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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana blushed slightly, " thank you, Star."
  2. Lilyana smiled, "that's a really cool and beautiful power for a beautiful young woman." She blushed hard after saying it.
  3. Lilyana tilted her head slightly, her dress changing into a gown without her noticing. "How does that work?"
  4. "I've had to learn," whispered Lilyana. "I had help especially from Eddie." She smiled slightly, "poor Eddie got soaked with water or blasted with wind until I found a harmony in between them, myself, and my stone."
  5. Lilyana nodded, "yeah I've found that it's pretty easy for me to make with my unique talents." As she says this a small shower of snowflakes fall around her and Aster. @Aeoryi
  6. Lilyana nodded and pulled out some more, spooning some and then prodding it towards Aster's lips. She then realized what she was doing and turned bright red.
  7. Lilyana froze and redded at Aster's touch. "Yeah," she breathed out. "Yeah she needs this time." Idly she started experimenting with her dress, changing it into various different kinds of dresses. Some stained different colors, like red or green. Others were fancy, others simple.
  8. Lilyana shrugged, "I guess it was meant to be since she saw us together this morning." Quickly Lilyana hurry out of the train car and heads into the one Eddie went into.
  9. Lilyana's face turned scarlet red and her hands play with her dress. "It's not her that I have a crush on," she whispers. "It's you Eddie." Lilyana pulls her hair infront of her face and hides behind it.
  10. "Well it's uhm that well I uhm have a crush." Lilyana reds as she stumbles over the words.
  11. "Well I uhm i- I don't know if I can." @Edema Rue
  12. "Thanks," whispers Lilyana but she still doesn't let go and just holds Eddie’s hand.
  13. Lilyana slunk into a nearby seat and grasped Eddie’s hand. "The moving mountains," she whispered and squeezed Eddie’s hand tightly. @Edema Rue
  14. Lilyana dipped a spoon into the ice cream and aimed it at Vena's mouth but stopped just shy of it. "I insist," said Lilyana. "Please just try it?"
  15. "Why not enjoy what only a physical body can if you're going to be gone soon anyways?"
  16. "Then why don't you make a physical body and try some?" Retorted Lil.
  17. Lilyana came in on Eddie and Vena seemingly arguing over something. Huh I wonder what that's about. "I uh made some ice cream." She smiled at both of them, "would you like to try some?" @The Aspiring Archivist @Aeoryi (you can wander in if you want) and anyone else too!!)
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