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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana also rushes up to Eddie. "Please be careful Lady, minions of Athena are probably still searching for you."
  2. This one! It becomes a more traditional RP but still really free form after the first page. Will you defend or attack Eddie from Athena or join the all female love triangle and make it a square. Just kidding you don't have to :P.
  3. Lilyana blinks and turns around trying not to panic as she looks for Eddie.
  4. "Oh great storms! That is terrible." Lilyana squeezes her reassuringly. "It's...it's just terrible when people congratulate you for doing something good that you feel terrible about."
  5. Lilyana shrugged, "I can't control my water abilities that well and it was before I could do ice. Storms would just spontaneously appear in people's homes and drop torrential hordes of water."
  6. "I...I know. I accidentally drowned a lot of people in their homes and one day...well there was no village the next day" Tear began to well up in Lilyana's eyes too, "they didn't deserve to die...and I drowned them."
  7. "The town seemed to be a bad place. Many people were freed from it one way or another that day."
  8. Lilyana steps forward and wraps her in a hug, "It's okay. It’s okay. It’s Gonna be okay."
  9. Lilyana smiled kindly, "I'm glad you were able to leave it behind. Such places are not good for the soul to be trapped in."
  10. Well I meant that you said it around then. It's not something so easy to forget if you were around during it
  11. "A small village that no longer calls me home so instead I call my friends home and ended seriously ticking Athena off." Though I consider Eddie to be my home most of all. Wherever she is, that's where home is, thinks Lilyana.
  12. Lilyana smiles weakly, "welcome to the party Aster."
  13. My brain hurts. Is it possible to get ptsd from a pink haired anime girl? @Edema Rue
  14. Lilyana looks a Eddie and slowly, gently pulls Eddie's head down onto her shoulder. "Eventually it'll end...hopefully."
  15. Lilyana shrugged, "I don't think we really can hit wrong parts as they'll all eventually heal." Rand buts in, "been there done that. Most are too brainwashed into Athena's cult and biding or she takes their will and forces them to obey her. Respect her as she calls it," Rand spits out. @Edema Rue @Aeoryi
  16. "Most of the people can’t be permanently hurt. We just do it to put them out of the hunt for a bit."
  17. Lilyana shrugs, "we don't know why except we wish it wasn't so." @Edema Rue @Aeoryi
  18. "As you wish," replies Lil with a tiny smile on her face. She turns to see the unfolding chaos and summons a blizzard above them, keeping those protecting Eddie shielded from the cold. Lil also forms a pair of guns out of ice and grins at Eddie, "ready for trouble Lady?" @Edema Rue
  19. "Thank you," blushed Lilyana. "You know I wouldn't hate you if you weren't trying to sacrifice my love." @Edema Rue
  20. Lilyana's dress swishes as she steps up beside Eddie. "Eddie’s kind and she has always had my back. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I trust her with my life and all that I am."
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