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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Chuck Norris just ate them all and still wasn't filled for only his cooking could ever fill him.
  2. Chuck Norris however could not be contained by any walls and they all fell down.
  3. Indeed they were and so they skipped over Nameless, leaving him to poor Butt Venture to revive.
  4. Horneaters were eating them and clapping at the amazing talents of the lowlander.
  5. They sold pineapple everything in the Butt Suddenly Pineapples cafe!! Bad pun I know
  6. AHHHH I'M LATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The unexpected had struck and continued to strike as enemies such as Kaladin and Moash became friends.
  8. Favorite breed of cat? Favorite Zelda dungeon item? (Can be from any LoZ game)
  9. The whole universe stilled at this answer. What would happen next??? Would it be revenge, silly, or something unexpected?
  10. Then he fell out the bottom onto the endless beach! There was a massive party going on.
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