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Status Replies posted by Hoid17th

  1. Can someone who has not seen Gravity Falls please describe what they think is happening in these images:








    Anyway it's a great show and you should watch it

  2. Can someone who has not seen Gravity Falls please describe what they think is happening in these images:








    Anyway it's a great show and you should watch it

    1. Hoid17th


      1. Getting hard carried in a group project by the smart kid

      2. Ghostly grandparents still tryna check up on you and make sure you're being fed

      3. A furry gets shot by a person with a firearm.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. So...

    My tenth grade is going to start from 21st March. This is the most important year of my life becuase the percentage i get this year will decide whether i get to go to a good college (here 11th and 12th are considered junior college) and if i get into a good junior college then I'll get into a good degree college. I need to work hard and study hard. (Also helps that I'm promised a car if i get above 90%) And if want to get good grades, keep playing violin and read books, then i need to give up the internet. I'm not going to be on the Shard for probably the next year. You will most likely see me again in April or May of 2023. I'll miss my Shardiversary. I'm not going to be able to take writing commissions (sorry about that). if you see me online, please tell me to go back to my work  becuase this is really important to me. Thank you to all of my friends. Have a good year.

    1. Hoid17th


      A WHOLE YEAR?!? WHAT? I mean I understand, but still, that's some commitment to schooling you have - I'm proud of you. I could never dedicate myself like that - Keep it up, and work hard!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. I feel so lonely. I feel like I'm never going to belong anywhere. I have never belonged anywhere. Never fit in. I'm always the outcast. And even now when i have 1 or 2 friends I'm left out most of the time. 

    I feel old. Far older than my 15 years. I don't feel like someone who has her entire life in front of her. No I feel the type of weariness that never goes away. Becuase you're so weary of everything that's happened in your life. Becuase you just want a place full of peace and happiness but you are not getting that. Because you just want a place to call home but you have none. I'm so tired.

    1. Hoid17th


      Honestly, I just chalk it up to me being a useless person - but then people tell me to see someone. So maybe don't listen to my advice.

      Then again, when you look around you, Elf, I know for a fact that you can see all the people's lives that you influence and effect making their day brighter. So, try to have some fun, and realize that things don't matter as much as they may seem to. Like, no one is gonna be freaking out if you turn in one math assignment late- in the grand scheme of things- who really cares? That's how I do it at least, idk if you would want to listen to Captain Lazy, though.

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  5. Who is it? Oh, hi, Life. How are you doing? Oh that's good. Just wanted to stop by? Yeah, well, it's been good seeing you too. Looking pretty worried about something, you ok? Mm, well, take care. 

    1. Hoid17th


      So, long story short, Life has been doing pretty awful. It claims to be a "convoluted web" full of "painful, mistakes, and harsh realities." I honestly think that's bad for Life's self-image, but it didn't listen to me. I tried to cheer it up - I swear I tried my best! But Life is pretty lonely right now, and it doesn't know what to do with itself. 

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