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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. You simply are doomed though to what fate I'll leave up to your imagination
  2. I know two more that complete the trio Edit: so fear and tremble when Ranryu, Haly, and Kajsa get together and start chasing you (and no this hasn’t happened to me as I am still alive )
  3. She has admitted that I could probably stop her from restraining me, maybe. I still argue otherwise
  4. This is the craziest version of a blackout to ever exist run by the madmen @Kasimir and @Fifth Scholar (Twas a lovely game to play though absolutely maddening at the time. Also it's extremely massive because some of us got a bit too excited and inflated the thread count way above what it should have probably been so be careful when reading it)
  5. I'm going inactive for now so the turn passes to @xinoehp512
  6. Ah crem I realized I have wisdom teeth removal on Friday. I'll try to be in thread when I can but I might be looney just a tad
  7. Emma nodded. Right just walk up and confront the Nethergrim. Right. Emma licked her lips and made the portal infront of them. She shook as she walked towards the portal. @CalanoCorvus
  8. Oh yeah that scene It's a very good one and I'm still curious to where you're going with it.
  9. I will sign up as Darth Wizard (who definitely isn't in the wrong universe, nope ) he's here to learn hemalurgy and maybe meet Death on the way Edit: He's also a Gungan
  10. Fair points on both. And I agree with the card stealing. Even thinking up an item or something else to take them. I vote aye to proposal 23
  11. I will vote aye to proposals 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, and 19 I propose 20. The rule of Bad luck: This rule allows the shop to sell the black clover card for 10,000 dollar bucks. I propose 21. The rule of mystical cards: This rule gives each card a magical power that is bestowed upon the user upon gaining it. I propose 22. The dragon games: This rule places the Three headed dragon card as the trophy for winning the board game. Reasoning: 20. The shop has to sell something super valuable at least. And this helps us get the cards into play and viable ways to gain them 21. What use is owning a card if it doesn't help you in some way in gaining another one 22. Another card enters the playing field I vote aye to rules 20,21,22
  12. Emma watched the three arguing with a bemused expression. She could feel the threads of their story though not quite how it would end. She shook her head lightly, cascading her Raven hair. It was still weird being connected to the light and seeing how influenced she had been by her connection to the dark. A single thread was still connected to her, guiding her to where the Kaos was. "So are you ready to finish this, my crow?" @CalanoCorvus
  13. I will vote aye on proposal 3 and nay on proposal 4 I propose. 5 the rule of the sacred dice. The value that you roll on the six sided die becomes your new possible rule submission on that turn. And I also propose. 6 The store of unimaginable wealth. The store contains items that can be bought that can give certain advantages. The store also only accepts the currency of dollar bucks. I also vote yea to proposals 5 and 6
  14. And I yea for The naming rule and the activity ordinance.
  15. Ooo! I'd like to join please!! Also how many rules can we propose at once or is that a rule to be made?
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