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The Wandering Wizard

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The Wandering Wizard last won the day on March 30 2023

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About The Wandering Wizard

  • Birthday June 7

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    Emotional support person :)
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    Reading, playing video games, Monster hunter games, coding, cello, piano, hiking, biking, writing, writing, and MORE WRITING!
    Poems crafted from raw emotion :)

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  1. This is a really fun prompt generator.

    Here's one that is made using dark and high fantasy


    You rip the head off of your latest victim and feel the surge of warmth as the victim's soul is consumed by the dark magic that preserves you. But as always, the cold creeps back in as you hunger for yet another soul. You were once a warrior, a champion among men who defended your kingdom against the forces of evil. Injured during a great battle, you were taken back to the stronghold and told that you would never walk again. You accepted your fate, but your king would have none of it. He implored his court mage to cast a spell—any spell—that would grant his greatest warrior the ability to fight again. The mage went through his spell book, found something that would do as the king asked, and then tried to explain the consequences. Uninterested in the details, the king ordered the mage to begin the ritual. When the mage was done, you felt strong yet empty, as if you were just a husk of who you once were. Then the hunger set in and, in an instant, you ripped the king apart, quickly followed by the mage and anyone else who dared cross your path.


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    2. The Halcyon Girl
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      Why won't it let me combine Children's Story and Dark Fantasy?

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Writing Prompt #1,263

      Many years ago, your house was stripped of title and land after the king accused your father of treason. To this day, your father swears innocence and argues that he was framed. The only reason he was not executed for his supposed crimes was because of his dedicated service to the nation and his longstanding friendship with the king. In addition, the king decreed that your house's connection to magic was to be permanently severed. Like many others houses of royalty, your family's powers derive from the kingdom's magical wellspring, which is a focal point of arcane energy. Without the kingdom's wellspring, your family has been forced to rely on labor and pure physicality to survive, and you all now live in a rundown crime-ridden village on the outskirts of the kingdom. One day, your father is badly injured when marauders from the neighboring empire raid your village. With the primary provider of your home bedridden, your family is on the brink of starvation. Now more than ever, you wish you had been born with your family's connection to magic, especially as you know you have the ability to wield it. In desperation, your father tells you the legend of an old mage who could reconnect you to your magical birthright and teach you the ways of wizardry. 

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