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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. I've only been in the area for a few years. How long ago was it?
  2. Pineapple is an incredible fruit that is delicious and my school's Science Olympiad team's mascot. But it does not belong on pizza. The only fruits that go on pizza are tomatoes, peppers, and olives.
  3. Storm it, people! I was winning for my entire life until I wandered onto this thread. Now I have lost.
  4. Bookwyrm, who thought the quest was hopelessly abandoned, was happy to go adventuring again. He picked up Found and followed Rep.
  5. I wasn't actually trying to reference Elantris. A wyrm is another name for a dragon. At least I thought.
  6. If a wizard isn't wandering, then what's the point? 10/10. (I take that back; not ALL wizards have to be wandering. But some of the more mysterious ones are good at wandering.)
  7. Bookwyrm sighed in relief. He hated storms, and chaos storms were worst of all.
  8. Oh. Found the Kitten realized that he did not successfully eat a Skein after all.
  9. Found the Kitten, who had no idea what a Skien was, came out of Somewhere and ate one out of curiosity. He then returned to Somewhere. Found the Kitten likes eating random creatures that appear, apparently.
  10. Found the Kitten ate the ultimate being of chaos. He then returned to Someplace. Edit: He also accidentally ate Thom's dagger.
  11. Very true. I should have seen this. Periods of stability ARE the anomalies. Somepeople screamed again for no reason.
  12. Junior Urn Dragon Eegcm was sad that he was not Mythos' best friend, and he was also sad that he was dead. Edit: Sad that Junior Urn Dragon Eegcm was dead, not that Mythos was dead. Because at this point in the story Mythos has not died yet.
  13. A hemalurgically spiked hamster from the ancient history of TLT found a time machine and flew through time. It then landed on Thaidakar's head.
  14. Butt took the lemonade. This distracted him from leading his army, so the army of Urn Dragons won the war.
  15. Somepeople revealed himself as the leader of the Urn Dragon army and screamed in rage at his consumed troops.
  16. Found the Kitten appeared from Somewhere and ate some Ghanderflaffles and some Urn Dragons before going back to Somewhere.
  17. The Ghanderflaffle army was countered by an army of Urn Dragons that appeared from Nowhere.
  18. Bookwyrm pulled out his wand and yelled, "Protego!" Then he closed the portal to Somewhere, hoping not to be chased.
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