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Posts posted by Hoid17th

  1. On 11/20/2020 at 8:16 AM, Bearer of all agonies said:

    yeah. . . wait, what? I'm not popular popular, just, people know me. I'm one of the only kinda popular kids that's not an A-hole.

    Yes! That is so me! It's not like I'm an amazing go-getter, I just talk to people and people are like, "Oh hi bro" and almost everybody in my grade knows me, but I'm not the most active person in my school. 

  2. I have a life. I boogie with the kids. How is boogying? Boogying is fun. We boogy a lot. Shimmy shimmy, shuffle, then make fun of people while sitting on a stool. Boogying, am I right? How do you even spell boogie? Is it boogie, or boogy? Do you boogy or boogie? Am I boogying, or boogieing? Booging? I have so many questions and so many more questions because I haven't gotten answers to my first questions yet. There are questions piled up like boulders after a highstorm. 

  3. Ahhh, thanks Zoey! I missed that part - I initially assumed that the sand itself was Invested and the sun was a catalyst. The sun being highly Invested makes more sense, however, explaining the Investure transference Hoid must have been doing. May the winds bless you, both Zoey and Honorless (my lord)!

  4. Thanks for the link Honorless! I did consider if it was from Taldain, but I was just wondering how he changed the black sand back to white. On Taldain, the sand must be in the light of that sun for 4 hours for the sand to become white again, after being drained. It could be that the sun on Nalthis is somehow different and the sand reacts differently to this light than it's home light, similar to Superman on Earth. Or, as AonDoor said, it could be that Hoid is somehow transferring Investure.

  5. Hey, anyone else notice that in Chapter 32 of Warbreaker, Hoid uses black and white sand? The black sand turns white when he puts it with the white sand. Wondering if this has to do with the Breaths that Lightsong holds, Hoid himself, or if maybe this is another coincidence like the letter 'shash'.

    Another thing is how he describes his learning of storytelling, which Siri ascribes to him attempting to be dramatic. "I learned it many, many years ago from a man who did not know who he was, Your Majesty. It was a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died. But that is unimportant." This is, I believe, one of the few times we ever definitively learn something about Hoid from something other than WoB/Stormlight Archive. And even from SA, we don't know how much is fact and how much is fiction.

    So, any thoughts?

  6. Don't know if this is important or not, or if it has been mentioned before, but the first letter that Siri teaches the God King is 'shash', which is also the brand Kaladin got on his forehead in The Way of Kings.  Just a little tidbit!

  7. Will Yalb meet Shallan again? If so, will this introduce the now Dawnshard infused Rysn to the Knights Radiant and Dalinar? Since Dalinar is a Bondsmith, would it be possible for him to Connect with the Dawnshard somehow? What would happen if they did Connect? Could they, combined, defeat Odium? I personally don't think so, but who knows what the Shard is capable of.

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