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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "You're now in my power and right where I want you." The dog's eyes gleamed with a inner fire and invisible strings begin to harden and bind Elan 1 to unreality. Lilyana turns a bit more red but squeezes back in return. Softly whispering, "thanks Eddie."
  2. Lilyana watches the man warily and grasps Eddie’s hand to be telephoned with them and instantly blushes.
  3. The dog snorts and he fades from all reality for a time, hiding from everyone.
  4. The dog grumbles and mentally flicks Elan 1 away. "Stay away boy. You don't know who you're dealing with. Leave now before I annihilate you."
  5. The dog snarls and then falls goes incorporeal, climbing up through the stone and lunges towards Eddie. @Edema Rue
  6. The dog whined and laid down, grumpily.
  7. Lilyana glares frostily at xq, unslings her bow and points a knocked arrow at him. "That I much highly doubt. The dog had a much easier way for us to get out of here." The dog yipped in agreement and walked over towards the group, silently eyeing his daughter, Eddie." @Edema Rue
  8. Lilyana blushes slightly, "I uhm well," she fumbles over her words and is slightly glad when Aster interrupts. She watches Eddie and scans the surroundings for any threat and finds none except for the maybe dangerous ghost man. Honestly she didn't know what to think of him, especially distracted as she was by Eddie. She could still protect her though, right? No you silly girl, being distracted might just get her killed. You have to focus. She walks over towards Eddie and stands at her side still scanning but distracted in her mind. The dog humpfs at the ghost and keeps growling and snarling at him. @The Aspiring Archivist
  9. The dog nosed her and Growled at the ghost person thing. Lilyana shrugged, "my magic is only good for ice, water, or air really."
  10. Lilyana shrugged slightly, "I'll still try my best to protect you, Lady." The dog came up and nosed between Eddie and Lilyana rubbing up against both.
  11. Lilyana smiles at her, "it's okay. I'd be terrified if everyone wanted to kill me too. It seems," She glances backwards to see the guy still following them. "Well that he's kinda just there for now." She locks eyes with Eddie and gently smiles, "and I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Lady."
  12. Lilyana runs with her, her weapons morphing into a bow and quiver of glacial arrows. "Hey! Eddie wait up!"
  13. The dog shoves the man away with magic and stands infront of Eddie, growling menacingly.
  14. The dog snorts derisively and phases through the wall.
  15. Lilyana slashed at the hand, trying to cut it off. The dog's sensitive ears picked this up and turned around, bounding back to protect his daughter.
  16. Lilyana freezes a sword and shield into her hands, carefully stepping by Eddie. "Yup, he's definitely the one you want. Not my friend here. Definitely not," she nervously chuckles. @The Aspiring Archivist The dog looks disappointedly at Eddie but continues to take off at a now higher pace, trying to help her sell it. @Edema Rue
  17. The dog grunts slightly and the fog disappears. Lilyana yelps and her clothes melt into better running gear as she tries to keep up with Eddie. The dog secretly smiles at Lilyana and Eddie. He'd known it was coming.
  18. The dog nodded and then started running away, looking back every so often to see if they were still following.
  19. Lilyana approached the dog too and started Scratching behind the dog's ears. The dog turned toward Lilyana and growled slightly and she begrudgingly stopped petting the silky fur. The dog turned towards Rue and stared up at her eyes, tilting his head quizzically at her.
  20. R-right," stammered Lilyana as she flushed a little bit more. The golden retriever perked up as it saw Eddie and ran up to nose her gently. @Edema Rue
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