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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. The Bookwyrm, who was watching this all from somewhere (the place where people go to escape the randomness of TLT), made a comment to Thom. "In TLT, anything can happen in very, very short amounts of time."
  2. Then a large person named Ednorg came and pitied him. Edit: Pitied Gronde, not Rep.
  3. The horse named Nightmare ate the chip, then ran through the gash in reality.
  4. I went back and checked, he didn't. Luckily. ...Maybe he did die, but cats from the fourth dimension have infinite lives, not just nine.
  5. The Bookwyrm, who though he was going on a quest, looked around on terror as randomness began to permeate the fabric of TLT. He took Found the Kitten and escaped to somewhere. Meanwhile, Somepeople, who was not taking part in the war, screamed in confusion.
  6. Somepeople then became confused even more, because they were a character now. Named Somepeople.
  7. Found the Kitten was also weally hungwy, so he ate all of the urn dragons. He also ate a random chip that was running around for some reason. The questers stared at Found in utter amazement.
  8. Oh. How did I not see that. Thanks, @Sequence, that is indeed very helpful. Also, why does this blue look purple?
  9. "Actually, maybe I don't want to read it. I think I'll wait for Brandon to write the canon version..." Bookwyrm said.
  10. Bookwyrm frowned in confusion. "Where did you learn that song?" He asked Thom. Found jumped out of Bookwyrm's arms and began sniffing for the trail.
  11. Does anyone else think it's ironic that this is the KOTLC club, but in the poll at the top, no one has answered "Yes"?
  12. Bookwyrm put his new kitten on the ground. "Do you have a name?" he asked it. The kitten, who could not respond, did not respond. "I will name you Found," Bookwyrm said, considering that one of the other narrators had said that the kitten was now Found. Just then, Found heard the sound of Thom's harp.
  13. My favorite is Hoid. Second is Pattern. Third is...probably Kelsier. Other than that, it's a jumbled mess of favorite characters. At least no one has said that they like Moash...
  14. The Bookwyrm walked in. "Hello," he said. "I have severe Brandofandonitis, and I have a problem. I DON'T want to be cured. What should I do?" He looked around. "Also, what's happening? Are we fighting over a book?"
  15. I think she already established that. Plus her cliffhangers. She comments about it in her acknowledgements after every book, like she's proud of it. Authors really ARE evil...
  16. If it isn't one of her priorities, she WILL be swarmed by angry fans. I can assure you. It's like the Rithmatist Sequel at this point. Too many people want it, but it just never comes.
  17. "Hm. I think I can manage to keep a low profile." The Bookwyrm walked over to the bag of random quest items, reached in, and pulled out...
  18. I once played Hollow Knight, a very long time ago...I did not get very far. The person below me has played a Xenoblade Chronicles game, to continue this video game theme.
  19. So, I am a big astronomy nerd, and the idea of a habitable moon orbiting a gas giant has always been very cool to me. Imagine standing on one of these moons, looking in the sky, and seeing a gigantic planet dominating half of the view. If you look at the art for the Nalthian System, we see three planets: Nalthis, Farkeeper the Bright, and Nightstar the Hidden. Some of the art for these systems show some ambiguous unlabeled moons around the gas giants of the systems, and Farkeeper has some of these unlabeled moons. But if you look closely at these moons, you can see what looks like green continents and blue oceans. And we all know that green continents and blue oceans are signs of a world that is inhabited. I think these moons do have life on them. Probably not intelligent life, but life nonetheless. (I know that's really low quality, sorry.) If they are inhabited, then people from Nalthis (and anywhere, really) could go through the cognitive realm and wander around until they find the moon's Subastral, then observe it from the cognitive realm. I highly doubt that any of these moons have perpendicularities, so they wouldn't be able to visit them in the physical realm, at least without a spaceship. On another note, I really hope Brandon writes a story that happens on a moon, whether it's one of Farkeepers or another one. Because habitable moons are cool. So, what do you think? Are Farkeeper's moons inhabited worlds in the Cosmere that aren't Shardworlds? Could people from Nalthis wander around the cognitive realm until they find these moons Subastrals? Am I too much of a space nerd and making connections that are fake? Tell me your thoughts!
  20. The Bookwyrm, despite being a Narrator, decided to be a character, because he wanted to go on this quest out of curiosity, "Can I join this quest?" he asked. "Also, what are we questing for?"
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