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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana was in the kitchen trying to make some ice cream. @Edema Rue
  2. I think next week when it's warmish I’m gonna go bike to a hill and write :D Especially since I had a break through for my book :D

    Anyways hope yalls are doing well! I love yall cuz you all are amazing people! Really you all are!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I'll have to do that for college :P

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      If you come to byu, you can ride the pretty Utah trails!!

    4. Spark of Hope
  3. The tigress flicked her ears and then went to lay down next to Eddie. @Edema Rue
  4. The tigress shook her head, "I don't think so."
  5. The tigress smiled a devious grin "Nothing now. Just watch and see and maybe join them."
  6. "Hmmmm," thoughtfully purrs the tigress. "Why did you take that form?"
  7. The tigress starred back at her. "Who are you? I don’t remember you," she growled.
  8. The now tigress watched all of this with amusement. It would be interesting to see how this all played out. She silently padded down next to the girls and gave them all a look. Lilyana squeaked a bit and redded. "Uhm Eddie it seems that your mother is back." @Edema Rue
  9. I'm suddenly hyper so I'll probably do bike (@Edema Rue :eyes:) somewhere soon though my eyes are tired my brain isn't
  10. The dragon licked his lips. "Can I eat you, O squishy one?"
  11. "Yes you can Lady," replied Lilyana. "But well they're pretty fast and have a thick hide. Normal bullets won't pentrate unless you hit a weak spot like an eye. And they uhm have elements and three species that are classified based on the element. Air, fire, and lightning." @The Aspiring Archivist
  12. Lilyana shrugged. "It was uhm kinda nice," she blushed furiously.
  13. The dragon tried to look up at her. "What are you doing on my head squishy one?"
  14. Lilyana smiled at her, "you uhm fell asleep next to me and uhm yeah." Lilyana shakes her long hair a little, "uhm anyways we're getting close to the mountains which are full of many dangerous creatures such as fossadiles." @Edema Rue @The Aspiring Archivist
  15. The dragon then headbutted the tree for absolutely no reason.
  16. A random dragon falls from the sky and looks to the nearest tree. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? BECAUSE I DON’T!"
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