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Darth Squirrely

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About Darth Squirrely

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Member Title
    Nutty Cheese on Crackers
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    La La Land

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  1. Been a thousand years since last time I was here...

  2. Death by too-high-standards-induced heart attack.
  3. @KChan: Thanks, toes are especially annoying since you can't really do much when you injure them, except tape them together or wear a flat, hard-soled shoe. XD Also, the pain has receded somewhat, so I have concluded that only one of my toes is actually injured, and that toe is either really bruised or fractured, since it's not swollen too much but it hurts like crazy. It's good news, after all! Wow, what's up with Minnesota? O.o I've never been to Idaho, but I heard it's nice, and if it's home, even better.
  4. I think my mom broke at least one of my toes this morning....
  5. I was gonna make the same type of joke.... Yeah, I suppose not having much of a "life" (for lack of a better term) helps make sure the day has enough hours in it to at least get the most important stuff done. XD Even still, people like me go crazy when they have more than....3 major obligations to fulfill on a regular basis. I switched to part-time at work, to focus on school, and I still barely manage to work on my knitting projects anymore. Maybe I need to take a time-management class. >.>
  6. Imma gonna check out that RP today, in between reading my textbooks because I didn't start yesterday (it was my vacation day >.>). Thanks, Kerry! And I don't think I'd be able to juggle everything you are, so I admire you. Don't let me fool you, Joe, I might die off in the next week or so, there's no telling.
  7. Wow, that's so cool! I don't think I'm ready for that type of thing yet.... But you did a really great job, I like it lots!
  8. Oh wow, that must have been a little scary! I'm glad everyone is okay!
  9. I would like to announce that reunions between super-mega-awesomely-close best friends after a long time of not being able to communicate are....so touching. I actually started tearing up. I had forgotten how much this person means to me.
  10. Thanks, Chaos! It's (not-so) surprisingly good to be back. That works. It's nice to meet you, Kuri! I like shiny things. *licks lips, steals Kuri and runs off* Oooh, I will check out your RP. I'm not going to make any promises as far as joining, because I like RP but I often find it's hard to make time for it, but I will definitely look at it.
  11. Thanks! I think I remember writing this poem; it was HARD. I don't know how many times I had to reword it and rework it and change the overall idea. Huh, now that I think on it, that's not unlike any other writing process. I guess I know something of revision after all.
  12. Since my last post in this thread, I've kind of changed my mind as far as my major goes. I'm planning on transferring to a 4-year school, probably either for next year or the summer semester after. So I won't be getting my Associate in Liberal Arts. Also, I decided to do something more practical for my major--I definitely want to take some Creative Writing courses, but I plan on majoring in Early Childhood Education. I don't actually plan on teaching as a career, although I'm not opposed to it; I just think it's a good degree to have and it would help if I ever run a daycare (something I'm considering), and even if I don't.
  13. *comes in hundreds of years later and sees that someone was nice and welcomed her to the site without her noticing because she disapparated forever* *waves at Comatose* Hi, even though you probably forgot you even posted here because you're probably dead of old age by now. >.> XD Thanks for the welcome, I think it's still relevant since I went away so soon after joining in the first place, so I haven't really established myself here much yet. Oh, and thank you, I'm glad you like my poems. I don't even remember what happened to the whole NaPoWriMo thing, I think...hm....well, that was around the time my roommates and I started having to look for a new place, and that was around when I started my new job, and thought I had a chance with this awesome guy I met (which, apparently, I didn't, for whatever reason--maybe I'm too nice, and he only dates girls who he knows for sure will break his heart? >.> ). Anyway, that was kind of my motivation to write poetry, I'll have to keep trying, though. Poetry is usually something I do when I'm full of emotion. Usually negative, but happy poems are fun, too. I also used to write poetry on Helium.com, but I haven't logged in on there in years. Which reminds me, if I ever want to earn any money from that, I should get back on that horse and keep riding. Also, pfft, my usual style of poetry involves a bunch of sentence fragments, some of which are meant to create a sentence, others that are just related to something or other.... I think anyone could write a poem, just take some prose and hit enter in the middle of each sentence, or after each phrase. XD "The wolf Ran swiftly through The night-dark forest, Padding softly, Silent as a ghost." **edit** I almost forgot: fistpound for Garth Nix love!! I recently read Troubletwisters, by Nix and Sean Williams, have you read it?
  14. 1) SQUEEE, I'm reviving this thread!! 2)ZOMG, my new laptop is here, my free Xbox 360 (which I will most likely sell) should be here tomorrow, and my knitting needles should get here sometime in the next few days!!!! SOO EXCITED!!!!!!! And payday is tomorrow, too. >.>
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