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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Or back story or random scenes but I will write the chandelier one eventually!! Anyways have a poem! @Edema Rue (This one will probably make you cry ) @The Bookwyrm (wanna come read this stuff? Quote from John 14:27 KJV I stared at my home screen and lock screen while writing it. I love them a both lot (so of course I'm going to let you all see!) (Be still is lock and forgiven is home :)
  2. I'm okay, getting sick again though :'( But I have writing to accompany through it! And RP!!!
  3. "I could maybe help you remember some." Lilyana rubbed her hands on her gown nervously. "I don't know if it will work though. It should but I've only done it one time."
  4. Lilyana half laughed, half cried and she wiped the last of the tears from her face. "Y-yeah. I suppose so. I just always tend to dream," she sighed.
  5. "S-still h-haunts my n-nightmares. Except l-last n-night."
  6. Lilyana shook her head, unable to answer between the sobs racking her body. She calmed some at Aster's touch, but the tears still fell.
  7. "It-it's said, th-that the mou-mountains are ha-hated by the clo-clouds," Lilyana managed to Choke out in-between sobs. The tears began to fall harder, faster, and bigger.
  8. Lilyana smiled, "yeah I think so. You make me feel comfortable like Eddie, Aster." Lilyana blushed slightly but she continued on, "it was a massive storm and everyone was needed to help tame it as everyone in the village was a wind tamer. Except for me," she whispered. "I just made it worse. Somehow I got out and then..." Tears started to leak down her cheeks. "And then I tried tugging on the sky and the winds let forth their fury and the rains came down in massive torrential sheets that cleaved through houses." She shivered, "and...people." @Aeoryi
  9. How much is that doggo in the window? *bark* *bark*
  10. "One of my nine siblings or one of my parents if I was lucky. Or a visiting cousin." Lilyana shrugged, "there was no end of people that wanted to play with me it seemed." Lilyana's eyes grew distant seeing a day long gone. "Until the day of the storm that was."
  11. Lilyana's voice grew quieter, "I uh learned from my parents. They used it as a way of distracting me so I didn't accidentally make things as worse."
  12. "I'm your mother, remember?" Growled the tigress. "It's up to me to apporve your match! You can find them but you can't be with them unless I approve. Understand?" Lilyana laughs too and smiles happily, "as you wish Star. So your pieces can only move diagonally..." She explains the game to Aster, and glances into Aster's eyes from time to time, smiling happily as she does so.
  13. Lilyana grinned like a little child, "I do! I actually do! It's something I learned as a little child and that I did a lot with Eddie." Frost coalesced in-between the girls and a checkers playing board appeared, the pieces solid disc's of ice. "Don’t worry! The pieces aren't actually cold, just cool to the touch." The tigress purred, "do you have any sort of feelings on the matter, daughter?" Her tail flicked up and brushed up against Eddie’s face.
  14. Her mother chuckled, "what? You couldn't see this coming and happening? She's been falling for you for years daughter." Lilyana smiles back at Aster and finds herself staring into Aster's eyes. Searching for...well she didn't know what or why...except they were calming to watch. And her hair blowing in the wind too. I thought...i thought that I only liked Eddie...and I only do...right?
  15. The tigress saunters in and huffs slightly at Eddie with a knowing smirk.
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