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Everything posted by Argent

  1. Hopefully you aren't sick of Lost Metal art because we still have a couple of pieces in the chamber! So what's today's offering? Why, it's Ranette and Jaxy! Of course, we here on the Shard have long been Misra stans (you all remember Ranette's girlfriend from Shadows of Self, right?), but Jaxy quickly proved herself to be a sweetheart, so we'll let it all slide just this once. But Ranette is not allowed to remarry! For this piece we decided to work with an artist known as Runmien (available on Instagram and Twitter), whose Mistborn drawings you may have seen around the Internet (e.g. this Kelsier, or this Marsh, or these Era 2 portraits). Jaxy in particular turned out absolutely resplendent, the whole 1920s vibe is so spot-on and fits her so well, she is a smashing success. Also, Ranette, that's a lot of whiskey, girl, it better be some weak Elendel bottle!
  2. Are we making these weekly? Who knows. But it's time for another Lost Metal (March) art commission, this one dedicated to everyone's favorite gunslinging Coinshot & rude Bloodmaker dynamic duo - Dumad and Getruda! This one comes to you from the talented hand of Matthew Johnson, occasionally known as captrosko, whose work you can find on places like Twitter and Instagram - work you might recognize from the many Inktober drawings he's done over the years, such as this Allomancer Jak or this McHammer baggy pants-wearing Honor. With these two, Cap knocked it out of the park instantly. Dumad looks as punchable as a man can possibly look, with his smug face and perfect hair, and Getruda looks equally annoying, with her casual demeanor and gleeful smirk. All in all, this commission has been an absolutely win, you guys, so go give the artist your follows and your likes (and also maybe consider giving him your money?) - and we'll see you soon* with another Lost Metal artwork!
  3. Well, we hope you enjoyed last week's trip down Memory Lane with the little year-in-review post we had, because it's time we turned our collective gaze forward once again, and get back to this year's commissions! To start things off (because we have a whooping five commissions in the pipeline), let us present to you everyone's favorite Lost Metal character - Lily! Codenames Are Stupid and the seon Dao are in the picture too, but honestly, who cares? Just look at this happy pupper, who's a good dog? Who's a good dog?? You are, oh yes, you are! Come on, let's get you a treat! Ahem. Pets are dangerous to include in commissions, because then this happens. To get us all back on topic, this illustration was done by barlydoodles on Tumblr (and now on Instagram!) whose work you might recognize from last year's drawing of the Girl Who Stood Up. Barly is always a delight to work with, and her work is equally delightful. Plus, we got an adorable dog out of the whole thing, and that's just a win in everyone's book.
  4. Hello, hello! As many of you likely know, a key perk of the 17th Shard Patreon are the monthly art commissions - we take a good chunk of the money our supporters graciously donate to us, and invest (heh, Invest) them right back into the community in the form of fanart we commission from artists from the fandom. And, since we got our our final 2022 commission just a few days ago, it's once again time to take a brief look back, a quick stroll down Memory Lane, and enjoy all the gorgeous art this awesome and wholesome community has made possible. As always, thank you for being a part of this crazy ride, and double thank you to those of you who are specifically making us keep this going with your hard-earned clips, boxings, and spheres. We commissioned 22 full illustrations (plus a Discord emoji and a Shardcast thumbnail) costing a total of nearly $5,000, and almost none of them would've happened without your support! The previews below the break include scenes from the Skyward Flight novellas, Warbreaker, all of Stormlight, all of Mistborn, including The Lost Metal, and Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. If you haven't read some of these books, maybe don't look closely into the previews Links to the full images will be behind spoiler tags, however, so you can pick and choose which ones to take a(nother) closer look at. Graphic by @FelCandy The see all the illustrations in their full HD glory (and avoid the ones coming from books you maybe haven't read yet) and find more work by all of these wonderful artists, expand the spoiler blocks below. January: Sunreach February: Warbreaker March: The Way of Kings April: Rhythm of War May: Oathbringer June: Warbreaker July: The Hero of Ages and Mistborn: Secret History August: Rhythm of War September: The Alloy of Law October: Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell November: The Hero of Ages December: The Lost Metal 2023 commissions are in full force, and you can look forward to another recap like this one in about a year or so. Until then, thank you, and happy Year of Sanderson!
  5. Back in December, when The Lost Metal was but a wee baby and we were commissioning art from it, Wayne won pretty soundly but TwinSoul was a solid second. You've already seen the (very spoilery) Wayne piece but - surprise! - we've been working on TwinSoul in secret. Sneaky old man. So that's what we have here! The scene, of course, is the iconic roseite juggernaut transformation, in which Sanvith Prasanva Maahik va Sila, Grand Aetherbound of the twelve kingdoms, Raj of the Coriander Court lays down the law. The eagle-eye among you might have spotted the artist's signature already, but we once again hired heatherly.draws (as she goes by on Instagram) whose work you might recognize from awesome projects such as Syl's Guide to Spren or our Pantheon commission from a couple of years ago. And, as always, she absolutely crushed it with his piece. Now, let's see if anyone who is not already a member here is actually going to see this, with our Twitter gone...
