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The Bookwyrm

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The Bookwyrm last won the day on June 29

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About The Bookwyrm

  • Birthday August 31

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  • Member Title
    It's a wild ride, this passage of fate.
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  • Location
    A tiny planet called Earth. You probably haven't heard of it.
  • Interests
    Pondering other worlds, whether those be the distant worlds in our own universe, or the worlds we can enter through the stories of others.

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  1. ...How many of you would join an RP I made based on a worldbuilding idea I had a while ago, even if I'm 80% sure it would flop?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwinSouls
    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      It's based on the very little bits of Japanese mythology I know, which is next to nothing. But that's the vibe I want to go for. It's also inspired by Princess Mononoke which is now easily in my top five favorite movies. If not top three.

      Basically the world is filled with spirits, and some people known as Speakers can communicate with them through flute-playing (and maybe other things). There are some people who live in the spirits' lands and live in peace with them, but there are also a couple large kingdoms that have lost their touch with the natural world.

      The magic system is that humans have no access to magic themselves, so Speakers use their music to ask the spirits to help them.

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      *has been interested in joining an RP*

      Maybe. That sounds cool!

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