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Elf last won the day on March 31 2023

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About Elf

  • Birthday 11/30/2006

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    And isn't death just the apocalypse in the first person?
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    Two Set
    Tom Riddle <3
    Dark fiction
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    Currently listening to Welcome to Nightvale
    All hail the mighty glowcloud

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  1. So um

    I have heard stuff about The Poppy War and apparently it is pretty violent and also makes people cry a lot. Buuuuut it looks really good. Do you have any insights or advice on it? I ask cause i looked it up on common sense- which usually has good content warnings and stuff- and they did not have an entry for it, and i know you like it.

    (This may or may not be inspired by a poppy war fanart that popped up on my Instagram that made it look like there were sapphic ppl in it)

    1. Elf


      It made me cry. 

      It made me bawl 

      there were some scenes that were so graphic i had to put the book down for a bit 

      Midway through the second book, i realised that it was making me an already stressful situation in my life even more stressful just by the virtue of it being so damn dark and sad too 

      I still love it 

      But if you want a comparision. The Poppy War would eat Kaz "Dirtyhands" Brekker for breakfast. I think stuff like ambercombie is grimdark because of well, how insane the protagonists are and it relies a lot on shock factor. 

      This makes you love a thing and then tarnish it to pieces : D 

      Here are all the trigger warnings i can remember 


      Rape (not described it the moment, but talked about by the survivors.) Self harm (described. Graphically) genoicide. Drugs and substance abuse. Drug addiction Mental and physical abuse. Racism. Sexism. Human experimentation. War. (There's this one scene in the first book, like oh man. It's very, very, very violent and graphic and horrendous. Don't think I've ever read anything like that in my life). That's all i can remember for now. Keep in mind that all of this is graphic. Even the stuff that's not described in the moment is talked about graphically.

      I'm not saying it's a bad book. It's a REALLY AMAZING book and definitely one of my favourites of all time. But it's not for everyone and does require a certain level of being able to handle graphic and violent stuff.  

      Also as far as i remember, there's no sapphic relationships in it. I don't think there's much of any relationships as the main characters go through war after war. 

      So there you go! Hope that helped :))

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