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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Dangerous! Very dangerous! The ancient oaths return again! Dangeroussss
  2. Worlds could be rended without end. Heros and villains could finally die and return to the darkness from whence they came.
  3. He had the nameless blade. Who's name had been long lost to time. Forged by the ancients this blade could...
  4. "The jabberwookie approacheth," whisper the Shadows. "Beware, beware, beware!"
  5. unfortunately this definition of the world doesn't exist as all the world is fighting over the sandwich.
  6. Same I'd like a simple game though my friend would like the Tenet one
  7. They were destined to play a pivotal role in the events of the next 10,000 pages.
  8. It however was so horrifying that they then begged the government officials to do the same to them. And the number of housekeepers multiplied.
  9. Too many had been forcibly turned into house maids through an unspeakable process.
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