  6. Secret Project #2 is coming out on April 1, and with it, we'll be making a few updates to what's consider a spoiler where. Specifically: The Lost Metal will no longer be considered a new release, and as such will be allowed freely in places like Cosmere Discussion and Mistborn, just like Mistborn books that came out a decade ago. The Lost Metal (Mistborn Spoilers Only, No Cosmere) will be retired New Cosmere Releases (Lost Metal and Tress Spoilers) (that's this subforum) will continue to function as before, we'll just rename it to not call out TLM explicitly In addition to these Lost Metal-specific updates, we'll obviously be accommodating the new release: The Spoiler Zone category will gain a new SP2 forum where all SP2 discussion should go. Content from the book must be spoiler-tagged everywhere else.
  7. Secret Project #2 is coming out on April 1, and with it, we'll be making a few updates to what's consider a spoiler where. Specifically: The Lost Metal will no longer be considered a new release, and as such will be allowed freely in places like Cosmere Discussion and Mistborn, just like Mistborn books that came out a decade ago. The Lost Metal (Mistborn Spoilers Only, No Cosmere) (that's this subforum) will be retired. New Cosmere Releases (Lost Metal and Tress Spoilers) will continue to function as before, we'll just rename it to not call out TLM explicitly In addition to these Lost Metal-specific updates, we'll obviously be accommodating the new release: The Spoiler Zone category will gain a new SP2 forum where all SP2 discussion should go. Content from the book must be spoiler-tagged everywhere else.
  8. Secret Project #2 is coming out on April 1, and with it, we'll be making a few updates to what's consider a spoiler where. Specifically: The Lost Metal will no longer be considered a new release, and as such will be allowed freely in places like Cosmere Discussion and Mistborn, just like Mistborn books that came out a decade ago. The Lost Metal (Mistborn Spoilers Only, No Cosmere) will be retired New Cosmere Releases (Lost Metal and Tress Spoilers) will continue to function as before, we'll just rename it to not call out TLM explicitly In addition to these Lost Metal-specific updates, we'll obviously be accommodating the new release: The Spoiler Zone category will gain a new SP2 forum where all SP2 discussion should go. Content from the book must be spoiler-tagged everywhere else.
  9. My immediate reaction was Sleepless too.
  10. It's been Spoiler City up on this Patreon, and that's not changing anytime soon (can you believe Secret Project #2 is less than a month away??). We are all mostly hunkered down here in 17S HQ, cooking up things both secret and not, and honestly, recovering from all the content Brandon is blasting our way with some face masks and spas. But you are not here for our morning routines, you are here to see pretty art, and this month you are in for a treat! Our patrons have known this for about a month now, but we got the exceptional Marie Seeberger, aka Lamaery, aka lamaery_in_the_cosmere to work on this piece, and we probably should've expected that we'd get way more than we asked for. Not only was her primary illustration of the Crow's Song surviving the Crimson Sea beyond amazing... ... she also threw in a bunch of variations of of it: A version without the storm clouds: A version without the Crow's Song, just the Crimson Sea after rain: A version with no Crow's Song or rain - just the Crimson Moon over a calm sea of red spores: And a version resized for desktop wallpaper use, because obviously we are all going to want that: So after all this we are absolutely going to try to get her to do something for us again in the future. But until then let's all enjoy this gorgeous painting that could've absolutely been one of the full color spreads in the book itself!
  11. It's been only a few months since The Lost Metal came out, but there's been so much going on with the Year of Sanderson that it's hard to believe. Time flies like a Coinshot, as they say (they don't say that), and so you've waited long enough to see the art you voted on (assuming you are a patron; if you are not, may we interest you in joining the ranks? Look at what cool stuff those kind patrons make happen). So let's take a look at it! Spoilers for The Lost Metal So what did you vote on in January? Marsh, of course. Everyone's favorite rebel leader turned death god, whom we barely saw in The Lost Metal, but that was enough for him to make a dramatic entrance, scare some people, and show us that 300 years of experience with Allomancy can teach a guy a trick or two. For this piece we commissioned Ari Ibarra who has long graced the fandom with his talent (just look at these Rosharan Shards). He nailed the mood of the illustration from the get-go and was just thoroughly excellent to work with. We hope you are as pleased with it as we are!
  12. The forum descriptions are your friends:
  13. I've adjusted the message a little, I think it works well enough now
  14. Virtuosity 100% is a spoiler, I've moved this to the appropriate forum.
  15. This one is coming to you all the way from September of last year, so apologies for the long wait but we like to give the artists we work with as much time as they need with these commissions - we are under no deadline, and we don't want to impose one either. In this case - and in all other cases - the wait has been worth it, as this illustration turned out beyond great! Those of you who have read The Alloy of Law will recognize the iconic "tea's poisoned" scene from about halfway through the book. What you might not recognize is the artist, Rixt Heerschop, even though you may have seen their art in this illustrations depicting the climaxes of Oathbringer and Rhythm of War respectively. They have a good eye for color and composition, and happened to be available when we needed someone for this - so, good fortune all around!
