He is witty and tries to cover up his insecurity with humor
  5. I'm genuinely worried about the people here. I like C H E E Z C A K as much as the next person, but this is worrying.
  6. I'm probably gonna get a warning for this, but fornication. Sorry, but I had to do it. It's a fun word!
  7. Oh don't worry im careful. That's my middle name. Hoidcareful17th. See?
  8. Moist. Because other people don't like it. It needs some moist love.
  9. Thaidakar the boss 10/10 love this man i spent a good 3 months tryna figure out how to draw the Ghostbloods symbol so props to him
  10. NHIE met someone who actually thought i liked to read - they all thought i was a jock
  11. OH and by the way just found out I'm a Windrunner! Pretty cool if I say so myself. The next possibility was an Edgedancer, also pretty cool. You can find out your Radiant order as well with this quiz. SO yeah. Flying with Kaladin. Pretty dope. 

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Nice! I'm a Truthwatcher.

  12. You have staff members in the European Union? Who's even still in the EU anymore? After Britain left (they left, right?) what even happened to the EU?
  13. So. Investing. Not money Investing. Capital "I" Investing. Investiture. How? Why? When? Where? As far as I can tell, the answers to those are: Who the stormwinds knows except for BS himself, the BS king; Not sure, not even the BS king; Pretty much whenever; Pretty much wherever. 

  14. Who is it? Oh, hi, Life. How are you doing? Oh that's good. Just wanted to stop by? Yeah, well, it's been good seeing you too. Looking pretty worried about something, you ok? Mm, well, take care. 

    1. Hoid17th


      So, long story short, Life has been doing pretty awful. It claims to be a "convoluted web" full of "painful, mistakes, and harsh realities." I honestly think that's bad for Life's self-image, but it didn't listen to me. I tried to cheer it up - I swear I tried my best! But Life is pretty lonely right now, and it doesn't know what to do with itself. 

  15. The kind I had was the don't, which was basically a foreshadowing of whether or not I should've told that joke.
  16. *shoves big, delectable d--- down my throat* Get your mind out of the gutter. I was eating a big, tasty donut. You awful, awful person.
  17. Apologies, just read the article "How could the Returned have children?", which was pretty helpful.
  18. Yes. Boogy. Or boogie. It gets the joints moving, like a more advanced Pilates. And as for pets, I had one large horse that worked the farm. Szeth's Facepalm is also correct about frogs. I kept many frogs.
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