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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana looked down at him, calculating and cool. "No I'll leave that up to Aster to decide." She shrugged, "if it was up to me I'd freeze you to death and keep you forever frozen as an icy statue." @Aeoryi
  2. Lilyana coldly looked down upon him, her words icy. "Then don't stab my friends."
  3. Lilyana also screeches and gently sets Eddie down. A frest coating of ice grows on her dress and a small whirlwind of ice grows around her, partially obscuring her from view. A long sword of beautiful crystaline ice forms in her hand as she stalks over to Elan 1 @Ancient Elantrian
  4. Lilyana smiles warmly at Aster, "sounds good to me!" "Lead the way xq!" The dog sticks to the back of the group, staring at Eddie. A promise had been made a long time ago...and a second one too. But one couldn't be honored without breaking the other. WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT!
  5. "Oh I think we were going to take the train." @TheRavenHasLanded
  6. "Uhm yeah...right!" Lilyana looks around the group. "Uh anyone know any random teleportation techniques or are we just gonna walk?"
  7. "Uhm yeah... probably for the best." Lilyana glances down at Eddie, "at least she didn't hear any of it." But don't I want her to know?
  8. Lilyana holds out her hand awkwardly, "uhm friends? No matter what happens?"
  9. "Oh...well uhm this is a bit awkward."
  10. "O- oh!" Squeaked Lilyana. "Uh- uhm yeah I do. O- on uhm E- ed- edd-" Why can't you just say it! You have to admit it girl! "WelluhmEddie," she manages to gasp out in a single breath.
  11. Lilyana also turned red and stuck her hands deep in her dress's pockets.
  12. Lilyana cocks her eyebrows at Aster slightly. "Well uhm yeah she is," Lil fumbles
  13. "Eddie’s cuter tho," blurts out Lilyana and she flushes bright red.
  14. "Me too," coldly echoed Lilyana. "I will end you if you harm even a single hair on her head." @Lord Spirit
  15. Lilyana nodded and scooped up Eddie into her arms. "Any idea of a safe place to go for now?"
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