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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana smiles, "always for you my Queen."
  2. Lilyana reds at this and emits a tiny happy squeak. Lil's eyes widen and then harden and she grasps the dog by the ears and commands him to take her to Eddie. Rand does so and Lilyana emits a cooling aura around all of them and smiles at Eddie. "I did say I wouldn't leave your side, Lady." @Edema Rue
  3. Rand growls at her, a rumbling grinding sound like scraping nails on stone. "I did it for you. If your mother were still with us..." Lilyana flushes too when Eddie flushes and burries her hands in pockets in her now reformed slivery white dress.
  4. Rand growled slight at this, "I was just trying to protect you, daughter." Lilyana supporting squeezes her hand and stands besides her. "You're right, no one can or ever own you except yourself."
  5. The dog came and stood infront of Eddie, and proudly tilted his head. "I do ghost. She is my daughter."
  6. Lilyana smiles sadly back, "you know me too well, Lady. And you're completely right, I'll never leave your side." @Edema Rue
  7. Lilyana squeezes Eddie’s hand again. "We're going to surive through this together, Lady. We will."
  8. "Well we should obviously leave since we've been found...again," sighs Lilyana. She glares at the platypus, "of course it will be bad if she's gone. She'd be dead!!"
  9. Lilyana shook her head? "Not normally no. She usually just sends people after those she wants. Usually her cannon fodder cultists." She looked to Rue and gently squeezes her hand, "do you know if Athena is even capable of something like this?" @Edema Rue
  10. Lilyana steps outside and nearly falls into a pit. Quickly she makes a bridge of ice to span the chasm. "What in the storms happened out here?" @Edema Rue @Aeoryi @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  11. "Uhm yeah I can." Lilyana smiled at Eddie greatful for the interruption, "yes please! Let's go!" She linked arms with Eddie and tugged her towards outside, a mischievous gleam back in her eye.
  12. "Yeah ice is easy, it melds to my will scarily easily. I can remove small amounts of water and divert wind but nothing too strong." Lilyana looked wistful, "I never was able to combine them into storms and do storm keeping like the rest of my family and village." @Edema Rue @Aeoryi
  13. Yeah she got banned irl but she'll maybe be back eventually
  14. Lilyana's voice softened, "enough by accident to flood a town."
  15. Lilyana grinned, "cold enough that things start burning and I can make it even colder. Basically my ice will never melt."
  16. "Because that's all I can do. Ice, water and air. My water and air just combine into ice." She shrugs and looks away, "I don't really have much control over them except as ice."
  17. Lilyana shrugs at them and evaporates the puddled water. "I don't really know."
  18. Lilyana sighs and dumps a pile of snow on xq and Elan 2. @TheRavenHasLanded @Ancient Elantrian
  19. The dog shrugs and leaves him there, teleporting away to his daughter.
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