  16. *rolls sleeves up* *cracks neck* Spoilers for The Lost Metal Alriiight. It's time to get the spoiler ball rolling. It's been almost a couple of months since the release of The Lost Metal - in fact, Tress of the Emerald Sea is now also out and we'll do a commission dedicated to it in February - which means it's time to reveal some things we've been working on. Starting with our first TLM piece, coming straight from the presses (and the ending of the book)! This is, of course, Wayne saving the day with his duralumin-enhanced speed bubble, with an extra close-up of him and Harmony, just for a bit of extra detail. If you were keeping an eye on 2022's #CosmereInktober challenge, you might recognize the iconic art style of one Diego Lopez, whose Instagram page features a few more Lost Metal illustrations, plus a heap of other Cosmere art. Working with him was a pleasure, so don't be surprised if we go to him for a future piece again In the meantime, our January poll closes tonight, so if you are a patron and want to go cast your vote for the next TLM illustration we commission, time is running out!
  17. There was an annual gift exchange tradition in the fandom that went on for several years, and it strangely coincided with our own holiday season. It was known as Secret Sazed, and while this art commission is not involved with this tradition in any way, it is a Sazed piece, and we are revealing it right around the holidays. So it was a secret Sazed, in the sense that... you didn't know it was coming? Look, overabundance of (Christmas) food is the enemy of wit, this as good of an intro you are going to get. Let's talk about the illustration itself. Those of you who remember the November art poll, or are familiar enough with the various prominent artists in the fandom, might identify the artist as Petar Penev. Sazed is one of his favorite characters, and he was excited to try different ways of representing the two Shards involved in his Ascension to Harmony. The version you see here is the one we eventually settled on (though feel free to keep an eye on his socials, he often posts early drafts of his illustrations, and there were some neat ideas we explored) - focused on Sazed, while representing the powers in a more abstract way. We hope the holiday season is treating all of you well, but if not - we've got more commissions moving through the pipeline (though not at this very moment, as we are encouraging our artists to also take a break), and we should be able to show them to you before too long. Happy (belated) Harmontide!
  18. Dragonsteel hasn't published it. It will be up on Brandon's channel when they do.
  19. I've longer wanted to own something like this, and I think this one looks pretty great. A little blurry, but I think that's just the photo.
  20. Maybe we should maintain a list of KAFO questions somewhere... I have no memory of this, but I am sure I was both eloquent and gracious
  21. The Spoiler Q&A reading was a continuation of the SA5 Kaladin chapter he read at FanX. I hear Adam's team wants to post that VOD in the next week or two. The keynote reading is already available on YouTube and continues Szeth's flashbacks.
  22. It was fun! Though I definitely wish we had more time to prepare - and sleep
  23. The madlads, they did it again! They said they were done with the art, yet it keeps coming! Well, this one is the last one for a little bit, for realsies. So what do we have here? In keeping up with our annual tradition (a tradition we established last year, so it's not a very big data set, but still), we are dedicating October to its signature holiday, Halloween - and exploring some of the horror themes present in the Cosmere. You might remember Jordi Rapture from the Cusicesh piece he did for us earlier this year, but if you've seen his portfolio you'll know that horror (and body horror in particular) is where he excels. So we knew that come October we would be checking back with him to see what his availability would be like - and fortunately, it was good! He even read the short story as prep for this piece, and caught some details we would've missed otherwise (like the glowing moss they use instead of fire). A few quick rounds of sketching, and this piece was done way earlier than we thought it would be. Which meant that we get to show it to you on Halloween, which is very appropriate. It's a big image, so you may want to zoom in and go hunting for details.
  24. Alright, hopefully you've had enough time to relax after all these commissions of Kelsier's crew, because today we have a big one for you! This last August was the first time we got to spend our newly-expanded art budget on a single piece - you might recall that we had access to this level of funding back in April, when we commissioned a couple of pieces from Nozomi Matsuoka, but that was a couple of pieces and from an artist we had already worked with; and July was obviously a series of relatively simple illustrations. So we were all excited to see what kind of doors our larger budget could open for us. The first such door was Hugh Hammons whose name - and work - you might recognize from the #arting channel of our Discord. We've long loved his environment concepts, so when we knew we could pay him something close to what his work is worth, we immediately contacted him and worked out a list of subjects he liked. Our patrons chose Urithiru as it appears in Shadesmar, we all got to work, and the rest is history. The commission turned out way better than anyone had imagined it, and Hugh was gracious enough to scrap a few early designs that weren't quite working out - feel free to ask him for them. This final version achieves a perfect balance between the sheer sense of scale, with how big the Tower and the Oathgate pillars are, and the beautiful spectacle that is Urithiru in Shadesmar (or is it the Sibling? Who knows). 10/10 would admire the view.
  25. Shards combining is something pretty rare in the cosmere, so most of what we know about the process, we know from Harmony.
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