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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana rubbed her head, "I dunno Eddie. I just started falling and ended up here?" She glanced around at the cultist hordes and back at Eddie's small ragtag group. "Eddie what's going on?" Nervously asks Lilyana.
  2. The girl frostily stares at xq and walks over to join the group. "Finally," Growls the tigress, "is that everyone?" @Experience @Edema Rue @TheRavenHasLanded @Scars of Hathsin @Being of Cacophony (I think that’s everyone)
  3. A girl covered in a dress of solid ice falls from the sky and looks around confused. "Where in the great north wind am I?"
  4. "If not I'll annihilate you!!" Cheerfully roars the Tigress.
  5. The tigress shrugged, "I suppose that's the main reason. You'd better tell your friends that we're leaving now. I'm not going to wait long."
  6. "And yet you always come back asking for my help," grunts the tigress.
  7. "Mmm you could always feel my ghostly tail around you though, yes?"
  8. "Since when? I've never left you in Athena's clutches at least!" Growled the tigress as she gobbled up some cultists.
  9. "Well I can't just leave my daughter to die, now can I?" The tigress growls at the cultists horde and sneezes a column of flame at their ranks, blistering many and roasting the rest to death.
  10. The tigress yawns and appears infront of Eddie, tail lashing swiftly. @Edema Rue
  11. I mean bikes!! Life is about bikes!!!! PROTECT IT WITH YOUR LIFE! FOR YOUR BIKE IS YOUR LIFE NOW!!!!
  12. Nah, life is about character trauma!!! no I don't really believe that, why’d you ask?
  13. "Better go chase after her then," smirked the tigress. "You’re going to be on the run for the rest of your life, kid," whispered the tigress. "I don’t want that for you, Rand didn't want that for you."
  14. "Kid you're gonna have to grow up sometime," Retorted Tigress. "Athena isn't going to just roll over and die for you. Tired of her chasing you? Well then you better DO something about it, kid!"
  15. "No I really don't know," smirked the Tigress and she smacked Eddie back through the portal to the fight.
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