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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Reminds me of a quote from Home alone though I can't quite remember it and it’s going to itch my brain for ages -_- Do you know it @The Bookwyrm?
  2. "*throws bananas* *screaming a battle cry* I FALL IN LOVE WITH BOYS AFTER AT LEAST 3 PAGES!! BE SMOTEEEEEEEEEE" @Edema Ruh
  3. YES THIS NEEDED TO HAPPEN! THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN! Also my friend who I shared it with thought it was hilarious.
  5. I wrote this poem about a week ago and I'd like to share it and get some feedback on it if anyone wishes to give some. 

    To help


    I know you want to help, my child

    And I'm not here to stop you 

    Just to merely warn of the dangers ahead

    You've chosen a noble path

    A great one 

    A path I once walked

    One I still walk

    For once you've walked it

    You can't ever stop 


    Sorry if this makes the path unwanted 

    That's not what I'm trying 

    I'm just letting you know

    That if you want to comfort

    The brokenhearted 

    The downtrodden

    Those huddling in the corners during lunches

    Those who have very visibly been hurt

    And those who are hurting on the inside

    From all types and sorts of sources


    I know you wish to help

    And as far as I can tell

    This is the path

    Not a lonely one

    For you don’t have to tread it alone


    You wish to heal their hurts

    To calm their trembling broken hearts

    To help pick up the pieces of their shattered lives

    You want to help us?

    Then you must ask and join us


    I know your desire burns deep

    But this will require more than you can know

    Because to comfort the lonely and broken

    You must join us

    And walk and be shattered to know


    I'm sorry it's the only way

    But I won't give you a lesser way

    To help them

    Because once you've cried for nights on end

    And had sleepless nights


    And wishing to help

    And to die at the same time 


    You'll have to reach deeper than before 

    And I'm sorry my child

    For I know the pain

    And it's the best way to help them

    Is to feel their pain

    And to guide them through the dark

    To even greater happiness than they've ever known

    And you've ever known 

    And I know how it will make you feel

    I know

    Know that you're strong

    And that you can reach out to them when you need to lean on them

    And know that I love you, my child

    Now go and ask

    And help them

    And yourself 

    Along the way



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Too much and you'll fall apart, and you can't lift anyone when you can't even stand. It's a dangerous line to walk, which I think the poem sort of mentioned but not very much.

    3. shortcake


      I think it's beautiful, Wizzy! <3

    4. Wittles


      I like that a lot. Good job Wiz! Your poetry's just always cool

  6. Kas had a five year streak. I don’t think there’s been a longer one. To hopefully another five years!
  7. These are incredible Calano!!!! *chucks many hugs through the internet*
  8. Emma smiled at Calano, tugging on a loose bit of her hair. "You're sweet as always my Crow." Emma kissed him in return. She breathed out her own words in return against his lips. "And I will never leave you again, My Crow. Never ever again." @CalanoCorvus
  9. Anybody else just love giving people hugs?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That1Cellist


      If only…

      if only I had time

    3. echo74



      im more of a snuggle-type person if you catch my drift

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      It's almost poetic that one of my closest friends hates hugs...

  10. However you're not the high prelan so you can't stop me as your authority isn't above mine.
  11. Of course I'm trying to kill you as I'm an inquisitor of Ruin :3 And no as you'll be dead
  12. Hmmm true and it's hard as I can only get one kind from you. I'd take your Duralumin I think as that'd be best and a rare power to find.
  13. Emma smiled graciously and accepted his hand. As they walked she paused slightly and tilted her head towards Calano. "You know it’s weird knowing what's going on in your head because I didn't before..." Emma halted and caught herself, "well I did but I didn't see them in your head." Emma blushed, "you know what I mean, right my Crow?" @CalanoCorvus
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