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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. "Yes," Butt continued, "I'm afraid that if you want to continue existing peacefully in TLT, you'll have to change your name from The End to something else."
  2. "Well, this is The Longest Thread," Butt said. "Endings don't normally get much respect here."
  3. "Really? You should teleport more often. Helps you get used to it."
  4. Hooray, I'm back on a computer! Somepeople wondered what his army of Urn Dragons was doing.
  5. Highlighting is weird on my phone. It doesn't want to work half the time. Somepeople, who was in a place, remarked that computers are much easier than phones.
  6. There is. I just forget it on my phone easier. And then it's a weird hassle to try to make it bold again by editing it.
  7. Bookwyrm, who sensed another flood of chaos coming, yelled, "We have to hurry! If we aren't careful, this stable plot is going to get swept away in a flood of randomness!"
  8. Bookwyrm dismissed the Shardblade. "Something sharper..." he said, thinking. "What was that weird sword made of before? Mordite, or something?"
  9. "Yellow shoe, you enormous potato red-panda cheesy half-wit, he'd better stop imploding, or the president might just end another beneficial vodka-and-vodka soup incinerating contest while flying and eating charteuse rocket penguins." Screamed Darth Geronimo Stilton.
  10. You gave me my favorite allomantic power, hooray! ...Can I ignore these voices? Granted, but you are constantly stuck in a Cadmium bubble, and your watch is in real time, so it's moving so fast you can never read it. Edit: I wish that I would know what to wish for.
  11. Nope! I am now a part of TLT, after finally figuring out how to insert myself inside it's chaos. The person below me has read the sample chapters of the Secret Projects.
  12. Granted, but it's out of wishes. I wish for...my final projects for school to be done.
  13. Gets @EmulatonStromenkiin. Inserts an Unconventional Worldhopper. Edit: Tani replied at the same time as me, so this reply was to The Wandering Wizard's insertion.
  14. "Wait, I'm still here. Sorry I disappeared for a second," Bookwyrm said as he appeared from a random inconsistency in TLT.
  15. Yeah, I probably missed it. Even if I was living in the area there's a chance that I didn't go.
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